When police are introduced into peaceful protests the 'core' of liberty is removed. People feel threatened that their lives will be changed forever in a way that is not benevolent to them. They strike back at the heart of the cause, namely the 'authority' that oppresses them or threatens to oppress them. The global collapse of 2008 has trickled down to the citizen and it isn't an agreeable structure within their governments (corruption and lack of justice) or their society (homelessness and allowing homes to be Wall Street tinker toys).
These movements are JUSTIFIED and empowering. It is the way distress is expressed without human casualty. Governments need to be response and provide answers and not obstruct the idea that there is something fundamentally wrong with their country. Their freedoms. Their quality of life. Their country, NOT their country's people.
This degree of global affiliation with an clear understanding of each other thousands of miles apart is not meaningless.
The Occupy Movement comes to Toronto (click title to entry - thank you)
As Torontonians fed up with a financial system that benefits “the elite 1%” prepare to converge at the corner of King and Bay streets Saturday for an open-ended protest, residents will be watching to see whether the amorphous movement takes root as it has south of the border.
OccupyTO was designed to run in conjunction with the ongoing Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, which began last month in New York and have since spread around the world, with occupations scheduled to kick off in a host of other cities this weekend. Inspired by the Arab Spring, the movement, which comes at a time of global economic turmoil, aims to draw attention to the growing gap between the rich and the poor.
Organizers of OccupyTO say their goal is to “stand in unity with the rest of the world to seek and work towards drastic changes to economic systems that are destroying our economy, social fiber, and environment....