Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Jersey needs to be held in example of gun control.

New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the nation; if the number of weapons on the street increased it would be devastating. The record is completely clear; where there are laws that have limited the number of guns on the street IN THE USA there is less violence. Doesn't matter if the NRA tries to corrupt the gun laws of New Jersey from this point forward, THE RECORD is clear!

New Jersey, which at 11 percent of households has the nation’s third-lowest gun ownership rate, ranked 45th in the rate of gun deaths. There were 5.68 gun deaths per 100,000 people in New Jersey in 2006, the center said.
Louisiana, where 46 percent of households have guns, had the highest gun death rate of”; 19.58. Following it were Alabama (57 percent ownership, 16.99 deaths) and Alaska (61 percent ownership, 16.38 deaths).
Hawaii ranked lowest, with guns in 10 percent of households and a death rate of 2.58 per 100,000 people, followed by Massachusetts (13 percent ownership, 3.28 deaths) and Rhode Island (13 percent ownership, 4.43 deaths).
Death rates came from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Control and Prevention. The gun ownership rates came from a 2005 report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which relied on a 2002 survey by the CDC of 240,735 adults nationwide.

New Jersey has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. They are so tough that last year Governor Christi pardoned a man convicted of breaking the law while legally transporting guns when he was moving. 

In New Jersey, gun owners are not suppose to stop for errands when transporting their weapons to a shooting gallery.

The New Jersey laws make gun ownership inconvenient enough to reduce the number in the state. Reducing the number of guns in the state reduces the gun deaths in the state. New Jersey is a good neighbor to New York State. Can't say that for all of them.

...they’re forced to navigate a tangled web of regulations, (click here) under threat of 10-year jail sentences, for “crimes” like stopping for food, fuel or medical treatment while traveling to the range.
Don’t believe it? Just ask Governor Christie, who in 2010 commuted the seven-year prison sentence of entrepreneur Brian Aitken, convicted of transporting legal firearms while relocating to the Garden State. That’s just how it is for New Jersey’s million law-abiding gun owners....

Chad Myers Half Truths.

The number of tornadoes in the USA have been increasing. 


Tornado outbreaks were once occasional. 

MYERS causal attitude about the Climate Crisis is what is "W"rong with the dialogue in the USA.

The U.S. (click here) spring and summer of 2011 will likely be remembered as one of the most destructive and deadly tornado seasons to ever impact the nation. During the time period, there were seven individual tornado and severe weather outbreaks with damages exceeding one billion U.S. dollars, and total damage from the outbreaks exceeding 28 billion U.S. dollars....

Come on, Anderson, I thought you were the emoting type with a lot of empathy for the truth. That has changed? Up to now I thought CNN had more adults on the beat than FOX actually.

I can't believe average citizens can't see through the Right Wing agenda.

"Don't take my guns, whatever you do don't take my guns." 

Noooo....we just send swat teams.

Swat team

According to an official (click here) in the Dale County, Ala. sheriff’s department, the man who took a child hostage after shooting a bus driver on Tuesday is a “survivalist” with “anti-America” views.

“His friends and his neighbors stated that he did not trust the government, that he was a Vietnam vet, and that he had PTSD,” Tim Byrd, chief investigator with the Dale County Sheriff’s Department, told The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog on Wednesday. “He was standoffish, didn’t socialize or have any contact with anybody. He was a survivalist type.”...

Okay, survivalist type - PTSD, former Vietnam Vet and anti-American. Is that a survivalist? Really?

All we have is 'he said - she said.'

 (From left to right) Sen. Robert Menendez (left), (D-NJ); Dr. Salomon Melgen, VOXXI Chairman of the Board; Representative Nancy Pelosi; Francisco J. Sanchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade and Emilio Sanchez, president and CEO of VOXXI during the NALEO Gala in Washington, D.C. (Photo/ Voxxi)

As President Barack Obama (click here) unveiled his immigration reform proposal on Tuesday, an 11-year-old boy was fighting to stop the deportation of his father....
He was just re-elected. It sort of sounds like coersion. Dr. Melgen owes over $11 million to the IRS. There are a lot of reasons to speculate to the allegations. If the Daily Caller has proof they should be coming forward with it. I am not sure where all this falls in an ethics investigation with the Senate either.
David Vitter's Ethics Letter, sorry slap on the wrist (click here).
"...The committee has determined,..., it is dismiss this matter without prejudice."
The FIRST person that comes to mind is Senator David Vitter. After he got it right with his wife, nothing else mattered.
...Two women from the Dominican Republic (click here) told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez paid them for sex earlier this year.
In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000-acre resort in the Dominican Republic. They claimed Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, but in the end they each received only $100.
The women spoke through a translator in the company of their attorney, Melanio Figueroa. Both asked that their identities remain obscured for fear of reprisals in the Dominican Republic....
Senator Menendez will be needed for passing immigration reform.

North Korea may be flexing nuclear muscles in response to the advance in South Korea.

Congratulations to South Korea

See what the Axis of Evil speech has done. It gave permission for North Korea to remove the UN seals from it's nuclear facility and now we have this to look forward to forever. This, while North Korea struggles to feed its people and keep them warm through the winter. Don't ask me to thank Bush for such irresponsible words.

A Korean Space Launch Vehicle 1 rocket, also called Naro, launches into orbit from South Korea's Naro Space Center on Wednesday, successfully carrying a science satellite into orbit.
The Korean Space Launch Vehicle-1, (click here) also known as the Naro booster, soared into space from South Korea's Naro Space Center 300 miles (482 kilometers) south of Seoul. The rocket launch was aimed at sending the small Science and Technology Satellite 2C (STSAT-2C) into orbit, Yonhap News reported Wednesday.
"At 4 p.m. today, the Naro was successfully launched. The satellite was deployed 540 seconds after the launch and an analysis of related data shows the satellite has successfully entered its target orbit," Lee Ju-ho, minister of education, science and technology told Yonhap News Agency.
Today's successful liftoff marks South Korea's third launch attempt to send a satellite into orbit, and the country's first attempt since 2010. South Korea's attempts to launch the Naro rocket in 2010 and 2009 met with failure, with this latest mission experience weeks of delay due to technical issues....

Money for prosecutors don't exist. This is Kentucky. The state of Senators McConnell and Paul.

Lack of funding for prosecution serves two purposes. It cuts budgets, dampens the strength of laws and reduces the inmate population. So, the idea prosecution is an option to stop gun violence in the USA is unrealistic.

Correction department spared (click here)
By John Cheves
January 18, 2012
FRANKFORT — Gov. Steve Beshear would spare the state Corrections Department and public defenders in his next two-year budget while further cutting money for prosecutors, the Kentucky State Police and the court system.
Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Beshear said he's encouraged by early cost-saving trends from the criminal reforms enacted by the 2011 General Assembly. House Bill 463 was expected to shrink prison and jail populations and save an estimated $42 million a year, in part by shifting non-violent drug offenders into addiction treatment and community supervision.
As a result, the state's population of incarcerated felons should drop to 19,141 by Fiscal Year 2014 instead of rising to 22,011, Beshear said....

Read more here:

Basically, LaPierre is complaining the failure of the Bush Administration Project Safe Neighborhood.

In addition to this failed program which then Attorney General Ashcroft bragged high gun crime prosecution rates, the laws over the past decade has degraded prosecutors ability to prosecute. Laws such as Stand Your Ground and the Castle Doctrine have removed the authority of police and prosecutors.


Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a nationwide commitment to reduce gun and gang crime in America by networking existing local programs that target gun and gun crime and providing these programs with additional tools necessary to be successful. Since its inception in 2001, approximately $2 billion has been committed to this initiative. This funding is being used to hire new federal and state prosecutors, support investigators, provide training, distribute gun lock safety kits, deter juvenile gun crime, and develop and promote community outreach efforts as well as to support other gun and gang violence reduction strategies.

During that same time period, the rights to own innumberable weapons and conceal carry them into national parks, work areas and the list goes on was increased. So, the entire idea a gun crime is going unprosecuted as LaPierre states means a lot has changed which probably needs to be look at again.

Once again LaPierra and the NRA are manipulating the language because they don't have a defense against sincerely legitimate legislation to curb the violence in the USA. 

As the violence has increased the citizens have become more scared and their demands to 'Conceal Carry' and own high powered guns has increased. This is a positive feedback loop and the NRA knows it. The more guns, the more gun violence and the public becomes scared with demands for unrealistic permission to continue the escalation of fear and gun purchases.

LaPierre may be stating the prosecutions of fraud at the time of purchase has not been pursued. Okay, that simply means IT DOESN'T WORK. We need to INSURE the public safety and legislators have to respect the Public Trust and legislate against irresponsible LAWS, sales and ownership.

No prosecutor in the country is going to drop murder cases in order to make the NRA happy. Here again prosecution of crimes escalate because of more guns in the country, the less the prosecution of the crimes at purchase will be prosecuted. Maybe the NRA will provide the funding for prosecutors to each state to facilitate this terrible phenomena in the USA.Then we'll know if it works to stop the assassination attempts of Congresswomen and massacres of children in their elementary school classrooms. But, don't expect the USA to postpone other measures while the NRA catches up on obligation of social responsibility.

Chad Myers has nothing to offer but misinformation.

He is an example of what is wrong with the education the public regarding the Climate Crisis. 

He states, "Is it unusual to have tornadoes in January? No. We had tornadoes in January last year."

Chad Myers knows nothing about climate. Climate is measured in decades, centuries and millenia. Myers is engage in answering questions he is not qualified to answer, evidently. One year does not a climate make and the question about strange tornadoes in January is a climate question and not a hand holding issue.

You want to play games Mr. Myers, I have one for you. Explain how there was such drastic changes in temperature in 24 hours that lead to the destructive tornadoes.

Hint: It has nothing to do with an arctic blast that enter the region. The arctic air was already there long before 24 hours ago. 

Myers. You are a fraud.

There needs to be national announcements with the events explaining why this is the Climate Crisis. It won't stop the fraud in the media, but, it will provide an official statement about climate that cannot be disputed. I don't care what agency does it, NOAA, National Hurricane Center, whatever, but, it needs to be done.

Gabby has aphasia from the gun shot.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with her mind. She processes cognitive thought today no different than before her attempted assassination.

She is unable to speak well because it is an effort for her to process her thoughts into words. It is a cruel condition. She is doing marvelously well. If she continues to do this well, she may be able to gain more and more use of her speech centers again.

National Aphasia Association (click here)

She was taken from us as a Congresswoman in a very cruel attack that killed six people, one of them a child. It is very immoral to dismiss those deaths and her disability as the act of a madman. It is far more than that and we all know it.

Gabrielle Giffords is a Congresswoman. What is wrong with everyone?

Does everyone believe Gabby is here with us today for no reason? She has something to say and no one seems to be listening anymore. She is the messenger we should be paying respect to without question.

January 10, 2011
People rarely survive (click here) gunshot wounds to the head, but so far Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, shot point-blank in the back of her head on Saturday, has held on. Monday morning her doctors indicated they were"slightly more optimistic" about her prognosis. In the wake of this brutal tragedy it is worth recognizing the series of highly fortunate events that led to Giffords's continued survival....

About darn time.

Assad wanted to arm Hezbollah in Lebanon to fight the rebel forces inside his own borders. It would have resulted in violence in Lebanon and greater instability.

We know that is what Assad was doing because he has a long history of supporting violence in Lebanon.

BEIRUT | Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:13pm EST
..."The target was a truck (click here) loaded with weapons, heading from Syria to Lebanon," said one Western diplomat, adding that the consignment may well have included anti-aircraft missiles....

Lebanon can thank Israel anytime they are ready.

Here it comes, the double dip recession compliments of the USA Republicans.

The Republicans are demanding austerity. Well, this is what it looks like. President Obama has secured extended unemployment benefits, loans for retraining and support for our veterans, so the landing should be softer than if the Republicans were as draconian as they wanted to be.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy (click here) unexpectedly shrank from October through December, the first quarterly drop since 2009 and a reminder of the economy’s vulnerability as automatic cuts in government spending loom.
The Commerce Department said the economy shrank at an annual rate of 0.1 percent mainly because companies restocked at a slower rate and the government slashed defense spending. Those trends partly reflected uncertainty late last year about the fiscal cliff, which Congress averted in a deal reached Jan. 1....
The Republicans could not come to an understanding regarding the necessity to structure their budget cuts in a way that is meaningful, so here we are now. The Republicans need to structure the sequester cuts to be sure they act minimally on the USA economy.

There is no reversing the cuts, it has to be done, so they should do it well. Entitlements have absolutely nothing to do with this.

Lindsay Graham is irresponsible.

Legislation is not by opinion or by one isolated case of self-defense. This is one of the bastions of political potency of the NRA. This 'revelation' by Graham is no different than that of Grassley, it is irrelevant to the debate. The revelations are dysfunctional and were A CAUSE of the dangers we face in this country. In other words, the sympathizing of Grassley and Graham facilitated the deaths across the nation.

What we know about the NRA is the fact their manipulation of legislation in the USA has provided greater and greater dangers to the country. The NRA has GROWN the danger and not isolated it. The 'mind speak' of Graham and Grassley simply backs up their campaign contributors. The 'mind speak' of Graham and Grassley bend to members of the NRA for votes after those members are lectured to by Right Wing proponents to increase the wealth of those that profit by gun sales of expensive military style guns and their enhancements.

If high powered guns were never legal in the USA the nation would not be facing this now. Ownership of high powered guns would be illegal. Those so called invasive criminals that always obtain the weapons would be possessing them illegally. They would be suspect and removed from their possession by law enforcement.

One has to ask where it stops. Where do legislators stop supporting the escalation of ownership of high powered guns? Nowhere? Every person in the USA can own a cache of weapons for protection? That is not responsible governing. Heck that is exactly the problem that can lead to Marshal Law.

Graham and Grassley see no end to the number or virility of these weapons. We know guns appearing magically in the hands of criminals come from the USA. Canada and Mexico know the guns in their countries come from the USA. I sincerely believe if Russia was illegally importing guns into the USA it would be picked up. Seriously.

So, given the FACT the USA is manufacturing DEATH by TRIGGER in the USA it is a very safe conclusion if those weapons were not permitted to be sold, eventually those magically appearing guns in the hands of criminals would stop.

I am very confident of that.

What Lindsay Graham has done is validate his lack of ability to govern. He has repeatedly provided PASSES to the NRA for the propagation of weapons and wealth. Graham is not willing to admit GUN OWNERSHIP of high powered weapons is out of control and while that Mommy needed an extra bullet that doesn't mean we continue the sales of these very dangerous assemblies of weapons in the homes of our nation.

The ESCALATION of the sales of these weapons have to stop. We have to take cop killer bullets and armor piercing bullets off the streets. We have to stop the exploitation of our democracy. It is necessary and correct. The whining and crying by the Right Wing Politicians is pathetic for their inability to actually act to protect their citizens. Their whining and crying is unethical because they are literally saying, "My vote is for sale."

One of the preeminent claims of the NRA is that criminals will always get guns.

This is from the same article produced by Frontline in the preceding entry:

Number of guns federal firearms licensees have reported as lost, stolen or missing since Sept. 13, 1994 when the Clinton Crime Bill made reporting a requirement:23,775

Average number of firearm thefts that occur every year in the US:341,000
(Source: US Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Guns and Crime, 4/94)

There are many ways to measure that and even more interesting ways to legislate against it.

The number of thefts is about the same number of those manufactured in those years. But, there is a gross under reporting of the theft. Obviously, if the number of guns being stolen are the same as those purchased they aren't stolen now are they?

The dangers of guns are so profound there remains a huge gap in the CARE gun owners provide to their weapon to secure it away from misuse. There has to be a reporting of the thefts, otherwise, the actions of 'the gun' have to be assigned to the perpetrator, but, also to the owner if it was never reported as theft in the first place. There has to be liability of irresponsibility to gun owners willing to allow their weapons to fall into the hands of those killing.

Those allowing their weapons to disappear into the hands of violence and killing while not reporting same should be charged as accomplices to murder and gun facilitated crime. If there is that level of liability to gun purchasers there will be a slow down in the purchase and illegal distribution of these weapons.

Assuming the guns reported as stolen were actually the only ones really stolen, that is about 8% of sales that year, but, also a very small percentage of those actually owned in the USA.

The argument of the NRA is mute regarding this issue. The amount of MISSING weapons actually engaged in crimes is not an issue. What is the issue is the lack of legislation to stem this phenomena.

l. A gun purchaser has to be told VERBALLY at the time of purchase they are liable for the misuse of the weapon and there are real penalties to the owner if loss or theft goes unreported.

2. A gun purchaser has to sign a document along with the registration stating they received this warning which also states the exact penalties they face for the misuse of their weapon.

3. Assignment of FELONY statues to under reporting of theft and loss when a weapon is found to be used in a crime.

The misuse will slow down considerably when purchasers find they have sincere liability in their negligence. The purchases will slow down as well. And there needs to be a review of CHRONIC reporting by one individual of lost or stolen weapons. 

Guns are expensive. It is very difficult to believe those interested in owning weapons responsibly would actually not secure them or sell them responsibly either without background checks. If background checks of private sales find objection as stated by the NRA, one has to really wonder what that is all about. The NRA is subversive to effective gun policy in the USA.

Guns under reported as stolen or missing while found to have committed crime should hold CIVIL liability as well. No different than drunk drivers hold liability to those responsible for the drunkenness. In other words, Mr. Lanza's mother should have received civil suits for his access to the weapons. Unfortunately, that won't happen.
The Assault Weapons Ban does not have to lower crime, it has to stop killings. Murder is not the only crime in the country. Wayne La Pierre is manipulating the language of the dialogue without adding facts to it.

In the preliminary crime report of the FBI, there was an increase in murder in cities greater than 500,000.

FBI Table (click here) The table reports changes in percentage rates.

It gets real clear from here.

Murder in cities with populations greater than 500,000 but less than 1 million people increased by 5.6 percent.

Murder in cities with populations greater than one million people increased by 7.2 percent.

There were also murder rate increases in towns with populations of 25,000 to 49,999 people and in towns under 10,000 persons.

The difference between those statistics is the POPULATION PRESSURE of large cities vs familiarity in the other. Small towns are considered to be under 50,000 people.

The reasons people murder are many, but, in the case of small towns it is usually personal and the people murdered usually know the killer.

In the case of large cities population pressure, but, also AVAILABILITY of weapons PER CAPITA is also a factor.

This is interesting. It is an old article from Frontline (click here) accounting for gun violence. There are some interesting facts. One where the NRA actually advocated a gun ban. There should be a contrast and compare of these statistics. The statistics state the number of firearms produced in the USA every minute back then was 8 and the number of handguns produced in the USA every minute was 3. I am quite sure it is higher than that now.

Projected year when deaths from gunfire will surpass death from auto accidents:2001

(Source: CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Fact Sheet, 1/25/96)

Year that the NRA supported a SNS importation ban and called the guns "miserably-made, potentially defective arms that contribute so much to rising violence" :1968

(Source: "Are we Really So Violent?" American Rifleman, February, 1968.)

The Assault Weapons Ban was enacted on September 13, 1994. It wasn't called The Assault Weapons Ban either, it was named "Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," as a subtitle to Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement ActH.R. 3355.

Number of violent crime victimizations committed with a firearm in 1993:1.3 million

Number in 1995:

(Source: National Crime Victimization Survey, Cited in Guns Used in Crime, pg.1)

The contrast and compare should also include per capita amounts and not just sheer numbers. The per capita rate will account for population increases. Sheer numbers are important. If ignored a city can be wiped out.

The politics of the USA has overrun the governing. That has to stop. The politics has gotten to be ridiculous and saturated with money. If the Right Wing spent their money on good works rather than undermining our democracy for the purpose of money facilitated by power, they would not have problems being elected to office.

The six Ring of Fire companies (click here) lie around the outer edge of the Los Angeles metropolitan area; none is more than 45 miles from downtown Los Angeles. In clockwise order from north to south, the companies are Sundance Industries, in Valencia; Arcadia Machine & Tool (AMT), in Irwindale; Phoenix Arms, in Ontario; Davis Industries and Lorcin Engineering, both in Mira Loma; and Bryco Arms, in Costa Mesa. Raven Arms was located in the City of Industry, not far from AMT....
Senator Grassley's status as a Grandfather has no brevity to the gun control debate. If he is saying he is willing to put his role in the hearing on the head of his Grandchildren as sacrificial lambs to the NRA he is out of line.

Pulse of constituents is not what this is about. What needs to be done is what these hearings are about. Senator Grassley's opening statement is very misleading to his allegiance to the best outcomes of the people of this nation. We know for a fact, the diverse and loose gun laws across the country is a danger to the people of the USA as well as the countries at our borders. Where there is gun access in one state and not in the other it provides danger to those people.

Video games are an issue, but, it is not the only issue.

Just because Columbine occurred with an assault weapons ban does not mean it was not effective. We know for a fact it was in large measure a solidly good law. Columbine happened because gun laws were tight enough and had nothing to do with the assault weapons ban.

An October 2012 study from Johns Hopkins, (click here) which looked at newer data than Koper’s, concluded that that “easy access to firearms with large-capacity magazines facilitates higher casualties in mass shootings.”

So, according to the official study, was the ban effective in stopping killings? The short answer is yes, though it’s a bit unclear because of the massive loopholes in the law. “Following implementation of the ban, the share of gun crimes involving AWs [assault weapons] declined by 17 percent to 72 percent across the localities examined for this study (Baltimore, Miami, Milwaukee, Boston, St. Louis, and Anchorage),” the Koper study concluded....

We know the political Right Wing is well funded enough to buy manipulation of experts to deliver skewed views of the world. That is called corruption and the only way it will end is for the legislature to pass laws to end the Culture of Violence in the USA including the sale of military style weapons and their ammunition.

Gun owners and gun merchants only show their willingness to be corrupted and corrupt by walking away from the debate and siding with their money interests over that of the well being of our nation. I am not impressed by the representation of the NRA as a spokesperson for gun owners. That representation illustrates nothing but a corrupt culture and poor character of its members.

Before we get carried away with diagnosing our society, we need a conversation with known PhDs from major universities.

Rebecca D. Costa, (click here) author of The Watchman's Rattle: A Radical New Theory of Collapse, is aformer CEO and founder of Silicon Valley start-up Dazai Advertising.

It appears Ms. Costa has written an intriguing book, but, she is not a research PhD with a proven track record of understanding the 'sociobiology' of the USA. In order to carry out that wide ranging demographic study of the USA it requires highly qualified anthropologists. And yes, anthropologist don't just study dead societies and civilizations. They are more than archaeologists.

The ghastly murders in Newtown, Conn., (click here) reflect the prevalence of suicide here and across the globe.

The article in USA Today is meant to neuter the Gun Control Advocacy in the country. Currently, the NRA is expected to be heard in the Senate and have 'stacked' the impact by telling members to show up in numbers to the hearing rooms. I wonder if they brought their guns. Sierra Club could evoke the same turnout if they were that underhanded, but, Sierra expects their experts to be respected in their testimony. The testimony by the NRA today is about political power brokering and not actual facts.

...We now know that in each of these cases, the assailants felt they no longer had a reason to live. And it is this unnatural state that enabled them to commit unimaginable acts. Once a person makes a decision to die, the most abhorrent atrocities become permissible. There are no longer any consequences to fear: no arrest, no jail, no trial, no families of the victims to face, no remorse, no nothing. Dead is dead....

I read the article and her premise is incorrect. She seeks to be omnipotent in understanding mass murderers. Ask any psychiatrist within the USA prison system treating these people and they will tell you there is no common denominator. So, the idea we can bring about a happy, slappy society to solve this is silly. Really silly.

Lanza's case is different from that of Colorado from that of Columbine from that of Fort Hood from Arizona and from the Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin. So, each case is unique to their underlying causes. The one common denominator is the murders were committed with military style weapons. It is up to the government to gather evidence as to what will be effective and act to end it.

The map above is from a non-profit group attempting to understand the mass shootings in the USA.

Citizen's Crime Commission of New York City (click here)
A non-partisan non-profit organization working to make criminal justice and public safety policies and practices more effective through innovation, research, and education.

This type of organization has clout in legislative circles to bring forward FACTS of the demographics of mass murder in the USA. They receive their clout because of their through recording keeping. Lawmakers can examine the statistics, the particulars of their records and draw information. That information is important in justifying laws that will, if not end gun violence, then stem it.

AWARDS (click here)

Theodore Roosevelt Leadership Award 
The Theodore Roosevelt Leadership Award recognizes pioneering leadership in the field of criminal justice. The award honors the history of the Crime Commission as it traces its roots back to the late 1800s, when the New York Society for the Prevention of Crime helped bring down Tammany Hall and install Theodore Roosevelt as president of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners. Our inaugural honoree, New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, epitomizes that notion as an outstanding advocate for reforms aligned with the Crime Commission's mission: common-sense gun safety legislation, expanding the use of DNA in crime-fighting, and preventing wrongful convictions. 

Distinguished Service Award 
The Distinguished Service Award is reserved for individuals who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to criminal justice innovation. This year's honorees, Gary Beller and J. Brendan Ryan, have served on the Crime Commission's Board of Directors for over 25 years each. Their vision for criminal justice reform has been the bedrock of the organization.

Their recognition at a social level provides sincere expertise as a unique insight to this phenomena.

The overwhelming populous attitudes detrimental to the USA has to be met with sincere professional dialogue to resolve the violence. I do not appreciate a businesswoman coming forward to sell her book and look for a leg up into millions at the cost of dead Americans. USA Today needs to seek an alternate voice to publish along side these populous editorials.

This is outrageous and needs to be outlawed. What police force would do this?

You know what is going to happen here if young people believe they are in danger? They are going to be looking for the Adam Lanzas among them. The scared ones are going to convince themselves they are in danger, there is going to be bullying and victimizing will begin and continue. Literally, this will set up gangs among young people. It is the worst idea I could have ever imagined a principal would come up with.

...CBS 2’s Derrick Blakley reports, (click here) during the drill, teachers will keep students in their rooms, lock their doors, and draw their curtains. Police will sweep the building, while someone will fire two shots – blanks – from a starter pistol.
Cary Police Chief Steven Casstevens said, “From the school’s request, they want to let the students know what the sound of gunshot might be, should that occur in their school.”
But any gunfire at a school – even blanks – had some parents and students shaking their heads.
Parent Kassy Pinter said, “It’s probably necessary to have the ‘code red’ drill, but not really necessary to shoot the blanks in the hallway.”
Parent Sharon Miller said the way Cary Grove has planned the code red drill is absurd and also thinks it’s not necessary to shoot blanks in the hallway....
There is a million and one reasons not to conduct these drills, including the understanding how to defeat it. The idea students would stay in the rooms is not prudent in all cases. They should not be taught to be sitting ducks. Not only that, but, in the case of the movie theater gunman he used tear gas, which can cause fires. Teaching young people to hide in classrooms could literally be the worst idea in some instances. 

This is not helpful to young minds. Enforcement of stricter gun laws teaches them more. They are going to want to carry guns if they are put through this enough. They will be arming themselves and getting in all kinds of trouble. Why even go there, there is no hiding from a gunman determined to kill with a military weapon. There just isn't.

...Last year, Community High School District 155 also used simulated gunshots at another emergency drill at Crystal Lake South High School, but only faculty and staff were present, not students....

The record breaking video below is remarkable, but, this video provides perspective to the size of the waves.

Each ocean has its own characteristics when it comes to waves. Height, frequency. Bathymetry. Literally is the study of the bath tub. The Pacific has a the largest surface area, but, the Atlantic has mid-ocean ranges that divides the basin nearly in half. It is pretty cool stuff is one likes fluid mechanics. 

But, surfers are incredibly insightful to their appreciation of the oceans. They know them fairly well and they don't need advanced math to do it. They are really cool folks. It is their experience with the nature of the beast that cues them to the ocean's rhythm. They are extremely reliable sources to their insight. They are important people. Anthropological knowledge is important to research. The experience people have with the environment is important. It often validates the scientific conclusion.

RECORD 100' wave ride! Garret McNamara said to have broken his previous ...

Garrett set his first record November 2011 in Hawaii. The size of the waves in Portugal is a little unusual. The Atlantic isn't usually known for the really big waves. It illustrates the increased level of winds crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

This area in Portugal is known for its waves, though. There are sometimes rough waves that have threatened lives from time to time. But, the largest wave, up to now, this 'spot' in the Eastern Atlantic is known for is about 75 feet. This is new for the Atlantic Ocean.