Rossby waves, also known as planetary waves, are a natural phenomenon in the atmospheres and oceans of planets that largely owe their properties to rotation of the planet. Rossby waves are a subset of inertial waves. They were first identified by Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby
Who is doing research on the Rossby Waves these days? Some university professors somewhere? NOAA or NASA?
What has changed in the Rossby Waves of the past 14 years? I simply don't believe in coincidence. There has to be a change in the Rossby Waves since the Pacific became so unhinged.
There has to be something different. I know it is there.
Look the thermoclines could be varied now with the surface oceans getting warmer. There is a lot to account for and someone needs to be doing this work.
Chang and Philander were at Princeton University when they wrote this. If they aren't there still researching, then who is? Their work is the baseline before everything started to heat in measurable ways. There was probably some increase in 1989, but, nothing as it is today. There needs to be a comprehensive review of the literature and assessments and conclusions to realize what has changed and what if anything is PREDICTIVE of movement in the Pacific.
Is there a pre-cursor to activity along the Ring of Fire found in the Rossby Waves? If a computer analysis is to be done, it will require the supercomputers to achieve any trending information. I don't own supercomputers. Someone who does needs to do this.
Ping Chang and S. G. H. Philander, "Rossby Wave Packets in barocline mean currents," Deep Sea Research, Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 36, Issue 1, January 1989, Pages 17-37.
A WKB description of the propagation of Rossby wave packets in a shallow water model of the tropical oceans indicates that the presence of the baroclinic mean currents can modify the characteristics of wave propagation significantly. For currents with weak latitudinal shear the effect of the current itself is less important than the effect of the associated variations in the depth of the thermocline, except near critical layers where waves are absorbed. For example, a westward current, and the associated shoaling of the thermocline towards the equator, can cause the speed of the long Rossby waves to decrease with decreasing latitude. (The speed increases towards the equator in the absence of mean currents.) Westward currents inhibit meridional propagation, but eastward currents enhance it. The amplification and decay of a wave packet as it propagates through a mean current are described in terms of these conservation of wave action. Implications of these results for the propagation of Rossby waves in the real ocean are discussed.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, December 24, 2018
Kyle Parker was a supporter of the Magnitsky Act.
I think Kyle Parker is more than a target internationally by Russia, but, there is a possibility of abduction in the USA. I sincerely hope his position for a human rights agency brings with it some bodyguards and security measures. That is probably true for any person with the work of human rights, especially if they are involved with policies.
“She looked at him and said: ‘They’re (the sanctions) effective at keeping the conversation alive.’ ”
He should not feel so liberated as to make mistakes about this personal security.
There is a reason why Putin and the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia smile so largely when together. They have something in common. They kill people that embarrass them.
I think the comment by Pussyriot is well taken. It demonstrates the depth of which USA power effects dialogue, both internationally and within the sovereign borders of other countries adverse to USA national security. It also serves as a measure to insure the dialogues of USA allies. THIS is a part of the USA prowess that escapes Trump in that the words alone, United States of America carries a great deal of power in dialogue most Americans do not know exists.
After all was the death of Sergei Magnitsky all that different than that of Jamal Khashoggi's, absent dismemberment, suitcases and acid? Both were carried out by agents of the government.
“For that he was taken as a healthy 36-year-old, disappeared into Moscow’s notorious pretrial detention system, made sick, refused medical care, and in his final hour or two he is transported to a prison in Moscow that has a medical bay,” Parker said. “But instead of being given help, he’s taken to an isolation cell, he’s chained to a bed, he’s beaten by eight riot guards until he dies. And he’s found in a puddle of his own blood and urine in his jail cell.”
Sergei Magnitsky's death was a lesson to all bankers inside and out of Russia, in that there was a price for fighting Russian corruption. If Russia could not trap others in its net of money laundering, what good are banks?
There is one other common denominator between Russia and Saudi Arabia; oil. The wealth of oil is the vehicle that faciliates the corruption. The age of oil needs to be over for many reasons.
It is imperative USA currency remains strong as well. Think about it before valuing China or crytocurrency. I see Wall Street is struggling today.
December 24, 2018
By Colin Woodward
Russian President Vladimir Putin asked President Trump to turn over Kyle Parker for interrogation by Russian prosecutors.
Northport — When Vladimir Putin (click here) met President Trump in Helsinki last July, the Russian president had a special request: Turn over Bangor, Maine native Kyle Parker and at least eight other U.S. officials for interrogation by Russian prosecutors.
Since then, Parker, 43, who grew up in Old Town and graduated in 1999 from the University of Maine, has had to think twice about where he travels overseas, for fear of being detained on a request from Moscow. His offense: being one of the key players behind the Magnitsky Act, a set of sanctions against Russians accused of gross human rights violations passed by Congress in 2012 in response to the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in a Russian prison. Parker is the chief of staff of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, a congressional agency that monitors human rights abuses.
At some point, he says, a Russian court will likely convict him and the others, making it all but impossible for him to return to a country he’s spent most of his adult life interacting with, and whose language is the mother tongue of his eight children....
“She looked at him and said: ‘They’re (the sanctions) effective at keeping the conversation alive.’ ”
He should not feel so liberated as to make mistakes about this personal security.
There is a reason why Putin and the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia smile so largely when together. They have something in common. They kill people that embarrass them.
I think the comment by Pussyriot is well taken. It demonstrates the depth of which USA power effects dialogue, both internationally and within the sovereign borders of other countries adverse to USA national security. It also serves as a measure to insure the dialogues of USA allies. THIS is a part of the USA prowess that escapes Trump in that the words alone, United States of America carries a great deal of power in dialogue most Americans do not know exists.
After all was the death of Sergei Magnitsky all that different than that of Jamal Khashoggi's, absent dismemberment, suitcases and acid? Both were carried out by agents of the government.
“For that he was taken as a healthy 36-year-old, disappeared into Moscow’s notorious pretrial detention system, made sick, refused medical care, and in his final hour or two he is transported to a prison in Moscow that has a medical bay,” Parker said. “But instead of being given help, he’s taken to an isolation cell, he’s chained to a bed, he’s beaten by eight riot guards until he dies. And he’s found in a puddle of his own blood and urine in his jail cell.”
Sergei Magnitsky's death was a lesson to all bankers inside and out of Russia, in that there was a price for fighting Russian corruption. If Russia could not trap others in its net of money laundering, what good are banks?
There is one other common denominator between Russia and Saudi Arabia; oil. The wealth of oil is the vehicle that faciliates the corruption. The age of oil needs to be over for many reasons.
It is imperative USA currency remains strong as well. Think about it before valuing China or crytocurrency. I see Wall Street is struggling today.

By Colin Woodward
Russian President Vladimir Putin asked President Trump to turn over Kyle Parker for interrogation by Russian prosecutors.
Northport — When Vladimir Putin (click here) met President Trump in Helsinki last July, the Russian president had a special request: Turn over Bangor, Maine native Kyle Parker and at least eight other U.S. officials for interrogation by Russian prosecutors.
Since then, Parker, 43, who grew up in Old Town and graduated in 1999 from the University of Maine, has had to think twice about where he travels overseas, for fear of being detained on a request from Moscow. His offense: being one of the key players behind the Magnitsky Act, a set of sanctions against Russians accused of gross human rights violations passed by Congress in 2012 in response to the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in a Russian prison. Parker is the chief of staff of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, a congressional agency that monitors human rights abuses.
At some point, he says, a Russian court will likely convict him and the others, making it all but impossible for him to return to a country he’s spent most of his adult life interacting with, and whose language is the mother tongue of his eight children....
My sincerest sympathies for the people of Indonesia. This is simply terrible.
"Morning Papers"
The Rooster
Whoever thought lightning would strike in the same place 14 years after the infamous Christmas Tsunami of 2004. There are many entries regarding the 2004 tsunami on the blog. It was the first major event documented here. Now, there is another and what are the odds of such an event only a few days apart after 14 years.
24 December 2018
By Lisa Martin and Naaman Zhou
Saturday’s tsunami in Indonesia (click here) was caused by a chunk of the volcanic Anak Krakatau island slipping into the ocean, it was confirmed on Monday, as officials at the country’s natural disaster agency said it must develop a new tsunami early warning system.
At least 373 people were killed, hundreds injured and many buildings were heavily damaged when the tsunami struck, almost without warning,
along the rim of the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra islands....
Due to a lapse in appropriations, (click here) the majority of USGS websites may not be up to date and may not reflect current conditions. Websites displaying real-time data, such as Earthquake and Water and information needed for public health and safety will be updated with limited support. Additionally, USGS will not be able to respond to inquiries until appropriations are enacted. For more information, please see
...Anak Krakatau had been spewing ash and lava for months before a 64-hectare section of its south-west side collapsed, an Indonesian official said. “This caused an underwater landslide and eventually caused the tsunami,” Dwikorita Karnawati, the head of the meteorological agency, said....
I have to bring to the dialogue the fact the Hawaiian Hot Spot is still unstable. This was a volcanic collapse. That has been occurring with the Hawaiian Hot Spot. The Pacific Plate is moving. There have been significant earthquakes around the "Ring of Fire." The earthquake in Alaska displaced enormous amounts of rock. This is a very dangerous Pacific coastline and no one should be assessing symptomatic volcanoes in the same manner as history dictates. This is a highly volatile Pacific coastline, including island countries in the Pacific Ocean.
Additionally, the leaders of countries need to be complaining to Trump about the impact of the political government shutdown regarding support services from NOAA and NASA. An assessment has to be completed in every Pacific Coast country of their tsunami alarms. A tsunami is a tsunami and why this tsunami occurred without detection is worrisome. There may be a level of denial that if an alarm went off without a detectable ocean earthquake it was irrelevant. There was an earthquake. There are earthquakes with volcanic eruptions, especially if the land is acting as a caldera as in this eruption.
The Pacific Coasts need to be on alert without exception. This landslide occurred at nearly the middle of the "Sunda Strait." The landslide occurred on one side of the island and didn't impact both the Pacific and Indian Oceans. But, there could have been a two ocean tsunami if the land collapse and landslide happened differently.
No volcano should be taken for granted. This is an entirely different paradigm in that the Hawaiian Hot Spot is in motion in a way that removes volcanoes from their pressure conduit to the magma chamber/reservoir.
Basically, the volcanoes act more like calderas than volcanoes because there is no pressure from under the vests or crater. The conduits are collapsing.
On this timeline, further down the road the magma will seek eruption from under land that is currently stable. We already know there is a growing underwater volcano south of the Hawaiian Island Chain. I think the Pacific Coast movement will continue to be a worry for some years yet if not the next decade. Scientists that are volcano specialists will need to be working to monitor the land that is currently volcanoes and the land that is at risk to become a new volcano.
There are new conduits forming from the magma chamber. For every volcano conduit collapse that occurs there is at least one other conduit forming. There is no indication the magma is cooling and causing collapse, the Pacific Plate is moving and that is a fact.
The Rooster
Whoever thought lightning would strike in the same place 14 years after the infamous Christmas Tsunami of 2004. There are many entries regarding the 2004 tsunami on the blog. It was the first major event documented here. Now, there is another and what are the odds of such an event only a few days apart after 14 years.
24 December 2018
By Lisa Martin and Naaman Zhou
Saturday’s tsunami in Indonesia (click here) was caused by a chunk of the volcanic Anak Krakatau island slipping into the ocean, it was confirmed on Monday, as officials at the country’s natural disaster agency said it must develop a new tsunami early warning system.
At least 373 people were killed, hundreds injured and many buildings were heavily damaged when the tsunami struck, almost without warning,
along the rim of the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra islands....
Due to a lapse in appropriations, (click here) the majority of USGS websites may not be up to date and may not reflect current conditions. Websites displaying real-time data, such as Earthquake and Water and information needed for public health and safety will be updated with limited support. Additionally, USGS will not be able to respond to inquiries until appropriations are enacted. For more information, please see
...Anak Krakatau had been spewing ash and lava for months before a 64-hectare section of its south-west side collapsed, an Indonesian official said. “This caused an underwater landslide and eventually caused the tsunami,” Dwikorita Karnawati, the head of the meteorological agency, said....
I have to bring to the dialogue the fact the Hawaiian Hot Spot is still unstable. This was a volcanic collapse. That has been occurring with the Hawaiian Hot Spot. The Pacific Plate is moving. There have been significant earthquakes around the "Ring of Fire." The earthquake in Alaska displaced enormous amounts of rock. This is a very dangerous Pacific coastline and no one should be assessing symptomatic volcanoes in the same manner as history dictates. This is a highly volatile Pacific coastline, including island countries in the Pacific Ocean.
Additionally, the leaders of countries need to be complaining to Trump about the impact of the political government shutdown regarding support services from NOAA and NASA. An assessment has to be completed in every Pacific Coast country of their tsunami alarms. A tsunami is a tsunami and why this tsunami occurred without detection is worrisome. There may be a level of denial that if an alarm went off without a detectable ocean earthquake it was irrelevant. There was an earthquake. There are earthquakes with volcanic eruptions, especially if the land is acting as a caldera as in this eruption.
No volcano should be taken for granted. This is an entirely different paradigm in that the Hawaiian Hot Spot is in motion in a way that removes volcanoes from their pressure conduit to the magma chamber/reservoir.
Basically, the volcanoes act more like calderas than volcanoes because there is no pressure from under the vests or crater. The conduits are collapsing.
On this timeline, further down the road the magma will seek eruption from under land that is currently stable. We already know there is a growing underwater volcano south of the Hawaiian Island Chain. I think the Pacific Coast movement will continue to be a worry for some years yet if not the next decade. Scientists that are volcano specialists will need to be working to monitor the land that is currently volcanoes and the land that is at risk to become a new volcano.
There are new conduits forming from the magma chamber. For every volcano conduit collapse that occurs there is at least one other conduit forming. There is no indication the magma is cooling and causing collapse, the Pacific Plate is moving and that is a fact.
"Good Night, Moon"

16.3 days old
97.4 percent lit
December 23, 2018
Our last full moon (click here) of 2018 comes a day after the Winter Solstice. Over many centuries, this moon has been called several names: Cold Moon, Cold Full Moon, Long Night Moon (by some Native American tribes) or the Moon Before Yule (from the Anglo-Saxon lunar calendar).
If you’re wondering how special this Cold Moon is so close to the solstice, it will be 2029 before it happens again. So it’s not a once-in-a-lifetime event, but still, you don’t see this too often....
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