S&P +14.20
Dow +115.75
Nasdaq +32.41
I think the stocks markets are over joyed at the election of a Republican Knothead that is easily manipulated by Murdoch Media.
That should send a clear message to the American people. They aren't in control of their vote.
I think the spirit of Ted did the right thing. With Democrats attempting bipartisanship for every measure they were trying to achieve it did nothing but slowed down the process. It is time for Democrats to actually deliver on legislation that needs to be passed. It is time to get it done and can Joe Lieberman off Homeland Security. He has other priorities. Get him off that committee and be happy with 51 Democratic votes in the Senate.
Lieberman was never truly on the side of the Democrats or happy about the Obama victory. Face reality and get on with what needs to be done.
I exceedingly happy the Democrats don't have to bargain with Republicans at all anymore. Let's get the job done. Public Option and/or Single Payer. Carbon Dioxide Regulation and strong conservation laws.
It is time to go to work and I am pleased this happened. We weren't getting anywhere having to deal with Republican idiots with strings attached to Talk Radio.