Saturday, March 25, 2023

Gotion, Inc.

China should never be involved in a vital project that is funded by local, state and federal governments.

The EV battery plant should be nationalized while construction continues. The plant can be a U.S. government installation or the major American auto makers can buy interest in the facility.

When foreign investment by communist countries are tolerated a national security issue develops. It is no different than the Russian steel plant in Kentucky, the profits of these facilities goes back to China or Russia. In allowing this level of exploitation Ukraine is at risk as well as our military in general. Those profits will go to build more missiles and nukes that in turn can be used against the USA and our allies.

Another example is Tik-Tok. China has already stated if there was a forced sale China will step in. What the heck does that mean? China has no right to dictate policy regarding the airspace over the USA!

Communists go home and don’t come back!

The EV plant is being funded by Free World governments as if China is doing us a favor. It isn’t! Nationalize the interest in it and ask USA companies to purchase interest in it and use the batteries produced. It would be a huge leg-up for a company like Ford to reduce it’s capital expense in producing electric vehicles.

I can’t believe China is allowed to compete with Musk. That is just simply outrageous.

The Space Force…

 …needs to stay in Colorado. American taxpayers should not be paying for such ill tempered, ill-mannered president’s political preferences! Don’t talk about the budget if this kind of foolishness is allowed and tolerated.

The US Air Force Academy is in Colorado. The US Air Force Academy states it is the “Number One School for Space.”

End of discussion.