Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Donald Trump is a racist. "The South Will Never Rise Again." Promise.

President Trump has stated Steve Bannon was not a part of the campaign until later in the process. Steve Bannon was part of the process from the time Trump was challenging President Obama's birth certificate. Racism. I thought it was more or less Republican rhetoric. It is and was far more than that.

This was featured on "Rachel Maddow" this evening. (click here)

The problem about any reports during the 2016 election; and I don't believe I am alone; no one likes to judge someone for office based on a family member's beliefs and loyalties. And it seems so long ago that it is very difficult to assign racism as a life long loyalty. Most Americans expect other Americans to have moved on. Seriously.

Fred Trump, Donald's father, was one of seven men arrested for protesting as a member of the KKK. Donald has been part of a social scene in New York City for so long, it just is unbelievable to think he still harbors those old beliefs of his father. The image below left is his arrest record. I have to admit my chin was on the floor when hearing this report after the incidents of the weekend.

Trump's presidency has been nothing but shock and awe. I think that is a very important aspect of this. Denial. I really believe many, many Americans are in denial about racism. It is not in their normal lives. Most Americans don't embrace racism as an option. I think most Americans have contact with minorities on a regular basis.

When Trump came along, a billionaire, a casino owner-tycoon, a social icon, a married man with a pretty wife and successful children was a real option in a field of Republicans that reflect nothing much besides dysfunction. He was the unconventional candidate. But, he has proved to be, depending on one's political identity, at the very least a disappointment or a complete incompetent. There are not many Americans that actually believe he is a good president now.

Donald Trump was stealth. The KKK knew that. The KKK strongly identifies with Trump because of Fred Trump. Donald Trump is a complete surprise to most Americans, including, those who read the "Washington Post" and the warning about the future based on the past. Trump was unexpected. 

Congress needs to return to DC and make it clear through admonishment they do no accept Trump's agenda. Racism cannot return and so far the Republicans have fallen in line with their base of racists in passing legislation such as the Voting Rights Act repeal. Congress needs to do better and they need to begin that with their return and recognizing the Trump Presidency as siding with racists. This has to end. The violence is beginning to be a regular event and it has to stop.

In the video below the White Supremacist calls Trump out on his daughter's marriage. Yet, Trump is still a loyalist. The video also reveals the truth about the march by the racists. Trump is wrong. While he called the racists out by name as he did on Saturday, there cannot be back sliding into blaming the innocent for the hate of the guilty. They killed a woman. That had nothing to do with the opposition marchers. The violence was in the air and it was the racists that advanced on the others.

That White Supremacist that stated 'the pretty girl married a Jew' recognizes Trump as a tool, not a leader. Donald Trump needs to be told that embracing radical extremists is not a plank in the Republican platform anymore. The country needs to hear it. Congress needs to mean it.

"...I'm trying to make myself more capable of violence..." END IT!

"Donald." The police will identify the people and carry out investigation and charges. The violence is the President's to address.

Donald Trump cannot create his own reality. There is no Alt Left. 

The violence was THE DEFINITION of the march. The PERMITTED march was to enforce the violence defined within the mission of the Alt Right, National Supremacist, etc. Violence was met with anger within the opposition. 

Violence and anger to end the violence is an issue of justice.

Violence does not achieve justice in the USA. The opposition group defended 'the peace.' Their identity is not tied up in violence, their identity is non-violence.

It was the President's place to emphasize the mission of the non-violent. The White Nationalists INVITED violence to their march because of the definition of their mission.

Demonstrations are becoming the meeting ground of the defined violent and the defined non-violent. White Supremacists have had their leadership state they are involved with peaceful genocide. That measure is manipulative and hidden in places like the legislation that basically made the Voting Rights Act useless.

The cities have to be careful in issuing permits for marches. They can no longer allow groups with a defined mission of 'peaceful genocide' march in the streets, especially since they are carrying weapons and dressed for war.

Here he goes, the people that were violent on the right and so called Left didn't have a permit. Lacking a permit can get a person killed, huh? Permit. Amazing. "The Permit" is the star of the Trump White House.

He cannot make up a group called the Alt Left. Who are they? The opposition group that showed up in Charlottesville, Virginia may have carried defensive measures. This is more of the same to his bias/bigotry. It was okay if the PERMITTED people carried very deadly weapons into the city. But, it was not okay if the opposition group to have defensive measures. That is not reality. "Being legal" with a permit when THE OPPRESSED have no resources doesn't mean they get left out of the law or protections of the law. THE PERMIT is not all that. The permit in this instance CAUSED group dynamics that ended in maiming and death.

The violence is part of the picture now since Berkley. It is becoming the status quo. Cities will have to be careful about pre-qualifying organizations that want to carry out a march/demonstration.

President Trump is not addressing the violence, he is dividing the IDENTITY of the people involved to exonerate the violence. As long as there is a permit anything goes.

Here we go, "Was George Washington a slave owner?" He is racist and likes it just fine. The issue is the continuation of the civil war since they lost the war. There is no basis in any way for emulation of civil war icons.

There it is again, the exoneration of the guilty by a sympathetic figure, his mother. He is a racist. There is absolutely no reason to bring the murderer's mother into the spot light. Maybe she'll be at the next convention to elevate the Alt Right/All Right. I can't wait to see the fund raisers where she'll be the star. 

I apologize, I thought President Trump was discussing the murderer's mother. I agree Heather Heyer's mother said it exactly right. She forgave the murderer and found "the cause" of her daughter the purpose of her death and a defining moment for Heather's mother. I do expect Heather's mother to be at the center of a convention stage. Absolutely. The White Nationalists have to be defined and Heather's death and the method it was achieved has to define it.

The acts of the murderer were heinous. He first plowed into the crowd of innocent people. I think we can agree no one was threatened with their life when the driver killed. There was no self-defense at all. This was an attempt of mass murder. When I realized he backed his car up after people tried to stop him by jumping on the car I realized he was interested in nothing less than killing all those he could.

President Trump is still not facing the facts surrounding Steve Bannon's position in the White House. He is a White Supremacist. He has been a self-avowed White Supremacist for years if not a decade or even longer. He did so to attract voters for the Republicans that he approved of. Now, he is not a White Supremacist. Sorry, that doesn't wash. That is more manipulation and it has to stop. Steve Bannon cannot simply state he is not a White Supremacist after he gets the power he wants. Donald Trump has to come to terms with the manipulation and realize Steve Bannon does not belong in the White House. His followers laugh when Bannon states he is not a White Supremacist. 

It doesn't matter to people in the KKK that politicians pivot to appear to be a 'regular guy.' The KKK has power and they know they have power. It is capturing that power that lasts past the election and it is that power that killed Heather. Words have meaning, but, not that much. Power does not dissolve because there is a change in identity or verbs. Steve Bannon can ask his mother to see him differently, he cannot ask that of his followers, they won't permit it.
The Army Corp of Engineers will still have to get all the environmental impact statements. President Trump cannot override legislation. This has to go through a legislative process.

EPA plays a unique role in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. (click here)

The EPA oversees the policy. It is law. The EPA enforces the law. The enforcement is not an option, that is called corruption. The reason approval may have a lengthy timeline is because the company/person(s) seeking to build is in violation of the law. The law is there to protect everyone, including those in violation of the law.

I have no doubt there will be plenty of lawsuits. There is usually a lawsuit involved with these projects anyway.

There are still state and local regs to follow as well. I am sure President Trump already is receiving expedited projects since the signature.

It is always someone else's fault. I don't hear any White Nationalist declaring the death and method to that death appauling and unsanctioned by any of their organizations.

It is the cops fault. Even though 2 died due to a helicopter crash while they observed the demonstrators. It is the counter protesters fault. But, never ever is it the hate groups' fault.

August 15, 2017
By Broede Carmody

Triple J's Hack program (click here) and its host Tom Tilley have come under fire for giving airtime to a white nationalist.

On Monday night's program, Tilley grilled one of the organisers of the deadly Charlottesville protests. One woman was killed and several injured over the weekend after a car ploughed into a group of people protesting a white nationalist rally. 

Speaking from the US, Eli Mosley told Hack listeners he and other so-called alt-right protesters were "forced into violence" due to the actions of counter protesters and the "incompetence and negligence" of local police. 

Tilley, who has been hosting Hack for the past six years, pointed out pictures from the protests showed white nationalists carrying firelit torches and wearing army fatigues....

Here we go now. Here come all the crazies out of their closets.

15 August 2017
By Dubby Henry

A West Auckland pastor (click here) has delivered a sermon calling for gay people to be shot.

Westcity Bible Baptist Church pastor Logan Robertson agrees his comments are hate speech but is unapologetic.

Footage posted online at the end of July shows Robertson making highly offensive comments against homosexuals. His words have been roundly condemned by another Christian leader....  
It appeared as though David Duke and Donald Trump were tweeting AT each other yesterday. Duke stated Trump was giving in to the liberal media and Trump was tweeting "fake news." I do believe they have at least a political agenda together.

I am sure that plays into Russia's plans, however, Russia does not cater to the White Supremacists. 

But, in order to bring about the new USA, the infrastructure has to be starved and people made weak through impoverishment in order to welcome a new savior. That is quite a task in this country. 

Local economies everyone, it is a national defense priority. No wonder Americans worship wealth.
Topsail Island, NC (click here) is receiving 4 to 6 foot surf. That is expected to continue until tomorrow morning. Hurricane Gert is perfectly content to sit just east of the southeast coast of the USA.

The coastline at NC falls within what is known as the "Horse Latitudes." It seems as though Gert is proving that fact. The wind is 1 mph. Gert isn't going anywhere.
August 15, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)

Hurricane Gert and the buoys in the Atlantic. W. Bermuda is receiving 10.4 foot swells.

Woods Hole NW Tropical Atlantic (click here)

The winds have picked up in the Dominican Republic. Even the south island is receiving 10 knot winds. Gert's central pressure is 986 millibars which is a mid-range category 1 hurricane. I am fairly sure with Gert sitting offshore for days now there is beach erosion within it's reach.

In tribute to Heather Heyer and her mother.

August 13, 2017

Perseid meteor shower (click here)

By Christina Caron

Heather D. Heyer (click here) died standing up for what she believed in.

Friends described her as a passionate advocate for the disenfranchised who was often moved to tears by the world’s injustices. That sense of conviction led her to join demonstrators protesting a rally of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday....

...“Heather was such a sweet soul, and she did not deserve to die,” Ms. Blair said on Sunday.

Others said Ms. Heyer, who lived in Charlottesville, spoke out against inequality and urged co-workers to be active in their community.

“Heather was a very strong woman,” said Alfred A. Wilson, manager of the bankruptcy division at the Miller Law Group in Charlottesville, where Ms. Heyer worked as a paralegal. She stood up against “any type of discrimination,” he said. “That’s just how she’s always been.”

Mr. Wilson said in an interview on Sunday that he found her at her computer crying many times....

The dice have been loaded in Indiana since 2008. Mike Pence was elected 2013.

August 10, 2017
By Fatima Hussein

State and local Republicans (click here) have expanded early voting in GOP-dominated areas and restricted it in Democratic areas, an IndyStar investigation has found, prompting a significant change in Central Indiana voting patterns.

From 2008 to 2016, GOP officials expanded early voting stations in Republican dominated Hamilton County, IndyStar's analysis found, and decreased them in the state's biggest Democratic hotbed, Marion County. 

That made voting more convenient in GOP areas for people with transportation issues or busy schedules. And the results were immediate.

Most telling, Hamilton County saw a 63 percent increase in absentee voting from 2008 to 2016, while Marion County saw a 26 percent decline. Absentee ballots are used at early voting stations.

Population growth and other factors may have played a role, but Hamilton County Clerk Kathy Richardson, a Republican, told IndyStar the rise in absentee voting in Hamilton County was largely a result of the addition of two early voting stations, which brought the total to three.

"It was a great concept to open those (voting stations)," Richardson said, adding that the turnout might have increased with the addition of even more voting machines. 

Other Central Indiana Republican strongholds, including Boone, Johnson and Hendricks counties, also have added early voting sites — and enjoyed corresponding increases in absentee voter turnout.

But not Marion County, which tends to vote Democratic, and has a large African-American population....

Maybe they knew something we didn't. Nah, they're just kids tired of sitting in their seats.