This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, October 03, 2019
Continued from previous entry of Whistleblower Complaint page 6 top portion.
"ProPublica" has an interesting article outlining all of Guiliani's players. This picture was taken recently at Trump's hotel.
Rudy Giuliani, (click here) left, and Lev Parnas at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 20, 2019.
As long as the players are known I think this section of the complaint is fairly straight forward.
One thing to keep in mind about Parnas and his other friend is that they are big donors. They are not small players. I think one of their donations when the primary Trump non-profit for something like $400,000. These two men are important and evidently they like being part of the insider story of Trump's occupation of the presidency. I am surprised Guiliani is entertaining Mr. Parnas.
Below is the bottom part of page 6.
Guiliani canceled a visit to Ukraine because he stated Zelenskyy was surrounded by people that were enemies to the US President and the United States. Guiliani is fully vested in the lies that will lead to deception of the USA electorate by creating doubt about anyone affiliated with President Zelenskyy, hence, holding Shokin in esteem. I find it hard to believe Guiliani has thrown in with Trump without question. In order for Guiliani to lie like this, he is vested in those lies.
This is a fairly accurate timeline:
Dec. 8, 2015 – Vice President Biden (click here) makes a speech to Ukraine’s Parliament urging the country to step up anti-corruption measures.
Speech to Ukranian Rada (click here)
Joe Biden is not engaged in cloak and dagger stuff, he is open and engaged with the new government. Trump's delusional.
I can't find the Bloomberg reference in Footnote 10. There is the show and there is the report. I think I am just tired of looking.
I will to finish this up tomorrow. I think the rest of the Complaint is fairly straight forward with clarification of the people involved and the dynamics found in Ukraine during that time.
There is an interesting article in "Mother Jones." Why, not? They are a diligent magazine and care about corruption and the USA. They are "good eggs."
September 28, 2019
By Dan Friedman
In March 2018, (click here) Rudy Giuliani met in Manhattan with a delegation of lawmakers from Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million in eastern Ukraine. Giuliani, who joined President Donald Trump’s legal team a few weeks later, was at this gathering because, Giuliani says, his security firm agreed in 2017 to help the city improve its emergency services and seek foreign investment....
Until tomorrow. I feel as though chasing this down has helped. I believe clarification has been good for understanding the Whistleblower and his focus.
Continued from previous Whistleblower complaint page 5 bottom.
Footnote 5 still yet another Ukrainian to get to know. But, I found this interesting about the new president and his agenda.
Volodymyr #Zelenskiy's adviser, (click here) Dmytro Razumkov, named the first bills his team will submit to the Verkhovna Rada: -law on democracy; -extension of the rules of direct democracy; -removal of MP and presidential immunity; -withdrawal of MPs; -immunity of judges; -impeachment law.
26 April 2019
26 April 2019
By Aisha Kehoe Down
Days after comedian-turned politician Volodymyr Zelenskiy (click here) won Ukraine’s nationwide elections, both he and political opponents doubled down on an issue long at the top of the country’s political agenda: reining in the corrupt and powerful.
For Zelenskiy, that meant ending the country’s constitutional immunity for its president and members of parliament--a campaign promise that his advisor, Dmytro Razumkov, affirmed would be one of the first bills his team would introduce.
The USA immunity of Trump currently is because of a RULE, not even a constitutional issue.
Lifting parliamentary immunity could see several sitting MPs thrown in jail. These include Igor Mosiychuk of the Radical Party, under investigation for illegal enrichment, and Boryslav Rozenblat and Maksym Poliakov, suspected for their involvement in illegal amber mining.
For his opponents, that meant reining in Zelenskiy....
Two days before the vote that brought Zelenskiy--a political newcomer who played Ukraine’s president on the comedy show “Servant of the People,” opposition lawmakers from the Samopomich party proposed diluting some of the president’s powers. ...
The new name in footnote 5 is this man:
September 30, 2019
A former member of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine's president Serhiy Leshchenko.
A former member (click here) of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine's president told CBS News it was a "well-known fact" there that Donald Trump wanted "compromising" information on former Vice President Joe Biden. Serhiy Leshchenko added that Ukraine's president knew that U.S. aid to his country was at stake.
A former member of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine's president Serhiy Leshchenko.
A former member (click here) of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine's president told CBS News it was a "well-known fact" there that Donald Trump wanted "compromising" information on former Vice President Joe Biden. Serhiy Leshchenko added that Ukraine's president knew that U.S. aid to his country was at stake.
"I am sure that issue of Biden was forever on the table between Zelensky and Trump," said Leshchenko. As a former lawmaker and adviser to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, Leschenko believes it was clear that President Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate his Democratic rivals....
Serhiy Leshchenko is a former investigative journalist and a critic of Mr. Lutsenko, the former Prosecutor General for POLITICIZING criminal probes, like the one of the Bidens, and protecting corrupt Ukraine officials. This is the peril of hanging all your hopes on foreign help, the politics and understanding of government can be different. Ukraine is a new democracy. The paradigm of good and bad is still shifting. The people Guiliani had banked all his interests in defaming Joe and Hunter Biden are the old regime and not the new government. There is nothing there except old world Russian corruption.
There was a court decision in December of 2018 in favor of a man named Boryslav Roszenblat, a former Parliament member, stating the Director of the anti-corruption unit, Mr. Syntyk and Mr. Leshchenko had interfered in the 2016 elections by publishing the "black ledger." This is a really good example of how the dynamics of a new government can be exploited.
Below, in the picture is Boryslav Rozenblat. It would appear after the publishing of the "black ledger" the FBI paid a visit to Ukraine.
Currently, Mr. Rozenblat and another player in this Maksym Poliakov are on the lam. They are fugitives from Ukraine because of the corruption of Viktor Yanukovych, his political party and the payments to Paul Manafort. They are probably in Russia with Viktor.
Currently, Mr. Rozenblat and another player in this Maksym Poliakov are on the lam. They are fugitives from Ukraine because of the corruption of Viktor Yanukovych, his political party and the payments to Paul Manafort. They are probably in Russia with Viktor.
20 June 2019
He declined to elaborate on the degree of FBI agents' involvement in this operation and to give more details about the Ukrainian agents' activity.
At the same time, Sytnyk disclosed that the agents had been engaged in the monitoring of the activity of the non-resident company Fujairah, which was founded in the United States and registered to the name of Rozenblat's sister for handling operations with amber....
July 19, 2019
By Oleg Sukhov
The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeals (click here) has canceled a court ruling that found that independent lawmaker Sergii Leshchenko and Artem Sytnyk, head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, unlawfully interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
The appeals court made its ruling on July 16 and published the document the next day....
An interesting article about Trolls in Ukrainian elections. Do other countries believe they are exempt from this? This is Russia, they won't stop and they will seek to undermine every democracy on Earth.
...But according to a recent investigation by VoxUkraine, (click here) Zelensky’s Facebook page had the most active fake users of any Ukrainian politician — 27,926 inauthentic accounts. They posted almost a quarter of all comments during the period analyzed. Similar ratios were seen for other top politicians.
Interference in U.S. and European elections by Russian internet trolls has become a hot topic in recent years, particularly since the discovery of the Internet Research Agency, a well-resourced “troll farm” in St. Petersburg. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that domestic troll farms — hired by local politicians and campaign managers, not foreigners — could be just as influential.
To understand how these powerful mechanisms function, OCCRP member center Slidstvo.Info sent a journalist undercover to work at a Ukrainian troll farm in advance of this summer’s parliamentary elections.
During a month and a half on the job, the Slidstvo.Info reporter discovered that these social media techniques were used even on behalf of progressive politicians who publicly spoke out against such tactics. For example, the troll farm supported Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, a popular musician whose reformist Holos party now holds 20 seats in parliament....
Footnote 6
The list being referred to is the list of "Do not prosecute." There was no such list that existed and the fact is the US Ambassador asked for a list.
Footnote 7
There were no investigations taking place in regard to the Bidens or Burisma.
Footnote 8
This refers the reader back to The Hill.
This is the second time Ukraine's news outlet "The Babel" is mentioned in the footnotes. This is an article in Politico about the news media. According to the footnotes there is information at The Babel which contains important information validating statements made in the complaint.
By Timothy Snyder
...The other day I took part in a Ukrainian talk show (click here) called “Freedom of Speech.” The format is an unusual one: Six local experts with credentials in the social sciences or in journalism sit three to a table, four special guests sit two to a table, two more surprise special guests arrive during the show and stand and perorate, and then of course there’s the host, a serious journalist called Andrei Kulikov. As one of 13 participants, I had the impression that I was watching television rather than making it, a feeling confirmed by the studio wall covered by a giant video screen with attractive graphics.
Among other things it posts the main question to be discussed; this time, “Can Russia’s information war become a Third World War?” Guests sometimes talk about the main question, and sometimes about other things entirely. The program lasts anywhere between two and four hours, and runs late at night. Ukrainians love political talk shows, and millions watch this one on week nights....
Footnote 9
Barr announces a probe into the origins of the Russia Investigation. Most of this was covered already with the exception of John Durham which is supposed to be conducting this investigation. There are statements about him spending a great deal of time in Europe because he is investigating Ukraine. Well, I didn't go to Europe and I was able to discern the reality about the false investigations instigated by Guiliani. So, I don't know what John Durham is doing with everyone except Santa Claus saying there is no there there.
Here is Guiliani again. Barr doesn't know to the extent Guiliani and Durham may have met to dig into Ukraine.
Continued in next entry.
Continued from previous entry of Whistleblower complaint page 4 and 5.
Page 5 is a continuation of the bottom of page 4, so I am including both here. The words "inter alia" means "among other things."
Most of the material here has been covered and I believe successfully. There is another group of footnotes that have to be read following this information.
There is a comment about Bill Barr. The then Prosecutor General of Ukraine Lutsenko wanted to talk to the USA Attorney General Bill Barr and that never happened. It seems to me Bill Barr never returned the call because he knew Guiliani was chasing all that down.
Mr. Lutsenko's allegations weren't going to make any difference to the re-election bid of President Poroshenko because Vladimir Putin made grandiose statements to the Ukrainian people. That is election interference. The same sort of grandstanding occurred with Putin in the 2016 elections when he stated if Hillary Clinton were elected there would be a nuclear war and if Trump was elected there would not. I don't know how much that had an effect, but, certainly there were some that paid attention to such open threats.
I find it unfortunate that Putin's open threats of war can be broadcast in Western democracies, but, the people of Western countries have no access to the people of Russia.
Continued in next entry.
Most of the material here has been covered and I believe successfully. There is another group of footnotes that have to be read following this information.
There is a comment about Bill Barr. The then Prosecutor General of Ukraine Lutsenko wanted to talk to the USA Attorney General Bill Barr and that never happened. It seems to me Bill Barr never returned the call because he knew Guiliani was chasing all that down.
Mr. Lutsenko's allegations weren't going to make any difference to the re-election bid of President Poroshenko because Vladimir Putin made grandiose statements to the Ukrainian people. That is election interference. The same sort of grandstanding occurred with Putin in the 2016 elections when he stated if Hillary Clinton were elected there would be a nuclear war and if Trump was elected there would not. I don't know how much that had an effect, but, certainly there were some that paid attention to such open threats.
I find it unfortunate that Putin's open threats of war can be broadcast in Western democracies, but, the people of Western countries have no access to the people of Russia.
Continued in next entry.
Continued from previous entry of Whistleblower Complaint page 4.
This is another article that might capture the imagination of a few folks. Where does this stop? All of a sudden China has the sympathy of a pandering USA president. Really?
October 3, 2019
By John Haltiwanger
President Donald Trump (click here) stood on the White House lawn on Thursday and called for both Ukraine and China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.
"China should start an investigation into the Bidens because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine," Trump said. "So, I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens."
There's no evidence of wrongdoing or illegal activity on the part of either Biden in Ukraine or China, despite the president's allegations....
Clearly, there were a series of articles in "The Hill" spotlighting Prosecutor Lutsenko against other Ukrainian officials and former US officials.
Footnote 4 notes an article in "Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
22 July 2019
By Aubrey Belford and Veronika Melkozerova
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Two Soviet-born Florida businessmen (click here) — one linked to a Ukrainian tycoon with reputed mafia ties — are key hidden actors behind a plan by U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s personal attorney to investigate the president’s rivals.
Trump’s attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, said in May that he planned to visit then-incoming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to win support for probes into potentially damaging claims raised by senior Ukrainian officials.
Among them was the misleading contention that Trump’s main 2020 Democratic rival, Joe Biden, improperly pressured Ukraine’s government to fire a top prosecutor; that American diplomats in Ukraine had exhibited pro-Democrat bias; and that local officials conspired to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign and help Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Giuliani set off a firestorm in the conservative media by promoting the allegations....
...The effort has involved meetings in at least five countries, stretching from Washington, D.C. to the Israeli office of a Ukrainian oligarch accused of a multi-billion dollar fraud, and to the halls of the French Senate.
Parnas and Fruman’s work with Giuliani has been just one facet of their political activity....
...Months before their earliest known work with Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman also lobbied at least one congressman — former U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican — to call for the dismissal of the United States’ ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch. She stepped down a year later after allegations in the conservative media that she had been disloyal to Trump....
...The men make for unlikely back-channel diplomats. Parnas, 47, is a former stockbroker with a history of unpaid debts, including half a million dollars owed to a Hollywood movie investor. Fruman, 53, has spent much of his career in Ukraine, and has ties to a powerful local businessman reputed to be in the inner circle of one of the country’s most infamous mafia groups.....
...Parnas and Fruman were “playing with fire” by lobbying in the United States and Ukraine without registering as foreign agents....
...In late 2018, Parnas and Fruman organized a Skype call between Giuliani and Viktor Shokin, who served as Ukraine’s prosecutor general until he was dismissed by parliament in 2016 amid allegations he was blocking anti-corruption efforts....
Guiliani's instigation started this entire mess. He should be ashamed of involving the Ukraine government in a political scheme. The Democrats, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign as well as Hunter and Joe Biden have grounds to sue him for false reporting and character assassination.
Guiliani isn't registered as a foreign agent, he is acting as a private citizen and allowing those he had influenced believe he was more than a private citizen because his client was now president. He is probably eligible for a few criminal charges as well.
All the hub-bub about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton has got absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine and wrong doing. NOT A THING and yet he insisted there was suspicions to follow.
Guiliani and his buddies drummed this entire mess up and there is a USA Ambassador that was fired as well.
...Shortly after their February meeting in Poland, both Lutsenko and Giuliani began airing a series of allegations in the U.S. media....
Let me guess, Fox News. The only thing that was dug up was the payments to Paul Manafort as noted in the Special Counsel report and this is the disaster Guiliani pretended to exist.
...In March and April, the online publication The Hill published a series of opinion pieces largely based on an interview with Lutsenko. The articles relayed the allegations about the Bidens, and went further....
Those that found the "black ledger" did the right thing. They let the USA know there was something nefarious with Paul Manafort. This was during the campaign and not afterward and before the Special Counsel was formed. The person(s) that provided information about the "black ledger" did the right thing.
The reason the Ukrainians see it differently is because they view it as helping Hillary Clinton. What is disturbing is that the information regarding Manafort didn't go to the best resource, namely the USA FBI. If the information was sent to the FBI there would be no backlash in Ukraine regarding these facts. But, for whatever reason, the public venue was utilized. But, that doesn't mean Ukraine did the wrong thing, they didn't, they simply should have gone to the FBI rather than the American public. I am sure the same resignation of Manafort would have occurred.
The rest of the article duplicates that which was in The Hill articles. It could be said that Joe and Hunter Biden and Burisma were then a top of discussion among the anti-corruption establishment in Ukraine because Joe Biden was successful in having Shokin fired.
It could be said Hunter Biden's employment, given it's generous salary, is an ethical issue, HOWEVER, there was no quid pro quo. Hunter Biden secured his employment and is stated to have improved the company's transparency practices.
Parnas and Fruman are simply unfortunate bystanders given a chance by Guiliani to have a chip in the big game. It is Guiliani that is the one person that should have known better.
Continued in the following entry after a cup of tea.
October 3, 2019
By John Haltiwanger
President Donald Trump (click here) stood on the White House lawn on Thursday and called for both Ukraine and China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.
"China should start an investigation into the Bidens because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine," Trump said. "So, I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens."
There's no evidence of wrongdoing or illegal activity on the part of either Biden in Ukraine or China, despite the president's allegations....
Clearly, there were a series of articles in "The Hill" spotlighting Prosecutor Lutsenko against other Ukrainian officials and former US officials.
Footnote 4 notes an article in "Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
22 July 2019
By Aubrey Belford and Veronika Melkozerova
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Two Soviet-born Florida businessmen (click here) — one linked to a Ukrainian tycoon with reputed mafia ties — are key hidden actors behind a plan by U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s personal attorney to investigate the president’s rivals.
Trump’s attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, said in May that he planned to visit then-incoming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to win support for probes into potentially damaging claims raised by senior Ukrainian officials.
Among them was the misleading contention that Trump’s main 2020 Democratic rival, Joe Biden, improperly pressured Ukraine’s government to fire a top prosecutor; that American diplomats in Ukraine had exhibited pro-Democrat bias; and that local officials conspired to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign and help Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Giuliani set off a firestorm in the conservative media by promoting the allegations....
...The effort has involved meetings in at least five countries, stretching from Washington, D.C. to the Israeli office of a Ukrainian oligarch accused of a multi-billion dollar fraud, and to the halls of the French Senate.
Parnas and Fruman’s work with Giuliani has been just one facet of their political activity....
...Months before their earliest known work with Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman also lobbied at least one congressman — former U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican — to call for the dismissal of the United States’ ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch. She stepped down a year later after allegations in the conservative media that she had been disloyal to Trump....
...The men make for unlikely back-channel diplomats. Parnas, 47, is a former stockbroker with a history of unpaid debts, including half a million dollars owed to a Hollywood movie investor. Fruman, 53, has spent much of his career in Ukraine, and has ties to a powerful local businessman reputed to be in the inner circle of one of the country’s most infamous mafia groups.....
...Parnas and Fruman were “playing with fire” by lobbying in the United States and Ukraine without registering as foreign agents....
...In late 2018, Parnas and Fruman organized a Skype call between Giuliani and Viktor Shokin, who served as Ukraine’s prosecutor general until he was dismissed by parliament in 2016 amid allegations he was blocking anti-corruption efforts....
Guiliani's instigation started this entire mess. He should be ashamed of involving the Ukraine government in a political scheme. The Democrats, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign as well as Hunter and Joe Biden have grounds to sue him for false reporting and character assassination.
Guiliani isn't registered as a foreign agent, he is acting as a private citizen and allowing those he had influenced believe he was more than a private citizen because his client was now president. He is probably eligible for a few criminal charges as well.
All the hub-bub about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton has got absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine and wrong doing. NOT A THING and yet he insisted there was suspicions to follow.
Guiliani and his buddies drummed this entire mess up and there is a USA Ambassador that was fired as well.
...Shortly after their February meeting in Poland, both Lutsenko and Giuliani began airing a series of allegations in the U.S. media....
Let me guess, Fox News. The only thing that was dug up was the payments to Paul Manafort as noted in the Special Counsel report and this is the disaster Guiliani pretended to exist.
...In March and April, the online publication The Hill published a series of opinion pieces largely based on an interview with Lutsenko. The articles relayed the allegations about the Bidens, and went further....
Those that found the "black ledger" did the right thing. They let the USA know there was something nefarious with Paul Manafort. This was during the campaign and not afterward and before the Special Counsel was formed. The person(s) that provided information about the "black ledger" did the right thing.
The reason the Ukrainians see it differently is because they view it as helping Hillary Clinton. What is disturbing is that the information regarding Manafort didn't go to the best resource, namely the USA FBI. If the information was sent to the FBI there would be no backlash in Ukraine regarding these facts. But, for whatever reason, the public venue was utilized. But, that doesn't mean Ukraine did the wrong thing, they didn't, they simply should have gone to the FBI rather than the American public. I am sure the same resignation of Manafort would have occurred.
The rest of the article duplicates that which was in The Hill articles. It could be said that Joe and Hunter Biden and Burisma were then a top of discussion among the anti-corruption establishment in Ukraine because Joe Biden was successful in having Shokin fired.
It could be said Hunter Biden's employment, given it's generous salary, is an ethical issue, HOWEVER, there was no quid pro quo. Hunter Biden secured his employment and is stated to have improved the company's transparency practices.
Parnas and Fruman are simply unfortunate bystanders given a chance by Guiliani to have a chip in the big game. It is Guiliani that is the one person that should have known better.
Continued in the following entry after a cup of tea.
Continued from previous entry of the Complaint and page 4
There isn't anything here about the Bidens, but, it is interesting anyway. The Former President Poroshenko was defeated from among many candidates running for the office. I find it curious that Putin polluted the Ukrainian elections with threats against the people if they re-elected Poroshenko but would work with anyone else elected. There was indeed a change in leadership in Ukraine and there has been cooperation from Russia.
President Poroshenko had engaged Russia and the Eastern Ukraine Separatists twice in drawing up two treaties, Minsk I and Minsk II. They were signed and placed in force and within those two treaties were methods to reunite all of Ukraine, including Crimea. It is interesting that plans for peace are being made that may not include the reunification of all parts of Ukraine.
This is definite Russian interference into the Ukraine elections.
March 20, 2019
By The Hill Staff
Ukraine's Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (click here) told Hill.TV that Russian President Vladimir Putin is forcing Ukrainian voters to choose between further conflict with Russia or electing a presidential candidate preferred by Putin.
Lutsenko, when asked by Hill.TV's John Solomon last week if there has been any evidence of Russian interference in the upcoming elections, said, "This question was raised by Mr. Putin. Whether we go together with [President Petro] Poroshenko and we continue to wage war, or we go with anybody besides Mr. Poroshenko, and he works with anybody besides him."
"The question has been complicated not only because of the direct blackmail of Putin of the Ukrainian people but also of his influence on media resources in the country," Lutsenko added.
The Russian Embassy in Washington directed Hill.TV to recent comments made by President Vladimir Putin, in which he said there was a feeling of "Russiaphobia" among Ukraine's leadership, and called for unity between the two nations ahead of the election.
"I hope that the wave of various pre-election situations and combinations in Ukraine wrapped up in Russophobia, which we currently see, will subside, and at least some conditions for developing interstate relations will be created," Putin said....
The article below is about the same investigation into the black-ledger files.
March 20, 2019
By John Soloman
After nearly three years and millions of tax dollars, (click here) the Trump-Russia collusion probe is about to be resolved. Emerging in its place is newly unearthed evidence suggesting another foreign effort to influence the 2016 election — this time, in favor of the Democrats.
Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
The leak of the so-called black ledger files to U.S. media prompted Manafort’s resignation from the Trump campaign and gave rise to one of the key allegations in the Russia collusion probe that has dogged Trump for the last two and a half years....
There is a letter in this article that clearly spells out the funds in question were to be directed by the USA's embassy and used in cooperation with Ukraine. That solves that mystery.
The next article by "The Hill" is a conglomeration of all sorts of innuendo regarding Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Center and a group partly funded by USA dollars and partly funded by George Soros, AntAC.
March 26, 2019
By John Solomon
While the 2016 presidential race was raging in America, (click here) Ukrainian prosecutors ran into some unexpectedly strong headwinds as they pursued an investigation into the activities of a nonprofit in their homeland known as the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).
The focus on AntAC — whose youthful street activists famously wore “Ukraine F*&k Corruption” T-shirts — was part of a larger probe by Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office into whether $4.4 million in U.S. funds to fight corruption inside the former Soviet republic had been improperly diverted....
The article is mostly inflammatory and is obviously partisan in it's tone. The fact of the matter is there is nothing wrong, except, the perception of the Prosecutor General's Office about a group partly funded by private contributions, namely George Soros. The question arises in the appropriate nature of a Non-Profit carrying out corruption investigations.
In the USA and it is mostly the focus of the Republicans that government functions should be conducted by private enterprises. So, this group AntAC is a non-profit that is partly funded by private donations and partly funded by the USA government, probably through USAID. I can understand how Ukraine doesn't see private operations as benevolent and suspicious for corruption, however, this is typical of a movement primarily put forth by the Republicans.
Now, the USA funding and the Soros funding can be looked into to determine their origins and accountability for its spending, however, the non-profit itself is not illegal or misrepresented.
The next article is dated April 1, 2019 and it seems to begin the issue of Joe Biden and Ukraine. Perhaps I need to put the final article first in order to prevent misunderstanding of the outcome. So, this article is from today. Which should be no surprise since the opening of the impeachment inquiry.
October 3, 2019
By Tal Axelrod
Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko (click here) on Wednesday said that former Vice President Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any criminal cases as President Trump continues to rail against what he calls misconduct.
Poroshenko refuted Trump’s claims that Biden abused his power as vice president when he sought to pressure Kiev to dismiss a federal prosecutor who was investigating a natural gas company on whose board Biden's son Hunter Biden sat.
Joe Biden has said he wanted the prosecutor fired over insufficient efforts to tackle corruption, and no evidence has emerged to suggest he acted to benefit his son....
...Yuri Lutsenko, another of Ukraine’s former prosecutor generals, who was investigating Hunter Biden, said last month that his probe was abandoned after turning up no evidence of wrongdoing on Hunter Biden's behalf.
“From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Lutsenko said of Hunter Biden.
Trump’s efforts to push Kiev to investigate Biden are at the heart of the House’s impeachment inquiry....
There are more articles surrounding these topics and I will list them here with links to those that care to read them, but, I am going to return to the Whistleblower Complaint to finish reading it's content. As far as I am concerned about the issue of corruption with Joe and Hunter Biden is closed and there simply is nothing supporting the rhetoric. The articles below are in chronological order.
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian Nightmare: A closed probe is revived (click here)
Ukraine continues to fight corruption - don't believe the smear (click here)
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on democrats? (click here)
Ukraine top prosecutor says no evidence on Biden (click here)
Ukrainian that meddled against Trump in 2016 is now under Russia-corruption cloud (click here)
Guiliani says "of course" he asked Ukraine to look into Biden seconds after denying it. (click here)
Hillary Clinton: 'The president asked a foreign power to help him win an election, again. (click here)
Guiliani, Fox's Roberts clash on appropriateness of Ukraine contacts (click here)
Former Zelensky advisor: Ukraine 'understood' discussing Biden was condition for talking to Trump (click here)
Ukrainian prosecutor tied to Trump scandal says Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything' (click here)
Ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister says Joe Biden's son must be investigated (click here)
Five things to know as Ukraine fallout widens for Trump (click here)
Volker met with advisor for Ukrainian firm at center of impeachment inquiry (click here)
Trump tweets clip inserting photo of Bidens and Ukrainian gas executive Nickback video (click here)
Those are all the articles I found in "The Hill" pertaining to the topic at hand.
Continued in next entry.
President Poroshenko had engaged Russia and the Eastern Ukraine Separatists twice in drawing up two treaties, Minsk I and Minsk II. They were signed and placed in force and within those two treaties were methods to reunite all of Ukraine, including Crimea. It is interesting that plans for peace are being made that may not include the reunification of all parts of Ukraine.
This is definite Russian interference into the Ukraine elections.
March 20, 2019
By The Hill Staff
Ukraine's Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (click here) told Hill.TV that Russian President Vladimir Putin is forcing Ukrainian voters to choose between further conflict with Russia or electing a presidential candidate preferred by Putin.
Lutsenko, when asked by Hill.TV's John Solomon last week if there has been any evidence of Russian interference in the upcoming elections, said, "This question was raised by Mr. Putin. Whether we go together with [President Petro] Poroshenko and we continue to wage war, or we go with anybody besides Mr. Poroshenko, and he works with anybody besides him."
"The question has been complicated not only because of the direct blackmail of Putin of the Ukrainian people but also of his influence on media resources in the country," Lutsenko added.
The Russian Embassy in Washington directed Hill.TV to recent comments made by President Vladimir Putin, in which he said there was a feeling of "Russiaphobia" among Ukraine's leadership, and called for unity between the two nations ahead of the election.
"I hope that the wave of various pre-election situations and combinations in Ukraine wrapped up in Russophobia, which we currently see, will subside, and at least some conditions for developing interstate relations will be created," Putin said....
The article below is about the same investigation into the black-ledger files.
March 20, 2019
By John Soloman
After nearly three years and millions of tax dollars, (click here) the Trump-Russia collusion probe is about to be resolved. Emerging in its place is newly unearthed evidence suggesting another foreign effort to influence the 2016 election — this time, in favor of the Democrats.
Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

There is a letter in this article that clearly spells out the funds in question were to be directed by the USA's embassy and used in cooperation with Ukraine. That solves that mystery.
The next article by "The Hill" is a conglomeration of all sorts of innuendo regarding Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Center and a group partly funded by USA dollars and partly funded by George Soros, AntAC.
March 26, 2019
By John Solomon
While the 2016 presidential race was raging in America, (click here) Ukrainian prosecutors ran into some unexpectedly strong headwinds as they pursued an investigation into the activities of a nonprofit in their homeland known as the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).
The focus on AntAC — whose youthful street activists famously wore “Ukraine F*&k Corruption” T-shirts — was part of a larger probe by Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office into whether $4.4 million in U.S. funds to fight corruption inside the former Soviet republic had been improperly diverted....
The article is mostly inflammatory and is obviously partisan in it's tone. The fact of the matter is there is nothing wrong, except, the perception of the Prosecutor General's Office about a group partly funded by private contributions, namely George Soros. The question arises in the appropriate nature of a Non-Profit carrying out corruption investigations.
In the USA and it is mostly the focus of the Republicans that government functions should be conducted by private enterprises. So, this group AntAC is a non-profit that is partly funded by private donations and partly funded by the USA government, probably through USAID. I can understand how Ukraine doesn't see private operations as benevolent and suspicious for corruption, however, this is typical of a movement primarily put forth by the Republicans.
Now, the USA funding and the Soros funding can be looked into to determine their origins and accountability for its spending, however, the non-profit itself is not illegal or misrepresented.
The next article is dated April 1, 2019 and it seems to begin the issue of Joe Biden and Ukraine. Perhaps I need to put the final article first in order to prevent misunderstanding of the outcome. So, this article is from today. Which should be no surprise since the opening of the impeachment inquiry.
October 3, 2019
By Tal Axelrod
Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko (click here) on Wednesday said that former Vice President Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any criminal cases as President Trump continues to rail against what he calls misconduct.
Poroshenko refuted Trump’s claims that Biden abused his power as vice president when he sought to pressure Kiev to dismiss a federal prosecutor who was investigating a natural gas company on whose board Biden's son Hunter Biden sat.
Joe Biden has said he wanted the prosecutor fired over insufficient efforts to tackle corruption, and no evidence has emerged to suggest he acted to benefit his son....
...Yuri Lutsenko, another of Ukraine’s former prosecutor generals, who was investigating Hunter Biden, said last month that his probe was abandoned after turning up no evidence of wrongdoing on Hunter Biden's behalf.
“From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Lutsenko said of Hunter Biden.
Trump’s efforts to push Kiev to investigate Biden are at the heart of the House’s impeachment inquiry....
There are more articles surrounding these topics and I will list them here with links to those that care to read them, but, I am going to return to the Whistleblower Complaint to finish reading it's content. As far as I am concerned about the issue of corruption with Joe and Hunter Biden is closed and there simply is nothing supporting the rhetoric. The articles below are in chronological order.
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian Nightmare: A closed probe is revived (click here)
Ukraine continues to fight corruption - don't believe the smear (click here)
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on democrats? (click here)
Ukraine top prosecutor says no evidence on Biden (click here)
Ukrainian that meddled against Trump in 2016 is now under Russia-corruption cloud (click here)
Guiliani says "of course" he asked Ukraine to look into Biden seconds after denying it. (click here)
Hillary Clinton: 'The president asked a foreign power to help him win an election, again. (click here)
Guiliani, Fox's Roberts clash on appropriateness of Ukraine contacts (click here)
Former Zelensky advisor: Ukraine 'understood' discussing Biden was condition for talking to Trump (click here)
Ukrainian prosecutor tied to Trump scandal says Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything' (click here)
Ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister says Joe Biden's son must be investigated (click here)
Five things to know as Ukraine fallout widens for Trump (click here)
Volker met with advisor for Ukrainian firm at center of impeachment inquiry (click here)
Trump tweets clip inserting photo of Bidens and Ukrainian gas executive Nickback video (click here)
Those are all the articles I found in "The Hill" pertaining to the topic at hand.
Continued in next entry.
Continued from a previous entry - Whistleblower complaint Page 4 Bottom
IV. Circumstances leading up to the 25 July Presidential phone call
"The Hill" articles beginning March 20, 2019
March 20, 2019
Hill Staff
Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch presented her official credentials to President @Poroshenko. Congratulations!
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (click here) told Hill.TV's John Solomon in an interview that aired Wednesday that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting.
“Unfortunately, from the first meeting with the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, [Yovanovitch] gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute,” Lutsenko, who took his post in 2016, told Hill.TV last week.
“My response of that is it is inadmissible. Nobody in this country, neither our president nor our parliament nor our ambassador, will stop me from prosecuting whether there is a crime,” he continued....
It would seem as though the relationship between the US Ambassador and the Prosecutor General Lutsenko had a poor relationship. There is a question from the Prosecutor General Lutsenko as to the distribution of $4.4 million dollars designated for his office.
There is nothing here about Joe or Hunter Biden. The next article is about a probe opened into US Election interference. I believe the Prosecutor General decided there had to be problems within Ukraine because of the involvement and prosecution in the USA of Paul Manafort.
Ukraine is a sovereign country and does not need the permission of the USA to conduct any probe into any subject they deem important to their country. It is completely understandable that Ukraine would feel a responsibility to understand the movements and activities of Paul Manafort considering the brevity of the situation with the Trump Campaign. Additionally, Ukraine is very conscience about the issue of corruption from the country's past and attempts to stem such problems in the future.
March 20, 2019
By Hill TV Staff
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (click here) told Hill.TV’s John Solomon in an interview aired on Wednesday that he has opened a probe into alleged attempts by Ukrainians to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
“Today we will launch a criminal investigation about this and we will give legal assessment of this information,” Lutsenko said last week.
Lutsenko is probing a claim from a member of the Ukrainian parliament that the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, attempted to influence the 2016 vote to the benefit of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
A State Department spokesman told Hill.TV that officials are aware of news reports regarding Sytnyk.
"We have always emphasized the need for deep, comprehensive, and timely reforms that respond to the demands the Ukrainian people made during the Revolution of Dignity: an end to systemic corruption, faster economic growth, and a European future for all Ukrainians," a State spokesperson told Hill.TV....
...Solomon asked Lutsenko about reports that a member of Ukraine’s parliament obtained a tape of the current head of the NABU saying that he was attempting to help Clinton win the 2016 presidential election, as well as connections that helped release the black-ledger files that exposed Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s wrongdoing in Ukraine....
The article spells out the fact Paul Manafort took money from the former President Yanukovych's party for some time and recorded in record books called the black ledger. A member of the Ukraine Parliament stated the Director of the Anti-corruption agency made an illegal investigation into these "black ledger" entires and it would benefit the Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her presidential campaign. The Director of the Anti-Corruption agency in Ukraine was Artem Sytnyk.
Of course, anyone in Ukraine with any knowledge of an illegal investigation into potential corruption that would benefit one candidate or another would report such things. So, this article seems to report the beginning of an inquiry into an illegal investigation. If these allegations are true the benefit of the Clinton Campaign would come in the form of exposure of Paul Manafort and the monies paid to him. Since Paul Manafort was the Campaign Chairman of the Trump Campaign, it would bring disgrace to Mr. Trump.
The reason Paul Manafort resigned from the Trump Campaign was due to reports in the USA media that he was involved with Russia and Ukraine. The black ledger files are real and they were brought forward in the Special Counsel report. Of course, Paul Manafort is in prison now. The exposure of the black ledger files was important to the USA FBI. The worry by the member of parliament is after the fact of the discovery of the monies paid to Paul Manafort. It is understandable a member of the Ukraine parliament would seek to understand the corruption involved within their sovereign borders.
There is nothing here about Former Vice President Biden or his son.
This is interesting and just came from CNN. I think it closes the case on Joe and Hunter Biden. There was a bipartisan concern for the corruption in Ukraine and the end to it. The Prosecutor General's Office under Shokin was considered to be corrupt, hence, ending his career.
October 3, 2019
By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck
A newly unearthed letter (click here) from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine's prosecutor general's office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the time.
CNN's KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to "press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary."
The letter shows that addressing corruption in Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office had bipartisan support in the US and further undercuts a baseless attack made by President Donald Trump and his allies that Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to stop investigations into a Ukrainian natural gas company that his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, nor is it clear whether Hunter was under investigation at all.
Trump called the 2016 dismissal of the Ukrainian prosecutor "unfair" in his July 25 call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, saying, "A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved," according to the rough transcript of the phone call.
The 2016 letter, sent by members of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, was signed by Republican Sens. Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson, as well as Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, and Richard Blumenthal and focused on longstanding issues of corruption in Ukraine and urged reforms of the government....
Continued in the next entry.
"The Hill" articles beginning March 20, 2019
March 20, 2019
Hill Staff
Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch presented her official credentials to President @Poroshenko. Congratulations!
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (click here) told Hill.TV's John Solomon in an interview that aired Wednesday that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting.
“Unfortunately, from the first meeting with the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, [Yovanovitch] gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute,” Lutsenko, who took his post in 2016, told Hill.TV last week.
“My response of that is it is inadmissible. Nobody in this country, neither our president nor our parliament nor our ambassador, will stop me from prosecuting whether there is a crime,” he continued....
It would seem as though the relationship between the US Ambassador and the Prosecutor General Lutsenko had a poor relationship. There is a question from the Prosecutor General Lutsenko as to the distribution of $4.4 million dollars designated for his office.
There is nothing here about Joe or Hunter Biden. The next article is about a probe opened into US Election interference. I believe the Prosecutor General decided there had to be problems within Ukraine because of the involvement and prosecution in the USA of Paul Manafort.
Ukraine is a sovereign country and does not need the permission of the USA to conduct any probe into any subject they deem important to their country. It is completely understandable that Ukraine would feel a responsibility to understand the movements and activities of Paul Manafort considering the brevity of the situation with the Trump Campaign. Additionally, Ukraine is very conscience about the issue of corruption from the country's past and attempts to stem such problems in the future.
March 20, 2019
By Hill TV Staff
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko (click here) told Hill.TV’s John Solomon in an interview aired on Wednesday that he has opened a probe into alleged attempts by Ukrainians to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
“Today we will launch a criminal investigation about this and we will give legal assessment of this information,” Lutsenko said last week.
Lutsenko is probing a claim from a member of the Ukrainian parliament that the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, attempted to influence the 2016 vote to the benefit of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
A State Department spokesman told Hill.TV that officials are aware of news reports regarding Sytnyk.
"We have always emphasized the need for deep, comprehensive, and timely reforms that respond to the demands the Ukrainian people made during the Revolution of Dignity: an end to systemic corruption, faster economic growth, and a European future for all Ukrainians," a State spokesperson told Hill.TV....
...Solomon asked Lutsenko about reports that a member of Ukraine’s parliament obtained a tape of the current head of the NABU saying that he was attempting to help Clinton win the 2016 presidential election, as well as connections that helped release the black-ledger files that exposed Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s wrongdoing in Ukraine....
The article spells out the fact Paul Manafort took money from the former President Yanukovych's party for some time and recorded in record books called the black ledger. A member of the Ukraine Parliament stated the Director of the Anti-corruption agency made an illegal investigation into these "black ledger" entires and it would benefit the Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her presidential campaign. The Director of the Anti-Corruption agency in Ukraine was Artem Sytnyk.
Of course, anyone in Ukraine with any knowledge of an illegal investigation into potential corruption that would benefit one candidate or another would report such things. So, this article seems to report the beginning of an inquiry into an illegal investigation. If these allegations are true the benefit of the Clinton Campaign would come in the form of exposure of Paul Manafort and the monies paid to him. Since Paul Manafort was the Campaign Chairman of the Trump Campaign, it would bring disgrace to Mr. Trump.
The reason Paul Manafort resigned from the Trump Campaign was due to reports in the USA media that he was involved with Russia and Ukraine. The black ledger files are real and they were brought forward in the Special Counsel report. Of course, Paul Manafort is in prison now. The exposure of the black ledger files was important to the USA FBI. The worry by the member of parliament is after the fact of the discovery of the monies paid to Paul Manafort. It is understandable a member of the Ukraine parliament would seek to understand the corruption involved within their sovereign borders.
There is nothing here about Former Vice President Biden or his son.
This is interesting and just came from CNN. I think it closes the case on Joe and Hunter Biden. There was a bipartisan concern for the corruption in Ukraine and the end to it. The Prosecutor General's Office under Shokin was considered to be corrupt, hence, ending his career.
October 3, 2019
By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck
A newly unearthed letter (click here) from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine's prosecutor general's office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the time.
CNN's KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to "press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary."
The letter shows that addressing corruption in Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office had bipartisan support in the US and further undercuts a baseless attack made by President Donald Trump and his allies that Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to stop investigations into a Ukrainian natural gas company that his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, nor is it clear whether Hunter was under investigation at all.
Trump called the 2016 dismissal of the Ukrainian prosecutor "unfair" in his July 25 call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, saying, "A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved," according to the rough transcript of the phone call.
The 2016 letter, sent by members of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, was signed by Republican Sens. Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson, as well as Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, and Richard Blumenthal and focused on longstanding issues of corruption in Ukraine and urged reforms of the government....
Continued in the next entry.
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