Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Great Divide. This is the year 2006. Terrorists are not tolerated. No backsliding please.

While Russia is attempting to sort out all the details and find the facts to the best outcome for peace in the Middle East, Putin and Ivanov are being barraged by 'old world Arabia.'

Putin learned about Israel's other goals from Lebanon sources

Israel is not sinister as Arabia would like to lead others to believe. Quite the contrary, Israel is laying blame for invasions that took place into it's sovereign nation. There is no denying Hamas and Hezbollah made serious plans to strike against Irael with murders of their soldiers and abduction of others. There is no denying that forces at work here belong to terrorist regimes/rouge entities within sovereign nations. There is absolutely no denying that.
These terrorist organizations have been so invasive for decades that they now influence politics by threatening assassinations and violence. Their methods are primative, yet they are very effective. They make the entire world come to a standstill by simply killing a few and abducting a few. Why would the entire world stop to put the Middle East under such severe ridicule while seeking control? I mean after all according to the Arab Nations this is simply an issue of 'prisoner exchange.'

So why bother? Why over such a minor issue is the world holding such scrutiny of Israel?



Because it is not such a minor issue and while Israel is moving within it's rights as a country, the propaganda against it is rolling easily off the tongues of Arab nations who want to maintain the status quo rather than root out the terrorist elements within their borders. It is convenient to have such organizations involved in so much violence as they facilitate attacks a sovereign nation might actually be indicted on giving profound reason for war. Profound. Not just a rooting out of terrorists. Arab nations sanction some of these organizations in symbiosis to it's own ability to exist.

THIS IS THE MOST hopeful title I have seen as of late:

G-8 Blames Militants for Mideast Crisis

... The leaders concluded that the violence was triggered by the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah guerrillas in a raid from Lebanon, and by Hamas' rocket attacks in Gaza and the abduction of a third Israeli soldier.

"These extremist elements and those that support them cannot be allowed to plunge the Middle East into chaos and provoke a wider conflict," the G-8 leaders said in a statement. "The extremists must immediately halt their attacks."

I HAVE NEVER COMPLAINED about the 'idea' of Israel living within it's borders, handing over Gaza and the West Bank, but, I will not commit my understandinf of Israel to the rigors of Rouge elements within governments as a reality it has to live with. That type of 'nonsense' is surrending to the elements Arab nations turned themselves over to a long time ago. Israelis will die if these circumstances are allowed to continue in bending authority to the demands of militant units of Arab nations.

Hezbollah has to be stopped. Hezbollah has to surrender. Hezbollah's leaders need to be tried for murder and conspiracy against a sovereign state as well as the murder of Prime Minister Hariri of Lebanon. Hezbollah needs to surrend not just to Israel but to the nations it occupies. The sovereignty of every country has to be returned from the chronic violence that terrorist networks bring. The most organized and invasive terrorist network has been Hezbollah. It has fashioned itself as an authority, not through peaceful participation in government but through the promise of violence it they don't have their way.

Hezbollah's influence through the Middle East is well known and pervasive. It has to stop. Every Lebanese and Syrian knows it has to stop. Any sovereign country facilitating Hezbollah/Hamas's violence needs to be held accountable in ridicule.

I realize this is not an easy issue to deal with and it has the capacity of being a powerful issue. But oppressing Israel's right to it's peace and the safety of it's citizens is not the answer. This is not a simple abduction as Arabia might suggest. It is however, an assault aginast Israel advocated by leaders in Iran at a time when the USA is viewed as being helpless to assist Israel.
There are many 'ways' of seeing these circumstances but to diminish the truth to make this a minor issue as if Israel is an aggressor without a cause is the biggest lie and injustice any nation could hold as an opinion.

Israel has a right to secure borders without missiles fired at will from elements of hate. If Arab nations don't see it that way and seek other nations to controt the truth to their benefit then their reality sincerely needs to change.

I believe Arabia should be ashamed of itself in allowing such militants to exist and expect Israel and the rest of the world to tolerate it as well. When the Middle East is rid of militants that feel justified in their existance, there will be no civil war in Iraq and there will be no need for Iran, Pakistan, India or any other nation to pursue nuclear proliferation.

Israel is not the enemy. It is however the solution.