Thursday, June 21, 2018

The culture that exists around Stonehenge is enduring.

Happy Summer everyone.


These are not shelters, they are internment camps and there is no EXIT strategy from these facilities for the children.

There is now a non-profit that handles the border children as well as children in prisons and jail. This organization "Southwest Key" is feeding off the federal government, but, look someone has to do it, right?

Every child Donald Trump took away from their parents became a meal ticket for Southwest Keys.

This organization has existed for 20 years by accepting unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border of the USA. The organization has it's own charter school. My goodness. The children don't know what the USA is all about and I'd like to know how often he takes the children on trips to Disney World. 

Okay, so the USA doesn't want to enter into Mexico, Central America or South America to end the drug cartels and allow people to elect democratic governments that actually know what an economy is and how to propagate it to provide for a country of people. I suppose coveting the Middle East and putting the USA military in the middle of that mess rather than this mess is better for the country. 

The answer then is Southwest Key which is run illegally with numerous citations for violations of standards set down for such an institution. But, regardless of it's violations of the law, Southwest Key continues to grow with facilities in many of the states with TENS of thousands of children housed and educated.

The more Southwest Key and Dr. Sanchez continue to exist, they have fallen into 'the idea' of benevolence and have attracted foundation money such as NCLR & Ford Motor Company.

To begin the children at these internment camps should not be sequestered indefinitely at Southwest Key as it only creates the purpose of the organization and it's ever expanding empire. The children should be taught English as a Second Language and returned to the community to attend public school. It will expose the children to America and they will learn to live with people different than what they have in the past.

I would like to know how many children are in each facility and bring them into compliance with health and fire regulations to insure the safety of the children. An investigation to the children, their ages and their disposition after some exposure to assimilation to allow them to be adopted by USA parents. What is the shortest and longest stay for these children at Southwest Key.

The number of people crossing the southern USA border is declining. It has been declining since President Obama had entered office for several reasons.

"Latin America Regional Organization" (click here)

This organization is international and a product of the Australian government. All these countries have a relationship with each other. This is a stark realization that international organizations exist that can be tapped to return children to their homeland.

Since Donald Trump hates President Obama and never allows the policies of President Obama to repeat in his administration, Donald Trump will not engage these organizations to end the crisis at the USA southern border.

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) was founded in 2004 by Cuba and Venezuela. They were joined by Antigua and Barbuda (2009), Bolivia (2006), Dominica (2008), Ecuador (2009), Grenada (2014), Nicaragua (2007), St Kitts and Nevis (2014), St Lucia (2013) and St Vincent and Grenadines (2007).

The Organization of American States

The Organization of American States (OAS) was founded in 1948. It has a permanent secretariat in Washington and includes all 35 independent states of the Americas. Cuba has been excluded since 1962 and Venezuela has applied to leave.

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was a Mexican initiative announced in 2012. CELAC’s membership is the same as the OAS except that it excludes Canada and the United States and includes Cuba. It has no permanent secretariat and is becoming a vehicle for engagement outside the region. The first CELAC-EU Summit was held in Santiago in January 2013 and the first CELAC-China Forum was held in Beijing in January 2015. Australia met the CELAC Troika in December 2012.
Within the United Nations these countries form the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC).
The Union of South American Nations
The Union of South American Nations (Unasur) Consultative Treaty was signed in 2008, with entry into force in 2011. It includes all 12 independent South American states (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela). Unasur's Secretariat is located in Quito, Ecuador. The Union is focused on physical regional integration, including on energy, education, health, environment, infrastructure, security and democracy. Unasur has also sought to encourage dialogue between the government and opposition in Venezuela, with Unasur Secretary General Ernest Sampo leading a delegation, including the foreign ministers of Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, to Caracas in March 2015.
These children are the future promise to these countries. The children need to be returned to carry out a normal life with their own cultures and government. The problem is that some of these governments are failing to provide the barest existence in their homeland because the drug cartels have overpowered the government. We know that is true and a fact. The reason for this is because drug cartels are international organizations pulling in funding from many different places and can arm themselves better than the government. They have half-subs and I am sure there are some cartels with a submarine or two.

President Obama would meet with all these organizations, including those affiliated with the Caribbean Sea. He would seek to understand them and their problems and help find solutions to BEGIN to change the paradigm so their futures are better and their children are safe. 

There is a particular problem with the children that have been showing up at the USA southern border; they are from countries in Central America which is the transition region where drug cartels transport their illegal products to the USA.

The geography of the region (I have stated this before on this blog.) provides for a narrowing of the transport highway for drug cartels. As a result the citizens of these countries are exposed to the governance of the cartels rather than their official governments. It gets crazy. There is an entry on this blog from a few years ago whereby a private luxury jet made a landing on a Belize highway and bent one of it's wings. It could not take off again and the authorities were able to seize the jet and eventually found the cargo of cocaine that was taken by smugglers.

This is the problem. This is why these children are coming to the USA southern border. Their parents love them and come with them seeking asylum. The asylum seekers are legitimate and the plight of these people will not end until this region of the world is again governed by the people's government and not the cartels.

The USA tried to end this mess a long time ago when it assisted Columbia to achieve a democracy. In essence, when Columbia became stronger and the people reclaimed their lands and power the rest would be magic and there would never be the problem of drug cartel traffic into Central America. Well, guess what? It worked for awhile, but, it works no longer.

If the USA is to be a success in relieving the border crossings at it's southern border the governments in this region of the world have to be cleaned of corruption, strengthened and a vibrant economy of tourism returned. The countries at this level of disrepair extend from Columbia to the USA southern border. The strategy has to be mapped and put forward to assist these countries to once again be strengthened and a benevolent authority that can maintain the peace.

The children we are receiving at the southern border of the USA and their parents (to maintain the sanity of the child) are the future promise of their homelands. HOWEVER, if those homelands cannot be made safe, the USA's southern border will continue to receive these people while Southwest Key continues to siphon a whole lot of money from the US Treasury while it maintains a criminal profile accumulating violation after violation.

Allowing this paradigm to continue is not moral and the alienation of children from families are not moral. The corrupt status for these people is refugee, but, because the USA has issues with Republican belly archers that insist on making them a political issue; they are called Illegal Aliens, the Undocumented and all the other nasty language that is handed to them.

ALSO, these folks are valuable to the USA agricultural sector as harvesters to crops vital to the world from the USA. Migrant workers WILL ALWAYS be in the USA and they bring their children.

Example: Michigan's migrant children network (click here) The children above left live with their families while they attend a special day care program while the parents are working. The world is not perfect for them, but, it is a life with parents that work hard to feed them.

Good luck.

June 20, 2018
By Jennifer Emily

Ana Hernandez letter (click here)

A Texas nonprofit (click here) has received nearly half a billion dollars from the U.S. government this year to operate shelters for undocumented immigrant children who have been separated from their parents.

That's nearly half the money allocated so far this year for the federal unaccompanied alien children program, which is at the center of a raging debate over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy for people crossing the border illegally.

The Austin-based nonprofit, Southwest Key Inc., has made $1.5 billion from the federal government in the last decade, according to U.S. Health and Human Services data.

The nonprofit says it runs 26 immigrant children’s shelters in Texas, Arizona and California. Of those, 17 are in Texas, according to state Department of Health and Human Services records....

...Among the shelters is Casa Padre, a former Walmart in Brownsville that houses immigrant children the government separated from their parents after they entered the U.S. illegally....

...It’s unclear how or when the children will be reunited with their parents....

...“There comes a time when we must say, 'This is wrong,'” Sylvester Turner said on Twitter. “We must not sanitize ourselves into thinking that carrying out the policy in Houston is acceptable.”...

...State Rep. Ana Hernandez, D-Houston, has asked the state not to  issue a license to Southwest Key because of its previous violations....

...This week, (click here) NCLR named Southwest Key its Affiliate of the year for 2013. SWK CEO, Dr. Juan Sanchez, accepted the award and a generous check from Ford Motor Company at the NCLR National Conference in New Orleans on behalf of Southwest Key’s staff, board of directors, our community partners and the more than 6000 youth and families we serve. Thanks, NCLR & Ford Motor Company, for inspiring us to continue our mission of opening doors to opportunity so that individuals can achieve their dreams....