Any Indictment of Interrogation Policy Makers Would Face Several Hurdles (click title to entry - thank you)In this article, Charlie Savage of The New York Times, outlines some of the difficulties in prosecuting those that authored the interrogation memos. No doubt. There is never an easy path when high level authority is involved in investigation and/or prosecution. No doubt these 'lawyers' (I hesitate to call them attorneys.) will drag out the 'justice' process as best they can, both as individuals and as a collective (Safety in Numbers). However, when it comes to 'the end of the road' what they are all going to be too willing to do, is indict those in the Executive Branch that 'sanctioned' their opinion regardless of its 'purposefully poor opining.' Don't even try to tell me, "Captain Power" in the Oval Office didn't say, "Make It So." They all may as well state NOW, "The Executive Office solicited the 'Purposeful Opinion' and in the throes of September 11th we had no recourse among us to deny the act.' They may as well get it over with now. They might even be left with some dignity.McCain on December 10, 2007 regarding destroyed CIA Tapes is below.