This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Livestock Pavilion
This entry is not to discourage anyone from vaccination.
I had my first dose of “Moderna” vaccine. I had no adverse reaction.
I did have a reaction to it about an hour after the injection. I felt fatigue in the way of needing rest. I think I dropped my blood pressure because immediately my heart started pounding in my chest. That pounding lasted 15 minutes. I had no chest pain. My heart never missed a beat.
I think the body’s reaction to an mRNA vaccine is a brief sense of shock. The mRNA is a foreign body entering the body and ultimately the blood stream. Like, getting an infusion of the wrong blood type only far, far less severe. The human body can only react so many ways to day to day life and in this case a vaccine against a deadly virus.
I never was worried that it was harming me. I recognized that my body was taking appropriate measures to identify and counter a strange substance that shouldn’t be there. No injection site inflammation or anything like that. Just a brief episode of what I believe was mild shock.
I am among the current population prioritized to receive the Moderna shot. I feel lucky today and know after six weeks from today and a second shot I will have achieved 95 percent immunity from SARS-CoV-2.
If Ted Cruz is ever elected again...
...Texans should be ashamed of themselves. He went on a planned vacation when Texas has the worst catastrophe of it’s history.
President Biden is more worried about Texas than the state’s own Senator.