Sunday, March 02, 2025

That’s Trump. Gimmicks galore.

Let me get this right. Trump is throwing all these federal employees off payrolls, but, he wants to keep tax cuts that will cost the country trillions in debt while adding more tax cuts? 


How is Trump justifying tax cuts that cost Americans trillions in national debt and how is he paying for them? Or more like it, why is he not paying for it?

(Click here)


Trump’s chronic folly.

This is Putin. Expansionist. There is no reason to ever believe Putin will honor any agreement for a ceasefire or a lasting peace. Trump wants to rule the world as he is the only one that can. Well, he is in a real beauty contest with Vlad.

(Click here)

Mayor Brandon will be on display for the purpose of fear.

Any congressional hearing at this point is nothing more than an opportunity for propaganda. Trump needs to continue to sow fear otherwise his politics will fall apart.

Mayor Brandon has a huge opportunity before him. He can champion the minority citizens in this country and point out the mounting intolerance of racism. 

I heard a commentator make an example of former MSNBC anchor Joy Reid. Supposedly, Ms. Reid is an example of extremism. Really? Of course there is nothing extreme with MAGA.

We have to bring the country to its senses if possible. We had a magnificent society when it wasn’t distracted by lies and hatred. There are a lot of falsehoods in the vapors these days. One of the first executive orders Trump signed was “freedom of speech.” Little did we know there was a clause in that executive order that said, “except for minority women on MSNBC.” The MAGA folks really do believe January 6th is a lie. They believe Trump was a victim. They believe the was a reason for the idea “Stop the Steal.” 

Hopefully, there will be lots of opportunities like the one Mayor Brandon has before him to bring the truth to the people to end the hate.

(Click here)

What is Johnson doing about the insecure attack on our government?

The Republicans are a lot of “Yes men.” The USA does not belong in Ukraine politics, no different than Putin belongs in ours or Ukraine’s as Trump is obviously carrying water for him.

In case Johnson hasn’t noticed there is a war in Ukraine and every 90 days I believe the circumstances are reviewed and elections are delayed because of the chronic attacks by Russia. Currently, that review (which Johnson has no clue about or doesn’t care about it) will occur May 9th. I am confident if the circumstances the people face (including refugee status) are better elections will be set. But, until a solid peace is realized the Ukrainian Constitution must be respected. Something Johnson, along with the other “Yes men” can’t seem to comprehend.

Putin would love for elections during a war in Ukraine because his minions would promise peace. What was his name? Oh, yeah, Viktor. I am sure Putin would love to return Viktor to the palace as is the hopes of Trump.

Representive Johnson needs to concern himself with the invasion of a private citizen ruining the USA government. That simply seems to escape him.

(Click here)

Absolutely not!

Elon Musk and DoGE are national security risks. They are finished with any sort of insecure temporary status.

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Thank you.

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These are not bright men.

I don’t know what everyone is expecting, but, these are not bright men. They have money. So does every street hustler in the country. Money means nothing. Republicans like to say the wealthy equate to highly intelligent. NOT.

To top it off Trump has been in the Oval Office before, yet, without any regard for a long established democracy he relinquished every lever of power to Musk. If anyone is a hustler in this country it is him. He went from businesses with his brother to PayPal to Tesla to Space X.


Former Musk employees are out there screaming about him. They aren’t doing it for vengeance. They are scared for us and the country. They get nothing for screaming warnings to the people that will listen. Their concerns begin with the fact he demands long hours and then followed by firings. 

When employees put on long hours that asking for trouble. 

The nuclear capacity of the USA can’t be toyed with. Ever. Yet, Trump thinks Elon is great. I suppose if a president wants to be a king and subservient to Putin none of this is important. 

Who has the nuclear codes? Who is paying attention to hair trigger satellites? Are orbits deteriorating? I guarantee I have more questions than Trump has answers.




There is no more politics. There are only hard truths.

(Click here)

Zelenskyy in a suit? I think not.

(Click here)

One of the most incredible First Ladies to grace the White House was Barbara Bush. This is a picture of her at a Thanksgiving Dinner with our soldiers. Conversational and bringing smiles to their faces. But, more than that she clearly told them in no uncertain terms “they were not alone.”

President Zelenskyy spurns a Wall Street suit because his heart and mind are always with his soldiers. There is never any doubt with the Ukraine military that he is on a mission to protect them, end this war, and bring his people back home.

I find his clothes very honorable and to be respected.

It is up to Minority Leader Schumer to end this travesty.

(Click here)

Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer must obstruct the U.S.A. House budget bill (click here). 

The House Democrats were very strong in their opposition and one House Republican joined them. The Republicans are sitting down the federal government so the Senate needs to end this travesty of a single party rampage of our democracy.

Senator Schumer must demand all employees return to work with interviews to follow to allow one on one conversations with supervisors who maintain vital government functions.

Additionally, the “No Kings Act” must be attached to this budget along with ample funding to maintain the health of vulnerable Americans. 

There is no reason to do anything else. Any Republican that opposes the “No Kings Act” as an amendment to this bill will tell on themselves as to whether they are Senators for the American people or minions of Donald John Trump. 

Musk also needs to be ostracized from ever manipulating this government again.

Ukraine must be secure as well.

The House budget bill is an outrage!