What this reveals is the term I frequently use called "oscillation." What I stated about oscillation is that as one extreme is reached it will 'set off' the opposite extreme reaction. That is what is occurring. The 'trend' is to an inertia whereby the highs will continue, but, the oscillation reaction to lows will be less and less low, although the 'gap' of difference may remain the same. This is also called 'shifting baselines.' But, this finding illustrates very clearly the science of 'oscillation,' in this case where it relates to temperature.

(larger image - click here)
This graphic shows the ratio of record daily highs to record daily lows observed at about 1,800 weather stations in the 48 contiguous United States from January 1950 through September 2009. Each bar shows the proportion of record highs (red) to record lows (blue) for each decade. The 1960s and 1970s saw slightly more record daily lows than highs, but in the last 30 years record highs have increasingly predominated, with the ratio now about two-to-one for the 48 states as a whole. (click here)
One might remember the UK was reporting there was an increase in sea ice earlier this year. That might be the reason why the data bank was broken into in the first place. Since this report was issued by the British Antarctica Team, NASA has done their assessment and found the contrary.
While the sea ice was increasing without a doubt, it was not conclusive to the idea of a reversal or non-existant Human Induced Global Warming.
So, the folks at Copenhagen need to keep in mind the findings by the NASA team were far more extensive and included the fact the added sea ice was due to increased 'melt down' of the ice continent and the runoff of that huge amount of water into the waters off the coast where the increased sea ice was noted by the British.
So, for those trying to discredit the science of Human Induced Global Warming; the last place I would look are emails from the UK. The UK was under scrutiny anyway. There is no basis, AT ALL, for the skeptics to feel as though they 'have something.' Believe me, they don't.
And for those advocating more research to be done, they are only looking for grants on 'dried up' research that is proving day after day to have been bad research lacking validity. It is nonsense. No more research is needed except to be vigilant and gauge the deterioration.
Antarctic ice is growing, not melting away (click here)
By Greg Roberts
April 18, 2009
...However, the picture is very different in east Antarctica, which includes the territory claimed by Australia.East Antarctica is four times the size of west Antarctica and parts of it are cooling. The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research report prepared for last week's meeting of Antarctic Treaty nations in Washington noted the South Pole had shown "significant cooling in recent decades".
Australian Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica....
As a matter of fact, I am still wondering whom broke into the university website and knew where to look for the emails. It almost seems like an intelligence operation to me.
World's biggest ice sheet is melting
November 24, 2009THE world's largest frozen water mass, the East Antarctic ice sheet, has been found for the first time to be losing ice at an increased rate.
For years scientists have worried about the smaller West Antarctic ice sheet's net melt, and some recent studies reported that the eastern sheet was growing slightly, due to snowfall.
Now a paper based on satellite measurements shows coastal regions of the East Antarctic, including long stretches of the Australian Antarctic Territory, have been losing ice for the past three years.
Study leader Jianli Chen concluded in the British journal Nature Geoscience: ''As a whole, Antarctica may soon be contributing significantly more to global sea level rise.''
So far the loss of ice from the East Antarctic sheet - although huge in scale at about 57 billion tonnes each year - is tiny in terms of its effect on sea level.
But the amount is not the issue, according to Tony Press, the director of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC at the University of Tasmania.
''It's the rate,'' Dr Press said yesterday. ''If the rate is increasing, that's worth keeping a very close eye on.''
Global ice losses now contribute 1.8 millimetres a year to sea level. Growing observations of more losses had led to predictions of an escalating sea level rise of about a metre over the next century, a University of Copenhagen Climate Change Synthesis Report said earlier this year.
This is about double the 2007 predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The accelerated losses in Antarctica were found by Professor Chen's group using NASA satellites.
The complete loss of the eastern sheet would raise the sea level by about 50 metres, according to a briefing for the International Polar Year.
Professor Chen's group studied monthly samples from 2002 to early this year, and confirmed other findings that the West Antarctic ice sheet was losing about 132 billion tonnes of ice a year.
The scientists found no change in the East Antarctic until 2006.