Thursday, January 05, 2012

They are correct, even though THE TRUTH is unpopular. I'll prove it to you now!

January 3, 2012
The temperature map of the USA.

It is cold isn't it?  Right? Very cold in some places. There were predictions that the cold would keep Iowans at home.  Could not be further from the turth, because, just like the continuing drought in the middle of the USA, these temperatures even though cold are not normal.  They are above average.

January 3, 2012
1607 gmt

This is the change that occurred in temperatures across the USA in 24 hours.  What that means is that there were drops or increases based on air movement across the country, but, that isn't the entire picture.  The fluctuations are incredible' from an increase of 34 degrees in the upper midwest of all places to minus 25 in Florida.  Huh?

January 03, 2012 
00 gmt

These were the actual high temperatures across the country.  

But, the 'Departure from Normal' temperatures below is where it really gets interesting.
January 3, 2012
00 GMT

There are degree changes from 29 degrees F in the upper midwest to -21 F in Florida.  There is something very wrong with this picture.

Janaury 3, 2012

These were the actual low temperatures for the third of January 2012.  

January 3, 2012
00 GMT

This is the departure from normal temperatures in degrees fahrenheit.

This is climate change, it is a climate crisis.  Growing patterns can literally change and the outcomes for the country is dangerous.  A majority of the country is getting warmer while the east coast of the USA is seeing changes in temperature that are colder.  The reason there is more coldness in the eastern part of the country is because the ground is saturated with water and the chill of the air has penetrated the ground and caused residual cold.  The ground is keeping the east coast colder, but, the air isn't.  The air temperatures are higher than normal for this time of year and we are in winter in the northern hemisphere.

There are lots of evidence, but, the everyday lives of people can measure the change in their own recollection of years past.  If one notices, as soon as the cloudy, cold air leaves for higher latitudes, the air gets warm very quickly.  It is only the arctic blasts that come across the mid-latitudes that is causing any kind of winter, not the fact the planet is actually in winter.

It is here.  The Climate Crisis is upon us.

Janaury 3, 2012
Current Snowcover

I hate to break THE TRUTH to Big Oil, but, North Carolina is going solar. Yep.


Stop corporations from dictating your life !

Solar Farm 
Another development during the past year that spans both economic and environmental boundaries was the O2Energies “Mayberry solar farm” project.
It began operations within the last quarter of 2011 on property adjacent to the Mount Airy Wastewater Treatment Plant off U.S. 52-South.
Numerous business leaders and officials gathered in early October for the dedication of the solar farm that placed Surry County on the cutting edge of “clean energy” technology.
O2 Energies, a Charlotte-area company that develops turn-key, ground-mounted solar photovoltaic systems, worked with the city over the previous two years to develop the farm.
Also, more than 20 local and state businesses were involved in its construction.
The 1.2-megawatt solar farm consists of rows of collectors mounted to the ground and will power around 150 homes. The electricity generated by the solar panels will go into the Duke Energy grid to supply local homes.

Turning the state on to solar power  (click here)

Company leads move to sustainable energy

A Lake Norman company is cashing in on the state's burgeoning solar power industry and bringing revenue to the Lake Norman area.
O2 Energies, a 2-year-old Cornelius firm that develops and finances solar-power projects, recently opened power plants in Newland and Mt. Airy.
In Newland, the company converted 6 acres of a 38-acre Christmas Tree Farm into a 1-megawatt solar power plant. In Mt. Airy, O2 Energies created a 1.2-megawatt solar power plant on 6 acres about 3 miles from the city's downtown.
The two plants in Newland and Mt. Airy join a number of other solar plants throughout the state, many of which O2 Energies has helped to develop.
Altogether, the company has developed about 70 solar projects. However, the new plants in Avery and Mount Airy, are the only two that O2 Energies owns.
Those two plans generate more than 3 million kilowatt hours of electricity every year, said Joel Olee Olsen, the company's managing director....

In less than one hour, (click here for O2energies) the sun provides as much energy to the Earth as the Earth’s entire annual energy consumption! However, less than 0.02% of the electricity we consume comes from solar energy....

Blackrock is purchasing elections. This is Blackrock's answer to "Buy Gold."

This is the Nightly Business Report for yesterday, the Blackrock 'jock' Bob Dole appeared on the program tonight, January 5, 2012.

Blackrock is a liquidity company.  They buy and sell real companies and now they are predicting the year 2012 will return the government to only Republican leadership.  So, let me see, if I invest with Blackrock they can guarantee I will have Republicans to corrupt the government, contort morality, increase the number impoverished and increase the holdings of million - billionaires.  Oh, yeah, and of course that means returning the energy sector to Big Oil.  Sure, why not.

Since when does a very wealthy group of people have this kind of power over the American elections.  Literally, Blackrock wants to dissolve Medicare and change the dynamics of 'Old Age' in the USA with the next elections.  Wouldn't they like to get their hands on as much liquidity as they can.  There has to be some type of violation here.  Oh, wait, this is more of the Citizen's United boondoggle?  

The Plutocracy is determined to own the USA, harness the military and intimidate the world for their profit margins.  If this isn't proof, don't ask me what is.

...10.  Republicans capture the Senate, retain the House and defeat President Obama. (click here)

Predicting elections is always treacherous and assessing the impacts is even more precarious.  At this stage, our view is there is a strong chance the Republicans retain the House of Representatives while losing a few seats, a reasonable chance they capture the Senate and, while a very different call, win the Presidency.  The last part of this prediction is especially difficult given the President’s advantage of incumbency and campaign war chest and the uncertainty as to the eventual Republican nominee.  Critical to the President’s re-election chances are his approval ratings and the unemployment rate, neither of which are currently in his favor.  From a markets perspective, we would point out that, historically, equity returns have been strongest under Republican control of Congress regardless of the President’s party.

The United States of America owned and operated by Blackrock and Associates

President Obama needs to provide more recess appointments. He has only averaged half or less of other presidents.

Martin J. Gruenberg, (click here) Sheila C. Bair, Chairman (seated), John C. Dugan, Thomas J. Curry, and John M. Reich (standing, left to right)

The USA Government is becoming immobilized by the Senate Republicans and Director Cordray will need qualified people to work with.  

In this example, of one of many still needing confirmation, is Martin J. Grunberg.  Mr. Gruenberg is nominated for Chief Officer of the FDIC.  

This is a very bad time for the FDIC to be without a leader and Mr. Gruenberg is highly qualified.

Martin J. Gruenberg (click title to entry - thank you)
Martin J. Gruenberg was sworn in as Vice Chairman of the FDIC Board of Directors on August 22, 2005. Upon the resignation of Chairman Donald Powell, he served as Acting Chairman from November 15, 2005 to June 26, 2006. On November 2, 2007, Mr. Gruenberg was named Chairman of the Executive Council and President of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI)....

The President is responsible for the smooth functioning of the federal government. That is why it is called The Executive Branch.  The lack of the ability of the USA Senate to confirm or deny Presidential nominations is becoming a burden to the people as their government lacks qualified people in LEADERSHIP appointments.  

This is ridiculous as these people are not only qualified they are eminently qualified and have worked in their careers for a significant amount of time to achieve such standing.  

The lack of qualified leadership is hurting the USA for the sake of political gamesmanship.  Those that oppose the multiple nominations in the Senate have NO GOOD REASON for doing so, are hurting the nation and should be impeached and/or recalled whichever is more expedient!

Also awaiting nomination is Thomas Hoenig.  He is nominated for the FDIC Vice Chairmanship.

Thomas M. Hoenig (click here) was president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a member of the Federal Reserve System’s Federal Open Market Committee from 1991-2011. He retired on Oct. 1, 2011, due to age requirements for regional Reserve Bank presidents....

Also awaiting confirmation is Tomas J. Curry.  He can be noted in the picture at the top of the page as well.

Mr. Curry is nominated for Chairmanship of the OCC.  The OCC is the Office of Comptroller of the Currenty.  (click here)  These nominees are all about the BANKING SYSTEM and the safeguards that exist for the people of this country.  Without the smooth operations of these offices the American people suffer.  These appointees need confirmation as soon as possible.  

Is everyone getting the picture. The BANKS are being protected and allowed to roam free among their consumers without profound leadership at major federal institutions. The reasons seem fairly obvious to me as to the lack of Senate Republicans UNWILLING to perform the responsibilities they were elected to provide.  The Senate Republicans have an acquired incompetency and should be removed from their offices.

Thomas J. Curry

Thomas J. Curry took office on January 12, 2004, as a member of the board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for a six-year term.
Curry previously served five Massachusetts Governors as the Commonwealth’s Commissioner of Banks from 1995 to December 2003. He served as acting commissioner from February 1994 to June 1995 and as first deputy commissioner from 1987 to 1994.
Curry also served as chairman of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors from 2000 to 2001 and as a member of the State Liaison Committee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council from 1996 to 2003. He joined the Commonwealth’s Division of Banks in 1986. He entered state government in 1982 as an attorney with the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office.
Curry is a graduate of Manhattan College (summa cum laude), where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his law degree from the New England School of Law.

Mr. Curry is an interesting person.  At this webpage he was a member of the Board of Directors of NeighborhoodWorks America. (click here)

One of the many purposes of NeighborhoodWorks America was to offer contacts for people facing foreclosure.

For homeowners (click here) having difficulty paying their mortgage or know they will have difficulty in the near future, it's important for them to act now. NeighborWorks America has developed a robust consumer website, which includes information and links to agencies that can help guide homeowners out of foreclosure.

I thought the motto, which Republicans seem big on these days, of the OCC was more than interesting:  

"Ensuring a Safe and Sound National Banking System for All Americans."

Is anyone NOT getting a clear picture of the ruthless Republican Senators?  I mean 'Really now." Can it be more obvious?