The problem about any reports during the 2016 election; and I don't believe I am alone; no one likes to judge someone for office based on a family member's beliefs and loyalties. And it seems so long ago that it is very difficult to assign racism as a life long loyalty. Most Americans expect other Americans to have moved on. Seriously.
Fred Trump, Donald's father, was one of seven men arrested for protesting as a member of the KKK. Donald has been part of a social scene in New York City for so long, it just is unbelievable to think he still harbors those old beliefs of his father. The image below left is his arrest record. I have to admit my chin was on the floor when hearing this report after the incidents of the weekend.
Trump's presidency has been nothing but shock and awe. I think that is a very important aspect of this. Denial. I really believe many, many Americans are in denial about racism. It is not in their normal lives. Most Americans don't embrace racism as an option. I think most Americans have contact with minorities on a regular basis.
When Trump came along, a billionaire, a casino owner-tycoon, a social icon, a married man with a pretty wife and successful children was a real option in a field of Republicans that reflect nothing much besides dysfunction. He was the unconventional candidate. But, he has proved to be, depending on one's political identity, at the very least a disappointment or a complete incompetent. There are not many Americans that actually believe he is a good president now.
Donald Trump was stealth. The KKK knew that. The KKK strongly identifies with Trump because of Fred Trump. Donald Trump is a complete surprise to most Americans, including, those who read the "Washington Post" and the warning about the future based on the past. Trump was unexpected.
Congress needs to return to DC and make it clear through admonishment they do no accept Trump's agenda. Racism cannot return and so far the Republicans have fallen in line with their base of racists in passing legislation such as the Voting Rights Act repeal. Congress needs to do better and they need to begin that with their return and recognizing the Trump Presidency as siding with racists. This has to end. The violence is beginning to be a regular event and it has to stop.
In the video below the White Supremacist calls Trump out on his daughter's marriage. Yet, Trump is still a loyalist. The video also reveals the truth about the march by the racists. Trump is wrong. While he called the racists out by name as he did on Saturday, there cannot be back sliding into blaming the innocent for the hate of the guilty. They killed a woman. That had nothing to do with the opposition marchers. The violence was in the air and it was the racists that advanced on the others.
That White Supremacist that stated 'the pretty girl married a Jew' recognizes Trump as a tool, not a leader. Donald Trump needs to be told that embracing radical extremists is not a plank in the Republican platform anymore. The country needs to hear it. Congress needs to mean it.