I am just a little tired of the hypocrisy already. The USA Senate and House are settling this hideous circumstance the American people have to face from now into eternity and the health care insurance industry is expected to be charging far more than THAT prediction by 2019.
...The finance panel bill calls (click title to entry - thank you) for sweeping insurance market reforms, requires most individuals to obtain medical policies and provides tax subsidies to help people afford coverage. The bill also would tax high-cost insurance plans and would place a $500,000 limit on the amount of executive pay that health insurance companies could deduct from taxable income....
If the current 'trends' in Health Care Insurance continues without legislative intervention, the companies will be charging more for their insurance and be insuring far fewer people.
The legislation should 'help' the insurance companies simply because it requires all people of the country to be insured. It is why the government has to supply a public option to 'contain' the cost of health insurance to the nation.
Any health care insurance company always 'does better' with their 'bottom line' with more subscribers and less liability for payments. Mandating that all Americans carry health care insurance will broaden the base of their enrollment, increase the amount of dollars they receive into their treasuries, therefore, increasing the support for the individuals that have chronic and devastating health care issues.
If within a 'populous of the insured' there are 100 people being treated for cancer and that treatment costs $25,000 each those costs have less of an impact if the enrollment is 100,000 enrollees rather than 10,000.
That is a simple illustration of what will occur when the Senate and House pass their health care insurance reform bills.
Each private health care company will have increased enrollments of people that they have to accept and their liability for the costs will be shared better than if they continue to limit the populous of their enrollees to few and few individuals. Their 'methodology' makes no sense. The problem they are having is maintaining their exploitive profit margin. That will probably shrink, but, there will still be stockholders to receive payments quarterly.
The reason there has to be a public option is because without it the health insurance companies will exploit the American people for higher and higher profits. Health care is far too important to leave up to the private sector now or in the future. The people of this country have been wounded enough by corrupt practices with unnecessary deaths and those that could not achieve adequate care until they were disabled and on Medicare.
There has to be government regulation of the health care insurance industry so the 'same' practices don't continue to plague this country. They are untrustworthy. Their statements here are lies designed to alienate the electorate from the passage of these bills. They will be regulated and there will be a public option to control costs. Just that simple. This is an example of the ruthlessness of the industry and the extreme disregard they have for the well being of the people of this nation.
Basically, there are no accurate estimations from the insurance company lobbies. Why? Because their current enrollments are askewed. The majority of young people in this country are without health care insurance and as soon as they are added to the rolls the premiums should plummet and not escalate. The good news is, the young people within that population that need health care insurance will have it and they can still pursue the American dream without it being dashed to oblivion because they are diagnosed with an illness they didn't expect.
Young people in the USA need their health insurance no different than older Americans. They need to develop good habits when they are young and carry them through into older adulthood. The 'truth' is the health care insurance industry has no clue to what their cost to income ratio will be because they are so corrupted by faux values and standards they hold so dear now !