Add to that Belize, now what is unique about those four countries? I know you know this. I think.
It is obvious. It is screaming at you in the picture below.
Those four countries CONNECT South America to North America. Are they a strategic interest for the drug cartels?
This is the part that gives it away. If anyone were to do an analysis of where the worst of the violence existed in Belize, they would fine it was along the western border with Guatemala and in Belmopan the capital city. I know because I tracked the activities in Belize for nearly five years to understand that country. I posted on this blog a private jet that had landed on a highway in the middle of the night loaded with drugs from South America, possibly Columbia, but couldn't take off because the pilot hit a tree and ruined the left wing. In that same story was the realization the local police were in on it.
Sadly what the USA is now witnessing with children entering the country is an outbreak of gang warfare within the drug cartels to control this land.
Also on this blog is a story reported by the Washington Post whereby USA agents and Belize security officers were beginning a patrol within the country to discover and end the drug cartels influence.
I haven't heard of any dead American agents coming from Belize and it might be after a couple of years, the hornet's nest of drug cartels are finally pinched into a smaller corridor and the authorities from these countries and the USA are closing in on them. That would incredible, a miracle and the great hope for the people of these nations. Why you ask?
Because the leaders of these countries have been attempting to do this:
Tratado de Libre Comercio entre la República de Colombia y las Repúblicas de el Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras (click here)
This is the first paragraph in translation:
Colombia and the countries of the Northern Triangle of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) began negotiations for a free trade agreement that allows them to improve the four countries access to their markets, building on complementarities of their economies and promote mutual investment, to achieve higher levels of development that benefit the population.
It is obvious. It is screaming at you in the picture below.
Those four countries CONNECT South America to North America. Are they a strategic interest for the drug cartels?

Sadly what the USA is now witnessing with children entering the country is an outbreak of gang warfare within the drug cartels to control this land.
Also on this blog is a story reported by the Washington Post whereby USA agents and Belize security officers were beginning a patrol within the country to discover and end the drug cartels influence.
I haven't heard of any dead American agents coming from Belize and it might be after a couple of years, the hornet's nest of drug cartels are finally pinched into a smaller corridor and the authorities from these countries and the USA are closing in on them. That would incredible, a miracle and the great hope for the people of these nations. Why you ask?
Because the leaders of these countries have been attempting to do this:
Tratado de Libre Comercio entre la República de Colombia y las Repúblicas de el Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras (click here)
This is the first paragraph in translation:
Colombia and the countries of the Northern Triangle of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) began negotiations for a free trade agreement that allows them to improve the four countries access to their markets, building on complementarities of their economies and promote mutual investment, to achieve higher levels of development that benefit the population.
This is the great hope of the leaders of these nations. They want to lift their people out of poverty and trade with other free nations. I do know with Belize, Great Britain needs to provide 'debt relief.' It was quite convenient to pin the Belize debt on the new nation from the previous British occupation.
The Belize government has no court, per se, to settle this issue and they are limited to the courts of Great Britain to plead it's case that this is not their problem. There is one man in particular that is a sincere problem for Belize. I don't recall his name, he is a Brit and a member of the Conservative Party. He is the one that should be responsible for the entire of the Belize national debt left over from it's occupation because he caused it. I know his name is on this blog, too. He is a power broker.
There is also some darn woman from Ireland that literally robbed the Belize treasury of millions in oil monies because the new administration of the new country didn't have the correct interpreter of the contract with the oil company. Those millions should also be returned to Belize as well. Part of the reason some companies are in Belize, including those that build dams on rivers and cause huge amounts of pollution in areas of tourism, is because the administrators in the new nation are hopeful of jobs for their people. It never works out that way, the labor to these companies are usually brought from other countries.
No one has to take my word for it because I know it is all here or in my notes that never made the blog. But, it is all true.
These four countries are incredibly important in ending the drug cartels hold on northern Mexico as well. As long as these countries are used as a traffiking destination the drug cartels in Mexico will remain in business. If these corridors are shut down there will be no more drug cartels in Mexico except what they might be able to grown north of Guatemala and Belize.
The American people need to know about these children sent to the USA in desperate times and why they are here. It is not about any immigration policy or some silly idea parents kissed their children good-bye to trust a 'coyote' with their safety. At this time in the USA these children are here because the drug gangs are actively fighting for their corridors and may be losing the war. I find it strange they seem to be flushed out only to seek power over towns were none of this occurred before.
President Obama and the leaders of these nations need to continue to put pressure on the drug corridors and hopefully shut them down, hence, the slowing of drug traffic to and through Mexico to the southern USA border.
I am sincere about returning them to their native lands. I worry about the populations of these countries and if there is a fall in citizens in any real way. But, the children have to be safe when returned.
The Belize government has no court, per se, to settle this issue and they are limited to the courts of Great Britain to plead it's case that this is not their problem. There is one man in particular that is a sincere problem for Belize. I don't recall his name, he is a Brit and a member of the Conservative Party. He is the one that should be responsible for the entire of the Belize national debt left over from it's occupation because he caused it. I know his name is on this blog, too. He is a power broker.
There is also some darn woman from Ireland that literally robbed the Belize treasury of millions in oil monies because the new administration of the new country didn't have the correct interpreter of the contract with the oil company. Those millions should also be returned to Belize as well. Part of the reason some companies are in Belize, including those that build dams on rivers and cause huge amounts of pollution in areas of tourism, is because the administrators in the new nation are hopeful of jobs for their people. It never works out that way, the labor to these companies are usually brought from other countries.
No one has to take my word for it because I know it is all here or in my notes that never made the blog. But, it is all true.
These four countries are incredibly important in ending the drug cartels hold on northern Mexico as well. As long as these countries are used as a traffiking destination the drug cartels in Mexico will remain in business. If these corridors are shut down there will be no more drug cartels in Mexico except what they might be able to grown north of Guatemala and Belize.
The American people need to know about these children sent to the USA in desperate times and why they are here. It is not about any immigration policy or some silly idea parents kissed their children good-bye to trust a 'coyote' with their safety. At this time in the USA these children are here because the drug gangs are actively fighting for their corridors and may be losing the war. I find it strange they seem to be flushed out only to seek power over towns were none of this occurred before.
President Obama and the leaders of these nations need to continue to put pressure on the drug corridors and hopefully shut them down, hence, the slowing of drug traffic to and through Mexico to the southern USA border.
I am sincere about returning them to their native lands. I worry about the populations of these countries and if there is a fall in citizens in any real way. But, the children have to be safe when returned.