Flint River Water Project.
It was a short week full of holiday.
The project is always within my thoughts and discuss it with peers.
Have a good and safe holiday.
Thank you.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, November 25, 2016
It is time for the popular vote to count. No turning back!
November 25, 2016
By Lawrence Lessig
...The framers believed, (click here) as Alexander Hamilton put it, that “the sense of the people should operate in the choice of the [president].” But no nation had ever tried that idea before. So the framers created a safety valve on the people’s choice. Like a judge reviewing a jury verdict, where the people voted, the electoral college was intended to confirm — or not — the people’s choice. Electors were to apply, in Hamilton’s words, “a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice” — and then decide. The Constitution says nothing about “winner take all.” It says nothing to suggest that electors’ freedom should be constrained in any way. Instead, their wisdom — about whether to overrule “the people” or not — was to be free of political control yet guided by democratic values. They were to be citizens exercising judgment, not cogs turning a wheel....
By Lawrence Lessig
...The framers believed, (click here) as Alexander Hamilton put it, that “the sense of the people should operate in the choice of the [president].” But no nation had ever tried that idea before. So the framers created a safety valve on the people’s choice. Like a judge reviewing a jury verdict, where the people voted, the electoral college was intended to confirm — or not — the people’s choice. Electors were to apply, in Hamilton’s words, “a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice” — and then decide. The Constitution says nothing about “winner take all.” It says nothing to suggest that electors’ freedom should be constrained in any way. Instead, their wisdom — about whether to overrule “the people” or not — was to be free of political control yet guided by democratic values. They were to be citizens exercising judgment, not cogs turning a wheel....
Who is fooling who here?
There is a pattern in the nominations ? by ? Donald Trump of his cabinet. There are no qualified candidates in any position so far. It is my strong suspicion the RNC is driving the nominations for the purpose of politics. Each nomination is being promoted in their political CV. They aren't qualified. They'll learn on the job, including Priebus, and will stumble and fall; better known as an apprentice; at the cost of the country. They will lead the most uncertain and turbulent administration in the country's history and to the peril of Americans.
What target is easier, one with President Obama or one with Donald Trump who considers Russia an ally?
We have trouble coming into Washington, DC. I have had an open mind to Donald Trump and his ambitions, but, what is coming into Washington, DC is a billionaire megaphone and an administration to achieve a GOP dreamscape that will destroy the government infrastructure.
Priebus will be in the most important job of the White House staff and he has NO EXPERIENCE IN GOVERNMENT. The only questions he knows to ask is, "Where is the job description?"
August 25, 2016
By Dan Simmons
...But that lucky star (click here) hasn’t always shone on Priebus, a lawyer and the son of a union electrician who’s lived most of his life in or near Kenosha. He lost the only race he ever entered as a candidate, for state Senate in 2004, to incumbent Sen. Robert Wirch despite a substantial fundraising edge. He called the loss a blessing.
“God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers, and that’s one of them,” Priebus said in an interview last week. He shifted focus back to working with the state GOP, chairing it from 2007-11, when he was elected chairman of the national party....
Donald Trump is mixing his experience as a business man with the dangers apparent in leading the USA as its President. This administration is an abject disaster and they haven't even taken office yet.
This is exactly the circumstances volunteers faced this year. It wasn't a matter of discussing issues; it was the grab for power for the sake of power.
November 25, 2016
By Catherine McCall
There is a homemade sign (click here) in the traffic circle of my Middle Sound neighborhood that says “Drain the Swamp.” It’s not far from where I placed a Clinton-Kaine sign that was stolen within 48 hours; its replacement didn’t last 24. Despite this animosity, not to mention criminal behavior, I got involved and knocked on doors to “get out the vote.” One woman answered, confirming that the registered voter who lived there before had moved. “We’re big Republicans,” she shouted. “We’ve got to get rid of all the liberals!”
I hurried to my car and took some deep breaths. There is no conversation to be had, no bridge to build. Up to now, I have believed in what I understood to be a core value of our democracy, of our humanity -- respect for one another as human beings....
There is no goverance intended. That is why Comey is such a curiosity.
If the RNC loads the cabinet with power players, Donald Trump won't have brakes to prevent disaster. It will be a run away White House.
What target is easier, one with President Obama or one with Donald Trump who considers Russia an ally?
We have trouble coming into Washington, DC. I have had an open mind to Donald Trump and his ambitions, but, what is coming into Washington, DC is a billionaire megaphone and an administration to achieve a GOP dreamscape that will destroy the government infrastructure.
Priebus will be in the most important job of the White House staff and he has NO EXPERIENCE IN GOVERNMENT. The only questions he knows to ask is, "Where is the job description?"
August 25, 2016
By Dan Simmons
...But that lucky star (click here) hasn’t always shone on Priebus, a lawyer and the son of a union electrician who’s lived most of his life in or near Kenosha. He lost the only race he ever entered as a candidate, for state Senate in 2004, to incumbent Sen. Robert Wirch despite a substantial fundraising edge. He called the loss a blessing.
“God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers, and that’s one of them,” Priebus said in an interview last week. He shifted focus back to working with the state GOP, chairing it from 2007-11, when he was elected chairman of the national party....
Donald Trump is mixing his experience as a business man with the dangers apparent in leading the USA as its President. This administration is an abject disaster and they haven't even taken office yet.
This is exactly the circumstances volunteers faced this year. It wasn't a matter of discussing issues; it was the grab for power for the sake of power.
November 25, 2016
By Catherine McCall
There is a homemade sign (click here) in the traffic circle of my Middle Sound neighborhood that says “Drain the Swamp.” It’s not far from where I placed a Clinton-Kaine sign that was stolen within 48 hours; its replacement didn’t last 24. Despite this animosity, not to mention criminal behavior, I got involved and knocked on doors to “get out the vote.” One woman answered, confirming that the registered voter who lived there before had moved. “We’re big Republicans,” she shouted. “We’ve got to get rid of all the liberals!”
I hurried to my car and took some deep breaths. There is no conversation to be had, no bridge to build. Up to now, I have believed in what I understood to be a core value of our democracy, of our humanity -- respect for one another as human beings....
There is no goverance intended. That is why Comey is such a curiosity.
If the RNC loads the cabinet with power players, Donald Trump won't have brakes to prevent disaster. It will be a run away White House.
Ms. DeVos is not qualified to be Secretary of Educaiton.
The current Secretary of Education.
John B. King, Jr. is the secretary of education, a position he assumed upon Senate confirmation on March 14, 2016. In tapping him to lead the U.S. Department of Education, President Obama called Dr. King "an exceptionally talented educator," citing his commitment to "preparing every child for success" and his lifelong dedication to education as a teacher, principal, and leader of schools and school systems....
...Before becoming secretary, Dr. King served since January 2015 at the Department as principal senior advisor. In that role, he carried out the duties of the deputy secretary, overseeing all preschool-through-12th-grade education policies, programs, and strategic initiatives, as well as the operations of the Department....
...Prior to his arrival at the Department, Dr. King served since 2011 as the commissioner of education for the state of New York. In that role, he served as chief executive officer of the State Education Department and as president of the University of the State of New York, overseeing the state's elementary and secondary schools (serving 3.1 million students), public, independent and proprietary colleges and universities, libraries, museums, and numerous other educational institutions....
...As commissioner of education, Dr. King worked with the Board of Regents to pursue an ambitious education improvement agenda. During his tenure, New York State was a national leader in many facets of education: investing in high-quality early learning; raising standards for teaching and learning; supporting teachers and school leaders through strong professional development, access to rich instructional resources, and innovative educator career ladder models; expanding career and technical education in high-demand fields; and increasing educational opportunity for students in the highest-need communities....
...Prior to his appointment as senior deputy commissioner at the New York State Education Department in 2009, Dr. King served as a managing director with Uncommon Schools, a non-profit charter management organization that operates some of the highest-performing urban public schools in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. Earlier in his career, Dr. King was a co-founder and co-director for curriculum and instruction of Roxbury (Massachusetts) Preparatory Charter School. Under his leadership, Roxbury Prep became one of the highest-performing urban middle schools in the state, closed the racial achievement gap, and outperformed not only the Boston district schools but also schools in the city's affluent suburbs. Dr. King began his career in education teaching high school social studies in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Boston, Massachusetts...

She is a hatchet woman and that is all she is.
...Perhaps most importantly, (click here) Mrs. DeVos pursues reform through a variety of nonprofit roles. She is chairman of the Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation, and her charitable interests range widely. She is a member of several national and local boards, including the DeVos Institute for Arts Management at the Kennedy Center, Mars Hill Bible Church, Kids Hope USA, and the Foundation for Excellence in Education. She is perhaps best known as a leading advocate for the educational-choice movement. To that end, she serves as chairman of the American Federation for Children (AFC) and the Alliance for School Choice.
Philanthropy recently spoke with Mrs. DeVos about her work in educational reform generally, and school choice specifically.
PHILANTHROPY: It’s been more than 50 years since Milton Friedman wrote “The Role of Government in Education,” which made the first principled case for school choice. It’s coming up on 25 years since Wisconsin instituted the nation’s first private-school voucher program in Milwaukee. So, how do you feel about progress to date?
MRS. DEVOS: Well, I’ve never been more optimistic. Today there are about 250,000 students in 33 publicly funded, private-choice programs in 17 states and the District of Columbia. The movement’s growth is accelerating. Within the last year, the number of students in educational-choice programs grew by about 40,000. In 2012, we saw new programs in Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Mississippi, and New Hampshire, and expanded programs in Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. In 2011, Indiana passed a major new statewide voucher program, which is only in its second academic year and is already enrolling nearly 10,000 children. We conducted polling in five states, and found educational choice enjoyed enormous popularity, especially among Latinos....
Near one percent difference
Michigan (undetermined) (16)
New Hampshire (4)
Pennsylvania (30)
Wisconsin (10)
There needs to be recouts for the presidency in all these states, WITH A PAPER TRAIL.
24 November 2016
By Adam Withnall
A campaign launched (click here) by the Green Party candidate Jill Stein to recount key states in the US election has reached its initial funding target of $2.5m (£2m) in just a matter of hours.
The money will allow Ms Stein to review the results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where concerns have been raised about irregularities with electronic voting results.
Each of the states voted narrowly in favour of Donald Trump (though the final Michigan count is still to be confirmed), and carry enough electoral college votes between them to change the result of the election if all were redeclared for Hillary Clinton....
New Hampshire (4)
Pennsylvania (30)
Wisconsin (10)
There needs to be recouts for the presidency in all these states, WITH A PAPER TRAIL.
24 November 2016
By Adam Withnall
A campaign launched (click here) by the Green Party candidate Jill Stein to recount key states in the US election has reached its initial funding target of $2.5m (£2m) in just a matter of hours.
The money will allow Ms Stein to review the results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where concerns have been raised about irregularities with electronic voting results.
Each of the states voted narrowly in favour of Donald Trump (though the final Michigan count is still to be confirmed), and carry enough electoral college votes between them to change the result of the election if all were redeclared for Hillary Clinton....
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