This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, March 02, 2025
That’s Trump. Gimmicks galore.
Mayor Brandon will be on display for the purpose of fear.
What is Johnson doing about the insecure attack on our government?
The Republicans are a lot of “Yes men.” The USA does not belong in Ukraine politics, no different than Putin belongs in ours or Ukraine’s as Trump is obviously carrying water for him.
In case Johnson hasn’t noticed there is a war in Ukraine and every 90 days I believe the circumstances are reviewed and elections are delayed because of the chronic attacks by Russia. Currently, that review (which Johnson has no clue about or doesn’t care about it) will occur May 9th. I am confident if the circumstances the people face (including refugee status) are better elections will be set. But, until a solid peace is realized the Ukrainian Constitution must be respected. Something Johnson, along with the other “Yes men” can’t seem to comprehend.
Putin would love for elections during a war in Ukraine because his minions would promise peace. What was his name? Oh, yeah, Viktor. I am sure Putin would love to return Viktor to the palace as is the hopes of Trump.
Representive Johnson needs to concern himself with the invasion of a private citizen ruining the USA government. That simply seems to escape him.
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Absolutely not!
These are not bright men.
Zelenskyy in a suit? I think not.
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