America's Global Responsibility, in case one is interested in a 2003 book (click here)
The United States of America is scrutinized for it's culture, it's opportunity and it's economy. When the poitical dogma turns in favor of a particular faith, the world quakes in worry of what is to come. What is to come of them. With Iraq as an example of the exploitive nature of Western culture hungry for oil, we have painted a very 'wicked' face on the USA. On "The West" for that matter. We did it to ourselves for the lack of effective leadership that makes us energy independant. When an American looks in the mirror what does he or she see? A person? It's not that simple. When an American travels abroad it becomes very evident, as a citizen, there is a brevity to one's existance.
The USA has to maintain benevolence toward other countries while carrying more than our share of responsibility. It is the way it is and the way it always will be.
This country has to 'take back' it's values of social neutral standards while examining the civil rights we afford all the people of this country. Quite literally, our standards of freedom and acceptance, are a national security. It needs to be addressed that way. Pandering to religious extremism in the USA is the wrong road to take, but, Republicans chronically abuse the freedom of religion seeking to make it a 'party affiliation.' It's a danger to our country and a danger to a greater society that looks to the USA to guide their purpose while molding culture in burgeoning democracies.
We need to return to a strong definition of the separation of Church and State. We need to do it in 2008. Rudolph Guiliani used 'prayer' and 'religion' to manipulate a political environment. It matters. It matters a great deal when political figures pander to images that facilitate extremism. It needs to stop. NOW.
Good night.