Thursday, May 30, 2013

S. Amendment 711 - legal guns - continued

 ``Rimfire Rifles--Autoloaders
       ``AMT Lightning 25/22 Rifle
       ``AMT Lightning Small-Game Hunting Rifle II(below) Some of these are actually a bit of surprise, however, the AMT rifles are a collector item because they aren't made anymore. 
I have an AMT Lightening, (click here) it was discontinued years ago because ruger sued amt to stop making it. Well it was pretty much an exact copy of the MKII, but I love it. I would like information on accurizing it. I hear about fire lapping and such...not sure how to do that. It's the stainless 6" model. It's very fussy on the type of ammo used. If I shoot cheap hollow points bang, clear a jam, bang, clear a jam. but if I shoot Rem target...perfect. Any hints about polishing things or parts I can change to increase accuracy and reliablility are greaty appreciated. ``AMT Magnum Hunter Auto Rifle ``Anschutz 525 Deluxe Auto ``Armscor Model 20P Auto Rifle ``Browning Auto .22 Rifles ``Browning Auto-22 Rifle ``Browning Auto-22 Grade VI ``Browning BAR .22 Auto Rifle ``Browning SA-22 Semi-Auto 22 Rifle(below - for sale online for $475.00 click here)
``Henry U.S. Survival .22 ``Henry U.S. Survival Rifle AR-7 ``Krico Model 260 Auto Rifle ``Lakefield Arms Model 64B Auto Rifle ``Marlin Model 60 Self Loading Rifles ``Marlin Model 60C ``Marlin Model 60SB ``Marlin Model 60S-CF ``Marlin Model 60SN ``Marlin Model 60ss Self-Loading Rifle ``Marlin Model 70 Auto-loading Rifles ``Marlin Model 70 HC Auto ``Marlin Model 70P Papoose
(below, sold online at Cowan's Auctions for $230.00)
``Marlin Model 70PSS ``Marlin Model 795 ``Marlin Model 795SS ``Marlin Model 922 Magnum Self-Loading Rifle ``Marlin Model 990l Self-Loading Rifle ``Marlin Model 995 Self-Loading Rifle ``Mossberg 702 Plinkster(below - sold online at for $105.00. That is correct One hundred and five dollars US. Not one thousand, not ten thousand. One hundred five dollars US.)
Nobody wants this junk. Everyone wants the Big Boom. The THRILL. ``Norinco Model 22 ATD Rifle ``Remington 552BDL Speedmaster Rifle ``Remington Model 522 Viper Autoloading Rifle ``Remington Model 597 Blaze Camo ``Remington Model 597 Pink Camo ``Remington Model 597 Synthetic Scope Combo ``Ruger 10/22 Autoloading Carbine (w/o folding stock) ``Ruger 10/22 Compact ``Ruger 10/22 Sporter ``Ruger 10/22 Target ``Survival Arms AR-7 Explorer Rifle (below - nice people buy these guns - he bought this for his Dad. They pass them onto each other.)

       ``Texas Remington Revolving Carbine
       ``Thompson/Center R-55 All-Weather
       ``Thompson/Center R-55 Benchmark
       ``Thompson/Center R-55 Classic
       ``Thompson/Center R-55 Rifles
       ``Thompson/Center R-55 Sporter
       ``Voere Model 2115 Auto Rifle

Thank you for your interest, until later.

The State Department can't have political contact. Where does the RNC think they are going with this?

Secretary Clinton wasn't even at the DNC convention. This is a waste of money by the RNC.

May 30, 2013
Katie Pavlich

The Republican National Committee (click here) has submitted a Freedom of Information Request for emails between the State Department and President Obama's re-election campaign in an effort to get the truth about talking points developed to explain the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack. The FOIA requests copies of all emails and documents that include the words "Libya" and/or "Benghazi" between State Department employees and Obama's campaign staff between September 11 and November 7, 2012. This time period covers the 9/11 attack and the appearance of UN Ambassador Susan Rice on five Sunday shows when she blamed a YouTube video....

The US Post Office doesn't have it rough enough, right? Aren't there limited hubs now?

Why aren't there sniffer dogs in the USPS hubs to find these letters and help pin down where they are coming from?

Posted at 01:20 PM ET, 05/17/2012

...But the closing (click here) of 232 processing centers will be phased in over three years instead of the faster pace postal officials announced last fall.
“After input from our customers, we’ve modified our approach,” Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said at a news conference. “But the sobering reality is that the First Class mail [volume] will not return.”...

I don't think a post office mark is enough. Maybe the collection is too general, but, it is a thought.

Any chance a small residual would be on the machines? Mail trucks?

It is picked up in small amounts at government offices, I would think it would be possible to do the same thing at the hubs.

It can't be that random that it would send detective in circles.

I don't even know if it could be done with dogs. They'd have to be trained with castor beans.

Here we go at 4:00 PM again. Do you believe this? They are becoming clock work.

That is a substantial shelf cloud. People need to be taking shelter now. The upper level rotation is where the water vapor is, not on the ground.

Waiting until the rotation starts if foolish. Completely foolish. Then there is something like 15 minutes to take shelter. This is nonsense. God forbid people should lose a moment of production from their work environment to be cautious.

Do Oklahomans every learn? Do they think for a living or do they like laughing death in the face?

Is this the most dysfunctional culture ever witnessed? The USA spends millions, if not billions on warnings and then add the monies to recover the lives of these people and they can't even act prudently in their own interest? What the heck is that mess?

Hell, I don't know, maybe life insurance pays better than their life time of earnings from work.

I am suppose to care about this and people can't even protect their own lives when this level of threat exists. Whatever happened to 'Better go home, take the rest of the day off. Go take care of your children." What happened to that? It is better the people of Oklahoma City stay on the job and laugh death in the face because God is on their side? Is that it? It is a game of 'Dare Devil?' Adult version?

Tornado Watch 252 (click here) remains valid until 10 pm CDT this evening for the following areas in Oklahoma This Watch includes 29 counties in central Oklahoma Canadian Cleveland Grady Kingfisher Lincoln Logan mcclain Oklahoma Payne Pottawatomie in east central Oklahoma Pontotoc Seminole in northern Oklahoma Noble in Southeast Oklahoma Atoka Bryan coal Hughes Johnston Marshall in southern Oklahoma Carter Garvin Jefferson love Murray Stephens in southwest Oklahoma Caddo Comanche cotton Tillman this includes the cities of: Ada, Anadarko, Ardmore, Atoka. Chandler, Chickasha, Coalgate, Duncan, Durant, El Reno. Frederick, Guthrie, Holdenville, Kingfisher, Lawton. Madill, Marietta, Moore, Mustang, Norman, Oklahoma City. Pauls Valley, Perry, Purcell, Seminole, Shawnee. Stillwater, Sulphur, Tishomingo, Walters, Waurika and Yukon.

A Tornado Watch is not enough? You actually have to see the debris before it becomes an emergency?

That is bullshit. My orientation is that when there is a tornado watch I take cover and wait for an all clear before standing down from an emergency warning. That has been my orientation from the time I was a child. This is screwed up values if I ever witnessed any.

At this point all the Executive Branch has to do is right regulations and wait for lawsuits. There is no reason to do anything else.

The Press have acted like sheep over a cliff and have been completely void of ethical standards in regard to the leak made by the Associated Press.

I think it more than decent the DOJ wants to meet with journalists to determine how to facilitate their practice. If they can't do themselves this favor then they don't deserve it.

They can have their temper tantrums else where. They can go to Congress and stamp their feet all they want and find a way to pass Shield Law legislation. They don't have respect for themselves; why should anyone else?

Sunday, September 11, 2011
There are many varied interpretations (click here) of the journalistic phrase "off the record". To some it means the comments can be used as long as there is no attribution. To some it means that anything said can only be used as indirect background information, without attribution or direct quotation. And still to others it means anything said during an interview is unable to be used in any form whatsoever....

The Congress and the Press seem to be suffering from the same problem. They want to exploit every opportunity for ratings and wealth. At least they'll have something in common to begin their support for The Shield Law.

May 29, 2013
By Dylan Byers
The Associated Press (click here) says it will not attend this week's off-the-record meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder unless the Justice Department decides to change its mind and conduct the meeting on the record....

This only goes to prove the lousy attitude the Associated Press has about the integrity of the Obama Administration. If the profession does not want input to the outcome of their practice then they don't have to, maybe it is too much for them to handle. Poor dears.

The DOJ has done nothing wrong except uphold the national security interests of the USA and its allies. I don't care if they cannot own up to their own wrongdoings and move forward. If they are stuck in their own sympathy for each other, it is their loss. 

Time to move on and the DOJ simply needs to write effective regulation to protect the country and wait for lawsuits. Simple and given the bull-oney going on it will provide a solidly valid platform that sincerely will be worth the cost. They had their chance. This is ridiculous.

Given the very hostile attitudes of the Press and the House and the Republicans there is no sense in providing more fodder.

It is completely obvious the obstinate attitudes by the AP and other members of the Press are power seeking authority. They want the opportunity to carry on with the public to leverage some kind of idea of what they believe should be First Amendment anarchy. 


The Rich get Richer and the National Debt gets larger.

There is absolutely no reason why effective tax reform should not proceed, especially after this report. It is very obvious where the Middle Class finds their tax relief and where they don't.

May 20, 2013
Michael Cohen

...The report, (click here) which was released Wednesday, examined exclusions from taxable income, such as tax breaks for employer-sponsored health insurance, net pension contributions and earnings, capital gains on assets transferred at death, and a portion of Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits. Other top tax expenditures included itemized deduction such as certain taxes paid to state and local governments, mortgage interest payments, and charitable contributions. The other three tax expenditures were preferential tax rates on capital gains and dividends; as well as two refundable tax credits: the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.

The report found that in calendar year 2013, more than half of the combined benefits of those tax expenditures will accrue to households with income in the highest quintile (or one-fifth) of the population, with an estimated 17 percent going to households in the top 1 percent of the population. In contrast, 13 percent of those tax expenditures will accrue to households in the middle quintile, and only 8 percent will accrue to households in the lowest quintile....

The graph is found in the CBO reporting of their findings. (click here) There is only one thing the Rich and the Poor of the USA share; their after tax income percentages.

This is another attack fashioned by FOX News and the Symbiotes in the USA House.

The Testimony before the House Committee is taken out of context and the House members know it. But, since when does that stop the House, Murdoch or the Press?
As much as the Press wants to get their hooks into the Obama Administration, in particular the DOJ, this isn't going to do it. I watched this testimony. I saw this part of Holder's testimony about this subject. Rosen's name was never mentioned. This is a 'gotcha' thing that isn't going to work.

Let's get something straight about these so called hearings by the House. Many of these, including this one with AG Holder, are routine meetings. They aren't really hearings. This is the method used by the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch to talk to each other. This was not an investigation hearing. Some of the House Committee members actually used their time productively. There is no need for more hearings. The Committee Members are welcome to submit questions to the DOJ for answers. If the DOJ is uncooperative or inattentive, the House Committee is welcome to an explanation to that fact, but, this mess that is going on is politics. This has nothing to do with any investigation of the DOJ.

If the House actually wants FACTS to back up their HUBRIS they actually need to do their own fact finding and put together timelines, authorities involved in that time line and bring forth EDUCATED and PREPARED questions to an investigative hearing. Basically, the House has to do their homework. Right now the House uses their meetings with the Executive Branch as photo ops for political commercials. When this happens, why should the DOJ take any of them seriously? The DOJ isn't suppose to do the homework that belongs to the House. Just that simple. If the House does not have clear directions to their questions there is no sense to taking them seriously. How is AG Holder suppose to prepare for a meeting or a hearing if there is no basis to it to begin with?

The House is a prime example of ineffective and incompetent government that runs on steam and political hubris instead of governing. Governing is a real word and at least the Executive Branch takes that word seriously. I suggest the Press do their own work as well to know when these House members are indulging in malpractice, it might even make fools out of the propagandists at FOX that counted on bluffing their way through illegal activity.
May 30, 2013
By Gary J. Remal

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee (click here) are questioning U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s honesty in denying he played a role in targeting journalists as part of a Justice Department probe of classified leaks in light of reports that Holder himself approved a grab for Fox News reporter James Rosen’s emails.
Holder told Congress at a May 15 hearing he had removed himself from decisions to collect Associated Press phone records, but The Washington Post reported that he had signed off on the search warrant for Rosen’s emails.
Judiciary Chairman U.S. Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, both Republicans, wrote to Holder yesterday saying news reports 
“appear to be at odds with your sworn testimony.”...

Can we please stop the fall better than this?

May 30, 2013
By Nigel Morris and Charlie Cooper

More than half a million Britons (click here) have resorted to using food banks to stave off hunger and destitution, the Government has been warned.

Major charities signalled their alarm over a dramatic rise in the nation's "hidden hungry" – families who are forced to ask for help to feed themselves – because of wage cuts, the squeeze on benefits and the continuing economic downturn. The numbers have trebled in the past year alone and are likely to continue rising rapidly despite Britain's status as one of the world's wealthiest nations, according to a joint report by Oxfam and Church Action on Poverty....

Oxfam in Great Britain. A half million of the population in the UK is about 9 percent of the country.

When a Wall Street darling CAUSES economic downturns, employee lay offs and lines at food kitchens, the pay needs to reflect that. Why? Because if the Wall Street Darling continues that trend in the face of economic down trend, they won't have a market for long.

Blankfein is not only over paid, he is scandalously overpaid.

Bloomberg Markets Magazine
Bankers (click here) at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) had a tumultuous 2012. The firm cut 900 jobs, promoted the fewest executives to the exalted post of partner in more than a decade and slashed the portion of revenue set aside for compensation to 38 percent from 42 percent a year earlier.
For the man at the very top of Goldman Sachs’s pay pyramid, Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein, 2012 was his finest year since the boom times of 2007. Blankfein, 58, was awarded $26 million for his work last year, lifting him to No. 1 in the Bloomberg Markets ranking of the best-paid CEOs at North America’s 20 largest financial companies by customer deposits.
John Stumpf, who led Wells Fargo & Co (WFC). to a record profit of $18.9 billion, ran a distant second, at $19.3 million, Bloomberg Markets magazine will report in its July issue....

Muller is leaving evidently.

May 29, 2013|By Henry Pierson Curtis and Amy Pavuk, Staff Writers

An Islamic group (click here) Wednesday called for a federal civil-rights investigation of last week's fatal shooting of an Orlando man by an FBI agent investigating his connection to the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.
And the Tampa director of that group said not only was 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev unarmed when he was shot by the agent May 22, he was hit seven times, including once in the head....