Our Choice will change the way we read books. And quite possibly change the world. In this interactive app, former Vice President Al Gore surveys the causes of global warming and presents groundbreaking insights and solutions already under study and underway that can help stop the unfolding disaster of global warming. The Our Choice app melds Vice President Gore’s narrative with photography, interactive graphics, animations, and more than an hour of engrossing documentary footage. A new, groundbreaking multi-touch interface allows you to experience that content seamlessly. Pick up and explore anything you see in the book; zoom out to the visual table of contents and quickly browse though the chapters; reach in and explore data-rich interactive graphics.
The Assault on Reason
A visionary analysis of how the politics of fear, secrecy, cronyism, and blind faith has combined with the degradation of the public sphere to create an environment dangerously hostile to reason.
An Inconvenient Truth
In former Vice President Al Gore’s best selling book, An Inconvenient Truth he lays out a case for the climate crisis and why it is imperative that we solve it.
An Inconvenient Truth (Movie)
Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with former Vice President Al Gore’s personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change in the most talked-about documentary of the year.
Earth Day started the awareness of the climate crisis gently. It was begun by John McConnell in 1970 as a citizen's movement to grow a welcome message of Earth's changing climate. The message threatened no one, but, only to reach others who did not have the knowledge about greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect. It threatened no one until it reached the office of Wall Street and it entered into political debate of petroleum profits. A simple man with a simple and important message through his First Amendment right to freedom of speech. It is the way the democracy of the United States of America is suppose to work; uncorrupted, based in truth and reason inspired to move to protect the lives of it's people. The First Amendment was trampled and sold to political ambitions. It was not a crisis when John McConnell began a citizen's awareness. The USA is failing it's people. What happened to the First Amendment?