There is no deep state in the USA. Russia? Yes. USA? No. It makes old, white men wealthy.
Secretly operating(click here) behind the curtain of “national security” in Washington, D.C., exists the real government of the United States — the Deep State. This is the story of the players who pull the strings, no matter who you voted for, who actually sits in the Oval Office, or even who controls Congress.
Now, the New York Times bestselling author of The Obama Nation, The Late Great USA, and Unfit for Command pulls the veil off the Deep State and the powerful agencies behind it — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, and the Federal Reserve.
In his latest bestseller, Killing the Deep State:The Fight to Save President Trump, Dr. Jerome Corsi reveals for the first time powerful evidence that the Deep State is seeking to remove President Trump from office.
Corsi argues that no government agency, department, or official inside Washington — including the president of the United States — is immune from the powerful grip of the Deep State.
And despite an almost total media ban on this book — CNN, ABC, NBC and even
Fox News won’t put Corsi on — Killing the Deep State has exploded on the bestseller lists — and is a New York Times bestseller, #1 Amazon bestseller and a Barnes & Noble bestseller!
Oh, look, there is Bill O'Reilly. Now if you want to talk about a deep state, FOX is a deep state. How is "Hot Chocolate" (click here) doing? You guys still 'a number?'
Poor Roger Ailes, he just couldn't help himself. Sort of like Bill O'Reilly. Anyone want to talk about a deep state? Correction, any women want to talk about a deep state?
I don't think O'Reilly wrote that book yet, right? "Killing the Old Boy Weiner Deep State."
A deep state is a government within a government. Like the Russian subversive hackers and agents working to effect the 2016 election. Now, that is a deep state, but, the USA doesn't have a deep state. It is unfortunate the current President of the United States of America is stating the FBI is part of a deep state. That is a lie.
There is another political deep state called Charles and David Koch. Now, that is a deep state. Nothing like buying favors from the Republicans that directly result in profits. That is definitely a political deep state. It is a deep state especially because the Kochs don't care about Wall Street. They would be fine with undermining Wall Street to take the businesses off the market and bring them under the Koch's wing.
December 17, 2018
By Ella Nielsen
The power struggle (click here) between populist hardliners and moderate generals in the Trump White House is well documented. Vice President Mike Pence has largely stayed out of the drama, while quietly becoming one of the most powerful people in the Trump administration, according to a new profile of Pence from the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer.
Mayer’s piece shows that behind the scenes, the vice president has made a huge mark on President Trump’s policy agenda, while putting himself in a good position for his own presidential ambitions. Mayer writes that Pence’s influence has shaped White House policies far more than that of other important members of the administration, including Breitbart executive chair Steve Bannon or Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. In particular, Pence’s longstanding connection to libertarian megadonors Charles and David Koch — former political enemies of Trump — has helped shape the current White House....
Sorry folks, but, when a private international company pulls strings with corrupt Republicans that is a deep state. The Kochs are making decisions in their boardroom that will result in USA policy that directly results in profits to them.
The Kochs are a private company. No one can purchase stocks. So, the Kochs are directing policy in the USA and it isn't even a publicly traded company. That is something to worry about. The American people do not have any way of knowing what is planned next for THEIR TAX DOLLARS by the Kochs.
The Koch deep state doesn't stop with the money they feed the Republican habit, there is staff in the White House. The Kochs have made Michael Roman a very wealthy man.
February 25, 2018
...There are also a number of things (click here) about the particular behaviors of Michael Roman himself that strike me as being unusual if not outright alarming. First among these is that Mr. Roman is a particular creature of the Koch Brothers, Charles and David. From the article, The Mysterious Opposition Researcher Working in the White House Lawyer's Office
“He reports to White House counsel Don McGahn, who represented the conservative Koch network as a lawyer during the period when Roman was working for the Kochs’ Freedom Partners group as head of research
— a $269,000-a-year job that involved tracking the activities of Democratic political organizers and donors.”...

So, if anyone is going to talk about a deep state, they need to be thorough to what deep state and how the Koch owns the USA. Then talking about a deep state makes sense. Trying to villanize federal employees as a deep state is completely stupid. That level stupidity of Jarad Kushner stating "Those stoking the violence is part of the problem and not part of the solution." That is stupid. That is all too obvious it is a personal agenda of Kushner to stoke war and that, of course, is not violence.
Everything is violence, except, when Israel carries it out. The Palestinians at the border are unarmed. Why are they dead, maimed and wounded? They are not part of the problem, now are they?
The real problem is Israeli politics coming alive because Kushner is in Trump's back pocket, hence, the USA miltiary when Israel finally is in over it's head.