The USA has a land mass of 3.5 million square miles
USA Population, estimate July 2007 - 301,139,947 people
Per Capita Income of the USA - $40,100 (2004 est.)
Annual Tropospheric Carbon Load as of 2006 - 5,800,000,000 metric tons
Carbon Load per Capita - 19.260 metric tonsThat Carbon Load per Income Dollar per Capita - $0.0004803

China has a land mass of 3.7 million square miles. For the sake of the purpose of this 'statement of fact' the land mass of the USA and China are virtually the same.
China population, estimate July 2007 - 1,321,851,888 people
Per Capita Income of China - $5600 (2004 estimate)
Annual Tropospheric Carbon Load as of 2006 - 6,230,000,000 metric tons
Carbon Load per Capita - 4.713 metric tons
That Carbon Load per Income Dollar per Capita - $0.0008416
While it is important China IS beginning to address it's contribution to the carbon load of Earth, the USA has YET to address it's responsibility. China, this year, has stated it is aware of it's carbon burden to Earth, but, according to George Walker Bush there is no such thing as a Carbon Load that the USA is exclusively responsible for, nor has he addressed the issue in it's entirety.
Human Induced Global Warming has been known to the USA as a potential danger for nearly half a century. The USA was aware of this danger BEFORE Nixon went to China, while George H. W. Bush was Ambassador to China. While Republicans looked the other way to the warnings of USA scientists leading the way on Human Induced Global Warming, when it would have been completely painless for the USA to stop using COAL as an energy source and to warn China of the dangers of using COAL as an energy source.
Per Duke University in the year 2003-4 there is no such thing as Clean Coal Technology because the land mass of Earth is already saturated with carbon dioxide from the overloaded troposphere.
The cost today of the carbon burden to the troposphere of Earth per income dollar is HALF in the USA than in China. Whom do you think is better prepared fiscally to stop this insanity? Do I have to answer that?