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Zarqawi’s Death: Myth Versus Reality in Iraq
Ramzy Baroud, English.
The convenient emergence and sudden disappearance of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi signals an end of an era. Though Washington and London insist on telling us that the “good news” doesn’t necessarily mean an end to Iraq’s bloodshed, the giddiness in British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s voice, when discussing his death, profusely conveyed the greater hope that Iraq’s occupiers pin on the killing of this obscure character.
US Army Charges Soldiers With Killing Innocent Iraqis
WASHINGTON, 21 June 2006 — The US Army has charged three US soldiers with the premeditated murder of three Iraqi detainees as well as with threatening the life of a fellow soldier who they feared would dispute their accounts of the deaths, military officials said Monday. The three Americans were identified as staff Sgt. Raymond L. Girouard, Spc. William B. Hunsaker and Pfc. Corey R. Clagett, all members of the 3rd Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division. They were charged accused of killing three males of “apparent Middle Eastern descent” at the Muthana Chemical Complex north of Baghdad by shooting them at close range, according to the official Army charges made public yesterday.
The circumstances with Israel and Palestine is the result of failed policies of the USA. The Clinton Adminisration had an active and aggressive peace process continually.
This escalation of violence has occurred because of complete collapse of USA policy to achieve peaceful resolve. The USA policy is one of aggression as also witnessed with Iran which is a 'sore' point with Israel for it's overt Anti-Semitic tone. Basically, this administration has thrown out every previous policy of the State Department, including the AMB Treaty with Russia, replacing it with policies of the Defense (War) Department. The world is a less secure place today than before 2001.
To some extent Israel has no recourse and it's current 'posture' is actually forcing Hamas to come to terms with Fatah. (Kindly click on this statement.) It is unfortunate Israel, with it's new leadership, is forced to contend with Palestine's Hamas by itself. Given the more cooperative approach by Hamas; Israel needs to reconsider it's position on aggressive defense and return to 'talks' solisiting the help of proven past allies of Egypt and Jordan. In the spirit of former Prime Minister Sharon, there needs to be a reassessment.
Children Killed in Israeli Missile Attack
GAZA CITY, 21 June 2006 — Israel killed three Palestinian children, two of them siblings, in a missile attack on the Gaza Strip yesterday hours after its defense minister vowed to step up military action against Palestinians.
I found this a rather charming editorial linking 'old world' with a 'new world' Saudi dilemma. The new king is far more progressive than the former. King Abdullah gives attention to issues of his people, something an aging king could not do.
Editorial: Double Jeopardy
Most readers know the fable of the rice grains and the chessboard; the emperor asks a wise man who is also a mathematician what he would like. The answer, a grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard, doubled to two for the second, doubled again for the third and so on until all 64 squares had been used. The request seemed reasonable to the mathematically challenged emperor but things collapsed long before the 64th square was reached. That square would have required 18 million trillion grains of rice — more than the entire world production, even today.
Media Campaign in US to Dispel Islamophobia
RIYADH, 21 June 2006 — A survey conducted by Cornell University recently found that around half of Americans have a negative view of Islam and would like the US government to curtail the political activity of Muslims in the US.
A kinder Saudi Arabia takes many forms.
Citizens Unite to Revive Jeddah Parks
JEDDAH, 21 June 2006 — In a rare initiative by citizens concerned about lack of open spaces, a group of Jeddawis formed the Friends of Jeddah Parks group to renovate public parks in Jeddah and inspire the youth to give back to their community.
To date, I believe the Saudi's approach to disease hasn't taken a 'cutting edge' exploration of genetic resolve. The Saudi biologists would certainly be capable. If King Abdullah ever wanted to begin such a program an 'interesting' place to start would be Iceland where they diligently work to stop endemic issues of it's population. While in Iceland, perhaps King Abdullah can go to the 'Blue Lagoon Spa,' come to appreciate thermal dynamics and learn the energy policies of Iceland and it's ability to harness volcanic thermodynamics.
National Strategy Mulled to Fight Diabetes
JEDDAH, 21 June 2006 — The government will carry out a major public awareness campaign about diabetes by the beginning of next academic year. It will also work out a national strategy to deal with the disease that is threatening to become the No. 1 killer in the Kingdom, according to Health Minister Hamad Al-Manie.
Have a better day, find a way to support peace.