Please. Rick Snyder is not leading the State of Michigan. He is robbing it. For God sake he sold the pipeline that was carrying clean water to Flint and for some real mystical reason he can't get it back. It is called corruption.
If I was Snyder I'd drink the water in Flint if I knew it would protect me from prison.
The developer of the website is a geologist. He works with people regarding Pennsylvania's private wells.
Lead is a toxic metal (click here) that is harmful to human health; there is NO safe level for lead exposure. The degree of exposure depends on the concentration of lead, route of exposure (air, water, food), current medical condition, and age. It has been estimated that up to 20 % of the totallead exposure in children can be attributed to a waterborne route, i.e., consuming contaminated water. In addition, infants, fetuses, and young children are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning. This is because they usually consume more water and their bodies are actively developing, which facilitates the bioaccumulation of lead....
Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality: Your Private Well: (click here)
What Do the Results Mean? - Second Edition, 2012
Any geologist will tell those that ask, pure drinking water is a high priority. Geologists that work with the public regarding their well water will drill small narrow sampling well to test the water in an aquifer. If the primary aquifer proves to carry unhealthy degrees of contaminants, the geologist will then drill down further to find a deeper aquifer. Of course there has to be aquifers, but, no geologist to accept contaminants in the water even if there are going to be filters in the house.
As a matter of fact, river water and any overland flow is always unhealthy by the pure fact they carry silt and anything along the way into the water source be it lake or otherwise. Reservoirs are managed and tested regularly and no one gets their water supply to the house directly from a reservoir anyway.
Michigan has an extensive study of water sources in the state. Michigan has a lot of lakes. There is no way pollution should be tolerated in any water source because it has far reaching implications.
The groundwater inventory and mapping project (click here) was developed because Public Act 148 (Michigan, Public Acts of 2003) required the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to create a "groundwater inventory and map" that includes eight specific products, a general requirement for a groundwater inventory, and a directive to make the map and inventory available to the public....
These maps are accurate. I haven't done my due diligence in finding a better water source for Flint. There has to be one somewhere other than the Flint River.
I should spend some time tomorrow to examine these circumstances. Flint, Michigan is going to have to solve it's own problems obviously the Governor who caused these problems is not the least bit interested in actual governance.
I have to go to the library and hope the documents I need are there. The library hasn't let me down yet.
My understanding is there was no mistakes that could be made regarding the Flint River. What I have read today, the fish in the river started to disappear in the 1930s. This is a long standing problem, everyone knew about it and to actually replace clear water with deadly river water is grossly remiss. People have a right to peace of mind when raising their children.
There may be more than one solution for Flint. I'll try to remember to take the Life magazine with me to the scanners in the library tomorrow. I have it in my car, I just need to complete that loop.
Let me see what I can come up with.

Is there an underground aquifer under Flint? Who was that professor working with the people of Flint?

See below. Right there. I just don't know if that is the same longetude and latitude. If there is an aquifer under or exceptionally close to Flint, it could be tapped and the people of Flint would have control over their water and would only have to pay the bills that maintained the operation of the well.
One of the things that comes into play when using aquifers to provide water for a city is the 'draw down' rate which provides a picture of sustainable water to the people in a period of time. In other words, does the aquifer have enough recharge to support the water demands of Flint. The map below is the drawdown map.
There is a chance for a real possibility for Flint. I'll do this tomorrow. The afternoon is empty. I might have to write some letters, but, it will begin a process to answer the problems with a decent water source.
See, Snyder made a decision to provide water supply to Flint from the Flint River. People are bathing and getting rashes. There has to be a reason why that is occurring. I think the people need answers. They want a future they can afford and provides healthy water to them and their children.
Snyder doesn't intend to change the water source to Flint. That should be completely obvious.
If I was Snyder I'd drink the water in Flint if I knew it would protect me from prison.
The developer of the website is a geologist. He works with people regarding Pennsylvania's private wells.
Lead is a toxic metal (click here) that is harmful to human health; there is NO safe level for lead exposure. The degree of exposure depends on the concentration of lead, route of exposure (air, water, food), current medical condition, and age. It has been estimated that up to 20 % of the totallead exposure in children can be attributed to a waterborne route, i.e., consuming contaminated water. In addition, infants, fetuses, and young children are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning. This is because they usually consume more water and their bodies are actively developing, which facilitates the bioaccumulation of lead....
Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality: Your Private Well: (click here)
What Do the Results Mean? - Second Edition, 2012
Any geologist will tell those that ask, pure drinking water is a high priority. Geologists that work with the public regarding their well water will drill small narrow sampling well to test the water in an aquifer. If the primary aquifer proves to carry unhealthy degrees of contaminants, the geologist will then drill down further to find a deeper aquifer. Of course there has to be aquifers, but, no geologist to accept contaminants in the water even if there are going to be filters in the house.
As a matter of fact, river water and any overland flow is always unhealthy by the pure fact they carry silt and anything along the way into the water source be it lake or otherwise. Reservoirs are managed and tested regularly and no one gets their water supply to the house directly from a reservoir anyway.
Michigan has an extensive study of water sources in the state. Michigan has a lot of lakes. There is no way pollution should be tolerated in any water source because it has far reaching implications.
The groundwater inventory and mapping project (click here) was developed because Public Act 148 (Michigan, Public Acts of 2003) required the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to create a "groundwater inventory and map" that includes eight specific products, a general requirement for a groundwater inventory, and a directive to make the map and inventory available to the public....
These maps are accurate. I haven't done my due diligence in finding a better water source for Flint. There has to be one somewhere other than the Flint River.
I should spend some time tomorrow to examine these circumstances. Flint, Michigan is going to have to solve it's own problems obviously the Governor who caused these problems is not the least bit interested in actual governance.
I have to go to the library and hope the documents I need are there. The library hasn't let me down yet.
My understanding is there was no mistakes that could be made regarding the Flint River. What I have read today, the fish in the river started to disappear in the 1930s. This is a long standing problem, everyone knew about it and to actually replace clear water with deadly river water is grossly remiss. People have a right to peace of mind when raising their children.
There may be more than one solution for Flint. I'll try to remember to take the Life magazine with me to the scanners in the library tomorrow. I have it in my car, I just need to complete that loop.
Let me see what I can come up with.

See below. Right there. I just don't know if that is the same longetude and latitude. If there is an aquifer under or exceptionally close to Flint, it could be tapped and the people of Flint would have control over their water and would only have to pay the bills that maintained the operation of the well.
One of the things that comes into play when using aquifers to provide water for a city is the 'draw down' rate which provides a picture of sustainable water to the people in a period of time. In other words, does the aquifer have enough recharge to support the water demands of Flint. The map below is the drawdown map.

See, Snyder made a decision to provide water supply to Flint from the Flint River. People are bathing and getting rashes. There has to be a reason why that is occurring. I think the people need answers. They want a future they can afford and provides healthy water to them and their children.
Snyder doesn't intend to change the water source to Flint. That should be completely obvious.