Sunday, May 13, 2007

This is no joke anymore. Washington DC's Republicans are among the most corrupted human beings on Earth.

Two man, Richard "The Dick" Cheney and Georgie Walker Bush, continue to mount a campaign of greed in opposition of the best interests of the USA. The military needs of this country DOES NOT require offshore drilling ANYWHERE. If the Commander and Chief were sincerely interested in the security of the USA, he would have begun Wind Farm projects a long, long time ago.

No, if it isn't evident, I have no regard or respect for any of them. They aren't well grounded in the best interest of the people of this country. Their methods of undermining the USA Constitution speak loud and clear including their overt attacks on habeas corpus. What does that have to do with Human Induced Global Warming? You've got to be kidding me? If they had respect for human life of any kind they would not be pursuing oil and gas exploration and drilling where it's not wanted or needed. They would be pursuing 'vigorously' alternatives.

Larry Craig of I,I,Idaho stated it was paramount to the National Security interests of this country that all coasts currently 'No Drill Zones' be surveyed in case of the necessity of emergency needs. He stated in one breath that the House and Senate have a right to know the reserves of this country of any and all minerals, including of course gas and oil. Then in the next breath he goes on and on about the upcoming sale of USA property for oil and gas leases and how in another five years the coast of Virginia would be breached.

I don't think so.

The 'strip' of land off the coast of Virginia cannot be drilled for oil and gas. Absolutely not. The Chesapeake has been a horror to deal with over the years due to the unchecked abuses of industry. As a result the nation has invested in returning the waters there to some kind of health so 'the common' citizen that wants to fish for a living can do so in abundance. To 'revert' to a method of industrialization of waters offshore anywhere of the USA is just simply insane. Currently the oceans are depleted by 95% in it's fisheries. To continue to raise the temperature of this planet, heating oceans by dumping vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the troposphere is simply insane. There is no way the USA can continue down this path.

The men in DC that see the waters of this country as exploitable for oil and gas call themselves moral men. Where and how, because, all the oil and gas in the world won't do the American people a darn bit of good if they have drought stricken lands and dead oceans. Moral Men? Republicans? NO ! Not in the simplest stretch of the imagination.

Get them out of office. They already and will continue to do this nation a great deal of harm. There are better ways. We need to seek them out through methods of peace and environmental safety. This Earth doesn't belong to people that exploit it. Earth belongs to it's shepards that love it and the children yet to inherit it. It's time to get over this, folks. I mean now.

Good night.

This country is not going to keep repeating it's mistakes.

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The Chesepeake Bay has been a disaster and the money this nation has invested to improve it, isn't going to be undone by a bunch of greedy oil men that can't seem to understand that National Security is more than drilling for domestic oil. Dense. That is all I can say. They are dense people. Minds that have been closed by years of greed and power brokering. Jack Abramoff is in prison for a reason. They just don't learn. This country is going to establish benign sources of energy and will establish fisheries that produce clear and healthy seafood. This is NUTS !!!!

...As a result of disease, pollution and over-harvesting, the Virginia oyster harvest in the Chesapeake Bay has declined over many years, from nearly ten million bushels at the turn of the century to a few tens of thousands in the 1990s....

Interior expands offshore oil and gas drilling off Alaska, Virginia

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This the 'wedge' issue of Virginia for the next election. See all the 'territories' from Florida to Maine? Those are the surveyed areas that will be drilled after Virginia is established. They got plans. They don't want anyone getting in the way of them either. If anyone believes this is JUST about Virginia, they are sadly mistaken.

Barrow Offshore Wind Farm [7km off Walney Island, Cumbria, North West]

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May 11, 2007
Beatrice Wind Farm Puts Renewable Energy On Stream (click here)
5 MW offshore turbines located in deepwater off Scotland's east coast.
Calgary, Alberta []
Talisman Energy (UK) Limited announced that the Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator Project has begun generating energy. The 85-meter high, 5-megawatt (MW) turbine, the largest in offshore deepwater, will be used to generate electricity for the nearby Beatrice platform, 25 kilometers off the east coast of Scotland.
A second turbine will be installed nearby in the summer to complete the project. The joint venture between Talisman and Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) is a central part of DOWNViND (Distant Offshore Wind Farms No Visual Impact iN Deepwater).
"We are making history with the first electricity being generated by this offshore deepwater turbine," said Dr. Jim Buckee, Talisman Energy Inc. president and CEO. "This achievement is a huge milestone in the DOWNViND project."
DOWNViND, which includes 18 organizations from six European countries, is one of the European Community's largest renewable energy research and development programs and is designed to ensure that Europe is well positioned to take a global lead in developing deepwater offshore wind farms....

They are unsightly. They are annoying. They come loose of their moorings when severe weather comes. People that work there die. (click here)

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We don't want them. Is there something anyone doesn't understand about that statement? You can pretend they are 'fish' friendly all you want, but, if that is the case then wind mills, giant offshore wind mills are equally fish friendly and then some. No oil. No oil spills. Questions? I'd rather wind power any day of the week.

The Oceans: A U.S. Perspective

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Give you three quesses whom these folks are and the first two don't count.

...Only a few months ago, the world population reached six billion people for the first time. And we expect that population to grow to more than nine billion in the next 30 years. Our coastal populations are growing more rapidly than the interior: in the U.S., 3,600 people move to the coast each day. We would need the equivalent of two Earths to provide the projected population with the amount of resources currently consumed by U.S. and European societies.

I have heard many reasons for the ocean's importance in the talkstoday. In order to lay the basis for a coordinated federal ocean policy designed to govern and sustain our ocean resources, the Clinton/Gore Administration held a groundbreaking National Ocean Conference in 1998. It was the first of its kind, and introduced a sense of commitment and community among the many stakeholders who share the responsibility of sustaining ocean resources. Fishers, farmers, teachers, and coastal, corporate, scientific and government leaders all seized the opportunity to develop ideas on the theme: Oceans of Commerce, Oceans of Life....

Marine Resources - Background information.

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Fig. 1. Geographical coverage of the five major marine regions of the United States, colored to indicate their boundaries within their 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zones.

A rough sketch of the biological importance/diversity of the Gulf of Mexico. Not oil. Fisheries. Excuse me?

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The Enemy. It's Laughable. Ready for this?

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Senator Larry Craig is linked when the title is clicked. He is from Idaho. Idaho. Idaho.

According to good, old, antiquated Larry here, the Idaho farmers know more about the USA Coastal Communities than the Coastal Communities do. How about that? I didn't those 'good ole boys' of Idaho knew or cared about anything coastal.

If SAFE food production by Idaho farmers is the concern of Larry here, he needs to put forward a bill making agricultural fuel needs a National Security issue down at Homeland Security where the farmers can get tax free fuel from the national reserves. Sound like a plan there, Lar. Huh, what do you think? I think it does.

Currently the USA Government due to previous Republican Majority is abusing the 'good will' of the American people in extending offshore rights ...

This is a map of Section 181, not the proposed exploitation of the USA's oceans.

... beyond what already exists. The Republicans are targeting the entire coastal USA for locations to place offshore oil drilling. That possiblity including Virginia, is not only unrealistic in today's world, but, lends itself to irresponsible government and abuse of power when considering the outer continental shelf of the East Coast of the USA has been noted to have a 'fissure' as of the year 2000-2001. The turbulence that goes along with offshore oil drilling WILL DISRUPT this fissure causing underwater landslides, earthquakes and tsunamies.

Outer Continental Shelf Opened Wide for Oil, Gas (click here)
WASHINGTON, DC, May 1, 2007 (ENS) - Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne Monday announced a federal program to increase oil and natural gas production on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska.
Kempthorne said the energy developments could produce 10 billion barrels of oil and 45 trillion cubic feet of natural gas over 40 years, generating almost $170 billion, in today’s dollars.
Offshore energy production is one of the largest sources of non-tax revenue for the federal government; the new program will generate billions of dollars for the U.S. Treasury.
"The Outer Continental Shelf is a vital source of domestic oil and natural gas for America, especially in light of sharply rising energy prices and increasing demand for these resources," Kempthorne said. "This energy production will create jobs, provide greater economic and energy security for America and can be accomplished in a safe and environmentally sound manner."
Interior’s Minerals Management Service developed the initiative, known as the Five Year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program, to guide domestic energy leasing on the OCS from 2007 to 2012.

The sales of any offshore property of the USA beyond Section 181 has to be stopped, now. There needs to be a moratorium placed on any additional oil and gas drilling platforms NEAR the coastal USA. This is not the answer the USA needs for it's National Security. The USA has to solve it's energy and transportation issues without continued use of fossil fuels. MUST.

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Climate Change is a National Security Issue - PDF click on

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Page One of the Transmittal Letter, in the left column are the names of the generals that assessed the security issues surrounding Climate Change. Their signatures are at the bottom.

Climate Change and National Security (click here)
Global Warming Is a 'Threat Multiplier,' Say Former Military Officials
Climate change will cause dwindling freshwater supplies, food shortages, political instability and other conflicts that U.S. military strategists should be planning for now, several former high-ranking military officials told Congress on Wednesday.
"Our view is that climate change could be a threat multiplier in every global region," Gen. Charles F. Wald, the former deputy commander for the U.S. European Command, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee....
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It's Sunday Night
Welcome to my crib.

"The Coast" by Paul Simon - click on picture to enter room

A family of musicians took shelter for the night
In the little harbor church of st. cecilia
Two guitars, bata, bass drum and tambourine
Rose of jericho and bougainvillea

This is a lonely life
Sorrows everywhere you turn
And thats worth something
When you think about it
Thats worth some money
Thats worth something
When you think about it
That is worth some money

A trip to the market
A trip into the pearl gray morning sunlight
That settles over washington
A trip to the market
A trip around the world
Where the evening meal
Is negotiable, if there is one.

This is a lonely-lone, lonely life
Sorrows everywhere you turn
And thats worth something
When you think about it
Thats worth some money
Thats worth something
When you think about it
That is worth some money

To prove that I love you
Because I believe in you
Summer skies, stars are falling
All along the injured coast
If I have money
If I have children
Summer skies, stars are falling
All along the injured coast
Oo-wah oo-wah doo-wop a doo-wah
Summer skies and stars are falling
All along the injured coast
Oo-wah oo-wah doo-wop a doo-wah
Summer skies and the stars are falling
All along the injured coast

We are standing in the sunlight
The early morning sunlight
In the harbor church of st. cecilia
To praise a souls returning to the earth
To the rose of jericho and the bougainvillea

To prove that I love you
Because I believe in you
Summer skies, stars are falling
All along the injured coast
If I have money
If I have children
Summer skies, stars are falling
All along the injured coast

If I have weaknesses
Dont let them blind me now
Summer skies, stars are falling
All along the injured coast
Oo-wah oo-wah
Doo wop a doo wah
Summer skies, stars are falling
Leaving the shadow of the valley behind me now
All along the injured coast
Ooh-wah oow-wah
Doo wop a doo wah
Summer skies and stars are falling
All along the injured coast
Ooh-wah ooh-wah
Doo wop a doo wah

The title of this book is "The Lariat"

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A Documentarian is a journalist.

Journalists make documentaries all the time. They are synonyms. Every Sunday Evening on "60 Minutes" there are short documentaries presenting a subject of interest. Journalism is allowed under the laws governing commodities with Cuba anyway. This 'act' by Bush and Paulson is among the most despicable acts ever I witnessed. It's like chasing 'Lassie' with a lariat.

Jerks !

Documentarian and journalist Lindalee Tracey had a fascination for the downtrodden, what she called 'real people.'

Michael Moore started as a journalist in radio. Fools.

Bush is making a fool of himself with his personal vendetta against Michael Moore.

Michael is about as benign as they come. He is a documentarian that has a strong history of promoting the resolution of violence, NOT, the propagation of it. The 'witch hunt' Bush and 'what's his name.' Oh, let's see...he's that capitalist from that investment outfit...Goldman/Sacks...Hank somebody. Oh, yeah, Paulson. At any rate, Bush and Paulson are abusing their powers of office and in doing so are negecting their responsiblities to the people of the USA.

Michael Moore is very patriotic and would never do anything to harm anyone. Some of his earliest work was scrutinizing the KKK as a radio anchor. He has absolutely 'no history' of violence in any of his work or his personal life other than measures to defend himself with body guards in a political environment that is Pro-War with a Neocon Executive Branch that OBVIOUSLY hate him. Why? It's anyone's guess, right.

Nearly every committee on Capital Hill needs to note this NEW abuse of power by the Executive Branch while sending FBI/CIA on a wild goose chase. Michael Moore can't even take care of himself, he is benign in his film making and this 'error' IF IT ACTUALLY IS ONE, is simply a clear indication of same. Honestly.


12 hour loop - Noted a distinctive line along 36/37 North Latitude

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May 13, 2007
North and West Hemisphere water vapor satelite by UNISYS

Also noted, the center of the continent has an accumulating air masse with a noted water vapor density. The 'vortex street front' I noted last week has moved on to the Eastern seacoast of North America. See it? That is why things are a bit calmer now. The air masse that 'piled up' causing all that adverse 'congestion' resulting in far higher turbulence than 'normally/formally' expected has brought on an air mass 'lighter' in density and less turbulent. So, very, very interesting to me.

To me the Earth's troposphere is comprised of a multitude of gases but the ones that matter to me the most are the ones that trap heat (Green House Gases) and water vapor. Together they form the climate of Earth and create the weather we all live within. Earth's troposphere provides life. I don't ever consider it 'bad.' It is simply Earth speaking to me in the dynamics that cause human strife or benevolence.

The dynamics that 'play/accumulate' in creating turbulence under the conditions of Human Induced Global Warming is a matter of heat calories combined with those gases and primarily water vapor. To understand the dynamics of water vapor and it's increased 'pressure' (which has limits as well and why Earth is not experiencing Cat Six and Cat Seven hurricanes. Earth's water vapor cannot supply that velocity/cohesion to allow that high acceleration. We see 'more' hurricanes, not bigger ones.) while experiencing solar radiation is to realize as 'heat transfer systems' carry water vapor from the equator and 'humidity reservoirs' such as rainforests and icefields and the Ice Ocean and Ice Continent there is an increased density. That density is exponentially mounted by the dynamics of weather front and air movement. As the heat transfer system passes over terra firm it acquires heat along it's path. That is why vortices manifest quickly. This is an exponential issue comprised of many factors and none are limited to 'simply' ideas of high and low pressure systems.

The tough aspect of this, that Mauna Loa Laboratories should be able to answer without too much difficulty is the 'Carbon Dioxide Accumulation Rate' PRODUCTION by humans at any given point on Earth contributing to 'regional' heat densities, hence, exposing transporting humidity to higher 'immediate' variations in turbulence MOMENT TO MOMENT. This 'understanding' can be as local as Mauna Loa itself and then extrapolated to local monitoring stations. Hence, added into the equations computer modeling can create for far better temporal understanding EXTENDING predictions and adding to safety. A reporting of local carbon dioxide 'daily' to a national bank at perhaps Mauna Loa itself will give a wide ranging prediction model that the world can adapt to their populations.

Thank you for your indulgence and consideration.

Personally, I contextualize this by noting tiny vectors and the impacts on them. In other words, know the limits of water vapor and the way gases and heat act on them. Molecular acceleration, not subatomic. Molecular acceleration combines into behaviors of large weather systems, etc.

When weather is at the extremes, 'over reaching predictions' Save Lives. Well done !

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May 12, 2007
Fulton, Missouri
Photographer states :: Missouri River Flood of 2007 - Picture taken from the MO River Bridge at Jefferson City near time of flood crest

I don't want to hear the complaints, I don't want to wipe anymore tears. I don't want to worry more than necessary. Everyone wears life vests if necessary. Those that oversaw the well being of those along the Missouri River so far have done a superior job at having the public respond to predicted concerns. I think it's great. With a public that is alert to the dangers they face in this very unpredictable climate season there is a far, far higher sense of awareness. When the public knows what they are worried about, they will learn to 'trust' those that want their safety above anything else. I think it's a great job the weather/river predictors did otherwise I might not be looking at this photographer's picture. Nice. Very, very nice.

None of these events are minor. Everyone needs a huge pat on the back. I thank everyone involved that made awareness to this level of margin possible. Super job. This mess will move downstream and other rivers will rise. The center of the country is still under ominous skies. Knowing how well this went is to understand that more rain will bring the potential for higher river banks. I am sorry, but, the work is not over yet. Vigilance and people that can make friends of the public and have them as friends to keep their interest and safety at the forefront of concern will make life pleasant for all predictors. Has any predictor ever felt more of a purpose? At one time 'the funny weather person' was the amusing uplift of any forecast. It's not going to be 'that' for some time to come. Any predictor will be a family friend enhancing people's brevity to safety and planning. Good luck. So far, so good.

Associated Press
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - The Missouri River neared its highest point in Missouri's capital city Saturday, and forecasters said it wasn't nearly as bad as feared a few days earlier.
The river reached about 29 feet Saturday morning, about 6 feet above flood stage. That was high enough to flood stretches of the Katy Trail and to cover some low-lying roads and nearly 1,400 acres of farmland.
But it was not as dire as previous predictions of a 34-foot peak that could have wiped out many farmers' crops and inundated the Jefferson City Airport.
Saturday, it was business as usual at the airport, though there was a sign tacked to a door advising those returning rental cars to go elsewhere because of the anticipated flood.
In north-central Missouri, Chariton County's emergency coordinator reported a major break in a levee Friday near Triplett.
The coordinator, Brad Morrison, told a state emergency briefing that up to a 100-foot section of levee blew out, and people were sandbagging the gap through the night and continuing on Saturday. Some farmland was flooded, but no one was hurt, and there aren't many homes in the region, he said.
Floodwaters kept U.S. 24 west of Brunswick closed, but U.S. 65 was reopening as waters had receded Saturday, state officials said.
Near Sumner, the Grand River rose to near 40 feet but had fallen slightly by Saturday morning and should keep dropping, the weather service said. Still, it was not expected to fall below flood stage of 26 feet until Tuesday.
"They're getting some impact to the homes," National Weather Service hydrologist Mark Fuchs said. "They may be escaping the worst of it."
In 1993 the river at Sumner reached 42.5 feet, but nearly 40 feet marks the second-highest level going back at least 60 years, the weather service said.
Fuchs, in St. Louis, said levee breaks in the western part of the state earlier this week relieved the pressure and the height of the water as the river peak moved eastward.
"The bigger effects do not look like they're going to happen," Fuchs said. "Overall, this is a decent little flood but not anything to get real excited about. We're looking at largely minor inconveniences throughout the Missouri River east of Jefferson City."
The river was expected to peak in St. Charles on Monday at 29.6 feet. The river could start topping some levees at 34 feet, Fuchs said.
During the 1993 flood, the river reached about 40 feet.
In Jefferson City, Dennis Heckman and his family came to a lookout point, which had a steady stream of visitors, to check out the river on a clear and sunny afternoon.
Heckman also lived there in 1993 and said the levee breaks upriver and the buyouts of low-lying homes made a big difference this time around.
"They learned their lessons," said Heckman, a hydrologic engineer for the state Transportation Department. "Water's going to a lot of the same places, but it's not doing hardly any damage because the houses are all gone."
The biggest effect on his family was having weekend soccer games canceled.
Later Saturday, Gov. Matt Blunt planned to tour mid-Missouri by helicopter to survey flood damage, the second time in a week he has flown around to assess the impact of swollen rivers and streams.

It's Saturday Night ...

... will be assembled Sunday Night.

My Mother's Day Card came in person and plans to spend all day.

Very, very nice. Very big surprise. Very big deal. Love it. Simply. Love. It.

Tonight then...