Hindus have a right to exist. There is a long history of Muslims destroying Hindu temples. Kashmir is one of those places where Hindus take a stand against more impingement on their right to exist. It's racism, religious bigotry if you will. The missing are probably dead due to chronic confrontation. Peace negotiations have proven to be impossible in this region of the world. In some ways this is also due to population stress from the one billion people in India with NO contraceptive policy or will to limit family size. India, no different than China, needs to raise its expectations of its people to desire quality of life over indulgences of religion where it comes to high birth rates. It is considered political suicide in India to ask people to practice birth control. It is considered a hostile act of government against the religious, but, no different than any place else in the world where Holy Men don't know how to balance religious practice with quality of life. It's a hideous concept to believe women can continually bear children in worship. It is uncivilized and completely unsustainable on a shrinking and heating planet.China did it successfully and through leadership that has brought China out of complete impoverishment to enhance quality of life across the country, even if incremental. Incremental economic changes in places where there was once no hope of any, is more than a foothold to continued improvement. A billion people are a lot of people and China has done incredible work in the last decade to raise the standards of living of its people. Recently, China decided to cut spending on all its budgets by 5% and refocus those funds on rebuilding the lives of its citizens in the earthquake devastated areas.
China's leadership has been moving toward a 'sustainable' population, while India seeks no changes to its ever increasing population growth. Neither of these countries can react to the demands of Climate Change and CO2 pollution either in the way the Bush/Cheney 'diversion' strategies would seek to demand. While it is important both China and India seek to 'develope' their countries with fore-thought of prudent infrastructure, it is up to the USA to stop emitting more than 25% of all the Greenhouse Gases that is destroying Earth's benevolent nature. One of the places India needs to begin is with its unrelenting birth rate.

Silent protest
An activist takes part in a silent demonstration in Srinigar on Monday to protest the disappearance of thousands of Kashmiris. Human Rights Watch has estimated that about 8 000 people have gone missing in "enforced disappearances" in Indian Kashmir, while the government says 3 900 have disappeared.
Irshad Khan, AFP
...Total lawlessness prevailed in the outskirts of the Jammu city where the curfew has been imposed by the administration from the last couple of days. The protestors are coming out in huge numbers. They are indulging in clashes with the cops and causing damage to the public property with out any intervention. Since the curfew has been imposed here, over two-dozen violence incidents have taken place.
PDP and the Islamic terrorists in Pakistan are seeing for the first time the Hindu anger. The slogan is: we like to take back Kashmir and push all anti-Indians back into Pakistan where they came from.
Denying Hindus space5 Jul 2008, 1201 hrs IST, Tarun Vijay (click here)The Amarnath land row in Kashmir has proved that if Muslim politicians of the valley feel strongly about something they can make the government bend and accept their demands. So it is hypocrisy when they complain in some summits in London that Delhi doesn't heed them or they have less power to rule the valley 'appropriately' and hence need more autonomy. They fought on the streets and denied a piece of land to Hindu pilgrims to be used for facilitating a night’s stay and food in that snowy area just for two months. The land was barren; not a single tree grows there and not one person was to be stationed there permanently. Yet the votaries of Kashmiriyat , who would announce day and night how keen they are to see Kashmiri Hindus return to their localities and how their religion stands for love, compassion and peace, stood firm, spreading lies to ensure that Hindus do not get an inch of space for a temporary shelter....