Saturday, August 03, 2024

How to maintain control in an autocracy.

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The iconography of the Free World does not seek to maintain social control through devotion to hatred. Displaying slain strongmen of a wayward Iran is to impose the idea Iran is under attack. Iran is the attacker in the real world albeit through proxies, but, how does the Ayatollah explain to Iranians how the most admired men in Iran were killed by others? 

“Iran is under attack and they will return the Shah.” Ideology and fear maintain autocracies.

I do not doubt one word of Iran’s investigation into the death of a Hamas leader hiding in Iran. It happened, but, so did the deaths of 1200 people Ismail Hanliyeh hated for their religious practices. This is proof Hamas at its highest levels is affiliated with Iran. 

Weird and Creepy Vance

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When Vance and Trump make these statements they are tapping into cultural “vibes” of Americans that are poor with large families. That paradigm of poor families is an issue the Democrats need to talk about because providing for those children is made difficult by Republican policies that reduce benefits like food stamps and Medicaid. 

Through no fault of their own (no addictions, domestic violence, stereotypes, etc.) poor families sometimes fall into disrepair and become involved with social services, ultimately Foster Care, and children are permanently placed and taken from their families. I do believe it is a dialogue that can be addressed.

But, Vance’s statements such as “they are coming for your kids” and “childless cat women” are a real political meme of sorts to try and drive poor people to the poles. I think it is referred to as “silly season.” Vance and Trump’s outrageous statements are a method of motivating culturally estranged Americans. Look, Trump built an entire propaganda machine for this purpose. There are free news channels and folks that use rabbit ear television yet in the USA. Those are the people these comments are seeking to vote. 

Democrats need to ask how many campaign offices they have in places like Appalachia. These can be estranged cultures within the USA. How is the public education going in these areas of America? Vance knows being poor with weird and creepy culture.

The question is, what had Vance and Trump done to improve the outcomes of these communities? Public education has been made weaker, the American diet is full of fat and carbohydrates, and rural health care has been more of a focus for Democrats than Republicans. Republicans neglect these folks, but, tap into the cultural mores for votes.

Trump’s propaganda machine is struggling. He is giving ultimatums about debates now. He is afraid of a girl.  It is my guess his WWF image is emerging now.

Trump vs. Cat Woman ?????????

Who knows what’s next.

They are all stunts to attract attention and Trump can then exhibit his, “It is unfair,” persona. The crucified Trump will rise about all that are culturally oppressed.

Forget people are dying of record heat, storms, tornadoes, and floods, send in FEMA!  What is important is the “infotainment” image, not policy that is legal and works.