Posted by Kim Crawford
August 29, 2007 06:47AM
INDEPENDENCE TWP. -- As second shift Flint police officers donned "mourning bands" Tuesday afternoon in honor of one of their own killed in a traffic crash Sunday evening, an Oakland County man was charged in the case.
Family and friends of Flint police Officer Vincent D'Anna watched grimly as Ramon Felix Pineda, 25, was arraigned before Oakland County District Judge Kelley Kostin in Clarkston. Kostin ordered Pineda, an illegal alien from Mexico who has lived in the U.S. for 12 years, held without bond in the Oakland County Jail.
Pineda is charged with second-degree murder -- a felony punishable by up to life in prison; operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated causing death, a 15-year felony; failing to stop at the scene of a serious injury accident causing death, punishable by a five-year prison term; and driving while license suspended, a misdemeanor....

Rogue vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers have been responsible for a string of deadly accidents on the Eastern Shore. Two people were killed and two injured when this Ford Escort driven by a Hispanic farm worker ran a stop sign Oct. 1 in Accomack County. VIRGINIA STATE POLICE PHOTOS
There is nothing "W"rong with Spitzer's plan. It would bring illegals out of the woodwork while setting aside a provision to protect those boarding planes.
Has everyone gone mad? In bringing out illegals in the way of having a driver's license is to gain information and knowledge of where illegals are coming from, where to target gaps in New York State Border security and especially a way to find illegals while also collecting taxes.
The Illegal Immigrant is an UNDERGROUND. By issuing licenses doesn't make them a citizen or a person with legal status, but, it does bring laws to bear over the circumstances that all citizens are exposed to.
They'd have to be insured in order to have a license to drive a car. That is a huge beginning to reducing dangers on the road and provide insurance to current citizens in a way insurance doesn't exist now! Are you all nuts out there !
Identifying illegals is a way of tracking them, so this doesn't happen. Homeland Security has FAILED to secure our borders. The next best thing is to identify them and provide a venue of accountability for their actions. Jeeze !!!
There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders. For that reason, this section can only provide a symbolic tribute to the many unnamed victims who have been killed, raped, robbed, crippled and otherwise personally violated....
Lorraine Rivera
When illegal immigrants crash, taxpayers usually foot the bill (click here)
Within the last month, close to three dozen illegal immigrants have been injured or killed in three Southern Arizona accidents.
The first happened April 19 near Elgin in Santa Cruz County, the second on April 30 near Tangerine Road and Interstate 10 and on May 3 at Interstate 19 and Pima Mine Road.
Often, hospitals foot the bill to care for illegal immigrants injured here in the U.S.
Those costs are then passed on to the taxpayers.
Smugglers use older vehicles, cramming as many people as possible inside and taking extreme measures to get their cargo across the border.
In the last month, three separate accidents have occurred, one of them killing four illegal immigrants.
Agent Sean King of the Tucson Sector of the Border Patrol says, “Smugglers [are] taking action that they shouldn't be taking because they want to earn as much money possible and they earn their money by getting their illegal cargo to Phoenix or Tucson so that they can get paid.”
According to the Border Patrol, vehicle wrecks are frequent with the victims needing medical attention.
“Paramedics are the ones who decide which hospital they go to and, in a large accident where there's a lot of people, it could be spread out to a bunch of hospitals in the area, depending on the need, what the hospital can help them with.”
Among them, the only trauma center in Southern Arizona, and weeks after one of the recent accidents illegal immigrants are still being treated at Tucson's University Medical Center.
“It has a negative impact on our bottom line. First, our priority is taking care of the people that are injured and making sure that they get the proper care, but the reality is that there is no direct reimbursement for that,” said Kevin Burn, Chief Financial Officer for UMC.
Two months ago, UMC received $500,000 of your tax money from the federal government as payment, but it’s not enough.
According to Burns, “At the current run rate we'll incur 5-to-6 million dollars in unreimbursed costs for taking care of foreign nationals.”
In a study conducted between 1993 - 1997, it was found in three state regions, New York City, Southern California and Texas; unlicensed drivers comprised nearly 4% of drivers that caused deaths on the roadways. The age group for these drivers were primarily between 15 and 35 years of age.
The driver that caused this accident was an illegal alien. We already know they don't value their lives as they cross a border without regard to their own survive, enter a country illegally and work for next to nothing living in deplorable conditions. An illegal driver never had to pass a test to know what road signs are, never had to demonstrate their ability to safely drive a car and as in this case, simply stolen the vehicle they need because they can never qualify to register a car in their own name even if they have the financial means to purchase one.
Harvest of death on the Eastern Shore (click here)
Rogue vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers have been responsible for a string of deadly accidents on the Eastern Shore. Two people were killed and two injured when this Ford Escort driven by a Hispanic farm worker ran a stop sign Oct. 1 in Accomack County.
The Virginian-Pilot © October 10, 2005
The Ford Escort was racing north on rural Seaside Road, its occupants headed home from a wedding, when it ran a stop sign at 55 mph.
The driver of a Ford F-150 traveling east through the intersection never saw the Escort, police said.
The T-bone crash killed the driver of the Escort, Rene Leyva-Perez, and 4-year-old Daniel Salazar, who was in the back seat. Daniel’s pregnant mother, Marina Salazar, and the driver of the pickup were injured.
When police arrived, they discovered that Leyva-Perez had no auto insurance or driver’s license – only a laminated ID card issued by the tomato-packing plant where he worked – and that the car was registered to a woman in Chesapeake and had Michigan plates....
If illegals were allowed to be licensed, own vehicles and control wealth through legal means it would improve their status and create ways of monitoring their movements. They would probably stop any migration that occurs with illegal status. There is a lot of crime associated with illegal aliens. New York is ONLY a state. There is no control by Bush's Homeland Security, so by allowing Illegals to be licensed New York State will provide some degree of quality of drivers in this class of citizens.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Eliot is attempting to do in providing a venue to reduce unlicensed drivers and 'hidden' criminal elements. He's right. In actuality, all they need to board an airplane is a Passport. Illegals can have legal passports without being in the USA legally.
What's the difference if they show up with a passport of a New York State driver's license? They aren't going to be scrutinized like every other LEGAL citizen? What the heck are you all thinking?
The 'idea' behind airport screening is to stop Osama bin Laden and Omar from flying planes into buildings and killing people. Isn't every passenger, regardless of legal status required to clear security before boarding?
What the heck are you all talking about?
Airport screening is airport screening. That doesn't change because their is a driver's license or not.
You're all being morons !!!!!!!!!!