So, let me look at what is occurring. Trump's attack is unjustified. It was only a few days ago that the protesters at the USA Embassy left.
Trump is threatening Iran with more strikes if Iran retaliates for the death of it's top brass. That is not realistic. To begin civilian deaths are out of the question.
Trump has no real strategy, he is a reactionary president and he puts the USA in danger because of his lack of knowledge and insight.
January 3, 2020
By Kenneth Rapoza
...Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (click here) told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday that the U.S. had embarked on an “illegal power” move and called for dialogue with Iran....
There really isn't anything much for a foreign minister to say after the fact. It seems as though the US Congress wasn't the only authority left in the dark.
...Lavrov seemed most upset that Russia was not notified of the actions before hand. He said that the actions of a UN member state to eliminate officials of another UN member state on the territory of a third sovereign state “flagrantly violate the principles of international law and deserve condemnation.”...
The RULES FOR THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL in the US Senate needs to be set down and must include WITNESSES the US Courts state must comply with Congressional subpoenas.
Senate Minority Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi are absolutely correct in their approach to demanding rules for the hearing to be sure it is fair and not pre-determined by a corrupt Republican Senate Majority.
...Washington sees an attack on its Embassy as an attack on its private property, though that attack was provoked by a previous U.S. military action.
The Russian Minister said this step by the United States is “fraught with grave consequences for regional peace and stability.”...
Setting aside Russia does not see it's own actions in Ukraine as consequential for regional peace and stability; Foreign Minister Lavrov has never been more correct. I appreciate him speaking the truth.
In case the Foreign Minister hasn't decided on the reason for the abrupt attack and deaths of Iranian military leaders, allow me to provide an impetus for such outrageous actions.
Both the people of the USA that see Trump for what he is and those trying to understand such brash decisions don't bother to contextualize the man making the decisions, or better said PLANS. Trump is a zealot. There is no reasoning with him. Besides that, I believe some of the impetus is due to the quaking leadership in Israel. I strongly believe "the Kushner Peace Plan" was nothing but a way to set a tone for expectations in the region that is far more than can be delivered. With people making decisions to impart a certain level of investment, anything short of that is barbaric and standing in the way of progress.
I reflect on Trump's history and outrageous overtures to Israel. He is blind to any other country besides Israel. Israel spells votes and if Trump can turn heads in the USA he has a larger political base. One of his most outrageous moves was to open a USA embassy in Jerusalem. I don't care if he tried to justify it by cost-effectiveness, he literally assigned any mission to Palestine to the basement. The Palestinians did not get the same esteem as Israel did when Trump and Kushner made their decisions.
Every brash decision made by Trump and carried out as PROOF of his devotion to Israel over and above that of the Palestinians was increasing tensions that would spark anger and hate. The protests no matter where they were to take place should have been expected and rightfully so, but, INSTEAD was viewed as an attack on the USA. Sorry. But, when a country has a mission on foreign soil and carries out insult after insult in the region, there is going to be a backlash and danger. Trump didn't care and now he is parlaying all that momentum into a war chant. A war chant that the extremists in Israeli leadership welcome with the idea Trump can actually pull off a change in the Middle East paradigm to benefit expansionism.
Donald J. Trump has carried out and continues to carry out a "Star Chamber" and a "Cabal of USA Authority." He tells no one and he is at the top of one of the most powerful militaries in the world. He is not interested in peace. He eliminated any good relations with Iran by dissolving the USA interest in the P5+1 agreement.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) (click here) between Iran and P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) and the European Union signed in Vienna on 14 July 2015....
To measure the degree of which Donald J. Trump has disrupted global order, realize where the world is today compared to four short years ago. That is not an accident, that is a plan. Trump didn't care about how he achieved his satiation of hatred which resounds in his constituency about Muslims. All he knew is that he needed votes and he would get them at any cost, even global instability. He wants this war. He wants it more than anyone can imagine and it is why he killed Iran's top generals. It was a guarantee to war. Isn't it?
The death of those men was a waste. It accomplished nothing in terms to regional stability. It is my guess that once Iran exacts it's own plans, the USA Embassy in Iraq will be the first target. A billion dollar fortress will fall. It will give more reason for Trump to escalate his plans.
Donald J. Trump has to be stopped. He is lawless and is extremely dangerous. There is no reason for any country, including North Korea, to ever trust The West's diplomacy again, at least as far as that of the USA. Right now even Americans are asking how can such a man be outside the ability of our own laws to end such danger to Americans as well as the global community.
Let me just say this. Balance all that has gone on internationally with the reality that he is handing military pardons to officers that don't deserve them. It is a plan and is has to end now!
In case the Foreign Minister hasn't decided on the reason for the abrupt attack and deaths of Iranian military leaders, allow me to provide an impetus for such outrageous actions.
Both the people of the USA that see Trump for what he is and those trying to understand such brash decisions don't bother to contextualize the man making the decisions, or better said PLANS. Trump is a zealot. There is no reasoning with him. Besides that, I believe some of the impetus is due to the quaking leadership in Israel. I strongly believe "the Kushner Peace Plan" was nothing but a way to set a tone for expectations in the region that is far more than can be delivered. With people making decisions to impart a certain level of investment, anything short of that is barbaric and standing in the way of progress.
I reflect on Trump's history and outrageous overtures to Israel. He is blind to any other country besides Israel. Israel spells votes and if Trump can turn heads in the USA he has a larger political base. One of his most outrageous moves was to open a USA embassy in Jerusalem. I don't care if he tried to justify it by cost-effectiveness, he literally assigned any mission to Palestine to the basement. The Palestinians did not get the same esteem as Israel did when Trump and Kushner made their decisions.
Every brash decision made by Trump and carried out as PROOF of his devotion to Israel over and above that of the Palestinians was increasing tensions that would spark anger and hate. The protests no matter where they were to take place should have been expected and rightfully so, but, INSTEAD was viewed as an attack on the USA. Sorry. But, when a country has a mission on foreign soil and carries out insult after insult in the region, there is going to be a backlash and danger. Trump didn't care and now he is parlaying all that momentum into a war chant. A war chant that the extremists in Israeli leadership welcome with the idea Trump can actually pull off a change in the Middle East paradigm to benefit expansionism.
Donald J. Trump has carried out and continues to carry out a "Star Chamber" and a "Cabal of USA Authority." He tells no one and he is at the top of one of the most powerful militaries in the world. He is not interested in peace. He eliminated any good relations with Iran by dissolving the USA interest in the P5+1 agreement.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) (click here) between Iran and P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany) and the European Union signed in Vienna on 14 July 2015....
To measure the degree of which Donald J. Trump has disrupted global order, realize where the world is today compared to four short years ago. That is not an accident, that is a plan. Trump didn't care about how he achieved his satiation of hatred which resounds in his constituency about Muslims. All he knew is that he needed votes and he would get them at any cost, even global instability. He wants this war. He wants it more than anyone can imagine and it is why he killed Iran's top generals. It was a guarantee to war. Isn't it?
The death of those men was a waste. It accomplished nothing in terms to regional stability. It is my guess that once Iran exacts it's own plans, the USA Embassy in Iraq will be the first target. A billion dollar fortress will fall. It will give more reason for Trump to escalate his plans.
Donald J. Trump has to be stopped. He is lawless and is extremely dangerous. There is no reason for any country, including North Korea, to ever trust The West's diplomacy again, at least as far as that of the USA. Right now even Americans are asking how can such a man be outside the ability of our own laws to end such danger to Americans as well as the global community.
Let me just say this. Balance all that has gone on internationally with the reality that he is handing military pardons to officers that don't deserve them. It is a plan and is has to end now!