The First World War would start three years later with the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (click here).
January 1 - Belgian Mining law introduces 9 -hour work day
January 5 - Portuguese expel Jesuits
January 10 - 1st photo in U.S. taken from an airplane, San Diego
January 18 - 1st shipboard landing of a plane (Tanforan Park to USS Pennsylvania)
February 6 - 1st old-age home opened in Prescott, Arizona
March 7 - U.S. sent 20,000 troops to Mexican border
March 18 - North Dakota enacts a hail insurance law
April 30 - Portugal approves woman suffrage
May 15 - Supreme Court dissolves Standard Oil with the Sherman Antitrust Act
May 23 - New York Public Library building at 5th Avenue dedicated by President Taft
June 1 - 1st U.S. group insurance policy written, Passaic, New Jersey
June 20 - NAACP incorporates in New York
July 4 - 105 degrees F (41 degrees C) at Vernon, Vermont (state record)
The Climate was healthy. When it was hot, it was hot and when it was cold, it was very cold. I remember when I lived in Pennsylvania as a kid, the farmers would always say, I hope the freeze goes deep this winter, there won't be so many pests come this spring. By deep they meant at least three feet of frozen ground. It takes lots and lots of cold to freeze ground that deep.
July 4 - 106 degrees F (41 degrees C) at Nashua, New Hampshire (state record)
September 19 - Red Tuesday-20,000 protest for universal rights
September 20 - Yankees set team record 12 errors in a double header
October 6 - Beatrix van Rijk becomes 1st licensed Dutch woman pilot
October 20 - Roald Amundsen sets out on race to South Pole (Antarctica Admundsen Base is named for him.)
October 24 - Robert Scott's expedition leaves Cape Evans for South Pole
November 4 - France and Germany signs treaty about Morocco and Congo
November 18 - Britain's 1st seaplane flies
December 31 - Marie Curie receives her 2nd Nobel Prize

Niagra Falls 1911

Niagra Falls 1911. Amazing. Completely unafraid and engaging nature without a second thought.

Niagra Falls 1911. Sledding. Fun. Bring the neighbors.

Niagra Falls 1911, people were 'unafraid,' not brave, huge difference.

Niagra Falls today in the dead of Winter. Freezing just doesn't happen anymore.

Niagra Falls 1911