Voter Suppression is cheating. The electorate isn't interested in preventing cheating? They don't care about their votes?
What is the difference between voter suppression and voter fraud? Isn't fraud different and it would seem those that can't afford transportation for a free State issued ID doesn't really care about the country or they are afraid of being 'found out' for fraud.
What happens if GOP’s voter suppression works? (click here)
Suppose Mitt Romney ekes out a victory in November by a margin smaller than the number of young and minority voters who couldn’t cast ballots because the photo-identification laws enacted by Republican governors and legislators kept them from the polls. What should Democrats do then? What would Republicans do? And how would other nations respond?
As suppositions go, this one isn’t actually far-fetched. No one in the Romney camp expects a blowout; if he does prevail, every poll suggests it will be by the skin of his teeth....
Then there is that whole Illegal Alien thing. Illegal Immigrants with no legal IDs. I mean what is the problem with State issued ID? Why is this such a dire issue for voters? Why can't the state absorb the cost of IDs to insure the security of our balloting?
Most Americans don't get it. They simply can't imagine a circumstance where obtaining an ID is impossible or a burden, especially when the state is offering free opportunities to receive one. Most Americans actually resent the idea of people balloting without a certified state ID of some kind.
Most Americans see ID as ending crime. ID Theft is a very big deal and they cannot understand people that aren't concerned about the same.
I think most Americans can relate to the elderly being challenged to carry out life's tasks. So, to help these two topics, voter suppression and voter fraud, be put into perspective I'd like to reflect on a profound reality in our society.
The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,230 at the beginning of 2012.
The most vulnerable among us have a small stipends every month to pay for their monthly expenses. I am not sure, but, if they receive Food Stamps at that income level it is a smaller amount than one might expect. They also pay for their Medicare A and B and if they can afford it a Medicare Supplement. There isn't a lot left over at the end of the month, especially considering the cost of energy these days.
It is hideous sometimes to reflect on the fact those most unable to pay for energy cannot seek wind or solar to relieve their burden. But, that is the case. The poor among us cannot purchase a Chevy Volt and it is they who go to work in cars with very poor fuel mileage that impoverishes them even further.
But, the point is there are circumstances in the USA which cause people from joining Mainstream America. Most of the time those people are resigned to that reality. They seek little more than they can afford in life. But, if one thing is true, it is they that have the most on the line when elections are conducted. It is they that need people who believe it is important to protect them from demise which is never far away. Their own reality would become far more harsh than it already is if the best people were not elected who realize their plight.
These are people have worked hard and have earned their Social Security income. They deserve the loyalty of the American government system. They were and are the backbone of this country. They have wisdom beyond years and they take their voting rights very seriously. They take those rights as seriously as they live their lives.
They cannot afford any barriers, even simple barriers, to their lives when it comes to voting. Some are so distant emotionally from voting because of their poverty, one more barrier will keep them from having the will to vote at all. Why? Because when those problems occur they feel discarded. They feel forgotten. And if the government casts them aside by creating one more barrier to vote then they may as well quit trying to carry out their will. They give up. They resigned into their lives of poverty, they learned how to accept it and they will resign into surrendering their vote, too.
That is Voter Suppression. It happens when barriers occur to challenged voters in achieving their task of casting their ballot. It works against their will, it works against their finances, it bargains with their lives and it imposes a social understanding of being unimportant.
Voter suppression is very different from Voter Fraud. They are opposite ends of the spectrum. Voter fraud is about cheating. It has nothing to do with access to the balloting system of an election, quite the opposite. Voter Fraud is about having plenty of access to the balloting process, so much access there are wrongful votes cast.
The attitudes of Republicans regarding demands of ID in order to vote is creating a barrier. It would be a noble barrier if it were actually necessary. But, it isn't. The occurrence of voter fraud is virtually absent in the American balloting system. So, the attitudes of Republicans and Americans demanding another barrier to casting a ballot by seeking IDs when people are already registered voters is fraud all by itself. The demand of any state that every voter have an ID in order to cast a ballot to secure the ballot box is a lie. Demanding a state issued ID is fraudulent. The DEMAND of a state issue ID at the ballot box is FRAUDULENT.
Got it?

The lies of the Republicans demanding state issued ID at the ballot box is Voter Suppression. It is immoral, complicated and should never be a part of the American Landscape. The Voter Suppression by the Republicans is a crime. It victimizes Americans, calls them liars in their own reality and residency and seeks to eliminate the right to vote with ease to facilitate elections of people that care about their lives and their futures and the futures of their children.
Counter intuitive. You betcha. An ID necessary for national security? Absolutely not.