Sunday, October 06, 2024

What do Americans think authoritarian leaders do?

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There is no mistake on my part. Trump wants unreasonable power over individual lives. No one will be safe anymore. If he ever gains power with a consenting military and/or police the character of this country will change overnight. At that point the only hope Americans have in preserving our democracy will be if the police and military hold their ground against him. That is why he will pardon the January 6th insurgents, to return them to their militia status. His private military to enforce his regime change. We already know they think nothing of killing police.

This is exactly what will happen. Trump admires Putin’s power and longs to assert it.

This was May 2024:

What will the USA look like…

…when Trump and the Evangelicals get finished with it?

Exactly like this:

(Click here)

They and Alexei Navalny were working toward a better Russia by pushing back on corruption. They aren’t wealthy people, they are just honest people believing that the truth and justice mattered. They believed the best was possible in Russia.

The reason these journalists are on trial is because Putin sees them as a threat to his regime. He will example them, oppress the rest and the masses of people that see Russia through different eyes. Eyes of morality and equality, justice and happiness, and acceptance of difference.

They dared to believe the freedom of expression guaranteed by Russian citizenship by writing, photographing, and truth telling would bring a far greater country than anyone could imagine. Washing Russia of corruption would mean acceptance in the world through trade and economic prosperity. This is what hope got these young, beautiful people in Russia. Silenced now to survive Putin’s perverted courts.

The DNC needs to file a lawsuit.

(Click here)

The argument against filing now is that nothing nefarious has happened so there is nothing a judge can decide on. But, the potential of the catastrophe this unmitigated power can cause is enough to seek an injunction against rules that disrupt due process. These rules disrupt the process of untainted ballots in the face of suspicion. Suspicion is enough of a reason for investigation, but, not elimination of votes. These rules seek to eliminate all votes cast without valid and proved reason.

Recently I believe it was a judge in Georgia that dismissed a lawsuit by the Trump people who wanted to sue the voting machine company. They are trying to lay the ground work to institute these restrictive and illegal voting REGULATIONS in suspicion of voting machines the Georgia Election Board falsely accused as problematic. 

It is all foreplay to fucking the 2024 elections by lawyers to frustrated with their incomes to be loyal to the USA Constitution . It is all abuse of power and the Georgia Election Board should be investigated and the DNC needs to counter this corruption with a lawsuit recognizing draconian election regulations designed to send the election into chaos.

One other thing. If the elections become to unruly and chaotic I do believe President Biden has the authority to call a state of emergency and institute a police state until all issues are clear and facts are established.