Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Nobel Peace Prize..

…is possible for President Biden if he takes the Palestinian Authority under his wing with a clear understanding of the truths that lie with the dynamics of the Palestinians and Israeli people.

I will write about this tomorrow afternoon. There just aren't enough hours in a day. Besides trying to find a way to express what needs to be done, there are personal priorities that do have some precedent.

The peace process between Israel and Palestine is very possible but the truths that exist have to be recognized and a peaceful understanding of the best outcomes agreed to without reservation.

To begin I think the documents of the past had their day, but, need to be examined for the relevance to today. The land that Israel and Palestine call their own once belongs to the United Kingdom. From the The Partition of Palestine to Resolution 181 to the Onslow Accords and the multiple peace treaties along the way to our modern day problems must be viewed as an attempt at satisfying these people with homelands, but, were miserable failures.

I believe the Palestinian people are ready to identify terrorism within their government and remove the threat. They must recognize Israel as a sovereign authority as well as the PA their governing authority. But, I first have to discuss the truths that exist that can no longer be allowed to exist.

Thank you.
