New Zealand is already in a recession, according to a new assessment by the country's Treasury.
The most common definition of a recession defines it as two consecutive three-month periods of contraction....
New Zealand's Jobless Rate Probably Rose to 18-Month-High 3.8% (click here)
Aug. 5 (Bloomberg) -- New Zealand's jobless rate probably rose to an 18-month high in the second quarter as the economy stalled, prompting companies to reduce hiring.
The unemployment rate rose to 3.8 percent from 3.6 percent in the first quarter, according to the median estimate of 13 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The report is released Aug. 7 at 10:45 a.m. in Wellington....
This image was occurring at the same time as the satellite picture below. The vortex can be noted in the satellite below at 8 o'clock. Australia is at 7 o'clock.

July 26, 2008
0722 gmt
I have to retrieve a satellite image from last week that proves the above statement. The above satellite clearly indicates a very turbulent Southern Hemisphere. One might recall the penguin deaths recently.
Hundreds of baby penguins found dead in Brazil (click here)
Their trauma was also visited by the people of New Zealand (see satellite image of vortex over New Zealand above.)
Thousands without power, roads closed as storm batters NI (+photos) (click here)
Yacht gets bashed (click here)
At issue is this. The satellite pictures of the Southern Hemisphere taken nine days apart show a diminishing 'frigid' air masse over East Antarctica. The image from July 26th clearly shows an arriving heat transfer over East Antarctica where the Blue Ice lives and a subsequent mingling of that heat transfer with that air masse hence resulting in a diminished capacity of 'coldness' as noted in the satellite picture of August 4th.
The top ice, 3 miles up is experiencing very frigid temperatures due to the temporal effects of seasons, however, the coastal areas are warm and melting. It is this highly turbulent difference in temperature on the continent along with the arriving equatorial heat transfers that have resulted in highly unpredictable and drastic weather.
New Zealand is not doing well economically either. Their government have noted a recession besetting the country. New Zealand's people are 'of concern' given their proximity to a dynamic Antarctica due to human induced global warming.
August 4, 2008
1316 gmt
Antarctica Satellite
The is grossly diminished frigid air over Antarctica. The heat transfers have been fast and furious with the diminished cooling capacity of the Arctic Ocean. The oceans have lost their mechanisms to cool the continents. The Arctic Ocean was the worlds 'ice cube.' It no longer exists in any significant capacity to prevent the 'super heating' of the continents.
August 3, 2008
0600 gmt
Anarctica Vortex/Jet Stream Satellite ( 7 day loop)
August 4, 2008
0900 AM utc
Antarctica Surface Winds (click here for 24 hour loop)
August 4, 2008
0900 AM
Antarctica Temperature Satellite
Vostok, Antarctica
Lat/Lon: 78.4° S 106.9° E
Local Time: August 4, 2008; 10:01 PM VOST
Temperature :: -81 °F / -63 °C
Conditions :: Clear
Humidity :: 36%
Dew Point :: -88 °F / -67 °C
Wind :: 14 mph / 22 km/h / from the WSW
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in / hPa (Rising)
Visibility :: 12.0 miles / 20.0 kilometers
Elevation :: 11220 ft / 3420 m
Flight Rule :: VFR ()
Wind Speed :: 14 mph / 22 km/h /
Wind Dir :: 250° (WSW)
Ceiling :: 100000 ft / 100000 m
Henry, Antarctica
Lat/Lon: 89.0° S 0.3° W
Local Time: Augsut 4, 2008; 4:03 PM GMT
Temperature :: -75 °F / -59 °C
Wind :: 15 mph / 24 km/h / from the NNE
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in / hPa (Rising)
Elevation :: 9039 ft / 2755 m
Flight Rule :: NA
Wind Speed :: 15 mph / 24 km/h /
Wind Dir :: 30° (NNE)
Palmer Station, Antarctica
Lat/Lon: 64.8° S 64.1° W
Local Time: August 4, 2008; 12:03 PM CLT
Temperature :: 33 °F / 0 °C
Condtions :: Clear
Humidity :: 73%
Dew Point :: 28 °F / -2 °C
Wind :: 40 mph / 65 km/h /from the North
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: 29.32 in / 993 hPa (Rising)
Elevation :: 26 ft / 8 m
Flight Rule :: NA
Wind Speed :: 40 mph / 65 km/h /
Wind Dir :: 0° (North)
Ceiling :: -
Base San Martin, Antarctica
Lat/Lon: 68.1° S 67.1° W
Elevation :: 13 ft / 4 m
Local Time: August 4, 2008; 4:04 PM GMT
Temperture :: 36 °F / 2 °C
Conditions :: Overcast
Humidity :: 75%
Dew Point :: 31 °F / -1 °C
Wind :: 34 mph / 56 km/h / from the NW
Wind Gust ;; -
Pressure :: 29.18 in / 988 hPa (Falling)
Visibility :: 12.0 miles / 20.0 kilometers
UV :: 0 out of 16
Clouds :: Overcast 9843 ft / 3000 m
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation :: 13 ft / 4 m
Flight Rule :: VFR ()
Wind Speed :: 34 mph / 56 km/h /
Wind Dir :: 320° (NW)
Ceiling :: 9800 ft / 3000 m