October 17, 2019
By Peter Schorsch
Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas was a fixture at several Ron DeSantis fundraisers and had a prominent place during his election night victory party.
All these people, including Trump, were working together. They were covering each other's sins. They believed they were untouchable because of Trump and the promise of no matter what occurred a pardon would be theirs.
Why would Guiliani step outside the law? Why not? The deeper the corruption hole becomes, the more committed they become to each other.
Russian money.
...“Giuliani’s indicted (click here) Florida associates pursued a Florida weed license, too” via David Smiley and Samantha Gross of the Miami Herald — Parnas and Fruman — naturalized citizens now subpoenaed to turn over documents in the impeachment investigation into Trump — sought to invest in one of Florida’s state-issued cannabis licenses, according to three sources familiar with their efforts. As recently as May, Parnas and Fruman were speaking to attorneys in Florida’s marijuana industry about purchasing a stake in any one of the 22 companies licensed by the state to grow marijuana. But their plan appears to have been unsuccessful due to an inability to prove that they had the cash. “I don’t think they ever had a substantive conversation with anybody in the weed business,” said a marijuana lobbyist familiar with their ambitions....
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, December 13, 2019
It is a matter of chemical interaction. It was a no brainer to know the outcome of tapping the Flint River for potable water.
The lead of the pipes in Flint, Michigan was known. It was no surprise. It is the job of the professionals to know what they are working with and protect the public.
The US EPA did on several occasions tell Flint the water needed to be buffered to prevent the chemical interaction. It is the job of the USA's EPA to do exactly that. The reason the USA EPA fell into disapproval and scandal regarding Flint is THE DEGREE of urgency needed to end the crisis. I think by the time the USA EPA became aware of the crisis it was already underway. The USA EPA should have acted more invasively to stop it and return potable water to the residents of Flint. But, those involved all along the way knew of the dangers. That is Water Quality 101.
It is a bit of a surreal understanding that a letter of warning to a Governor or others involved was simply ignored for punitive financial reasons. So, the USA EPA officer involved expected to be respected. It is the public trust that was violated in a profound way. No one expected the Governor to look the other way while people were being poisoned. When the USA EPA wrote the second and third letter it was with the understanding there would be compliance, but, there was none. The courts needed to be tapped and to some extent there was a degree of denial at the ruthlessness of Snyder's priorities.
It was a year if I remember right to make it to the public's attention. It only happened because of professionals like the Virginia Tech PhD. (click here) and his team along with a local pediatrician told the media this was real. The poisoning was happening. There was a high level of denial at the societal level because it was so unthinkable.
This dynamic of PERMISSION to do harm is what is most troubling about Republican leadership. Snyder didn't care. He not only didn't care but, figured the people of Flint brought it on themselves and deserved it for their financial troubles. We are seeing more and more of this permission to allow harm by Republicans. Look at what occurred now with Ukraine. There is the testimony that Trump didn't hold important Ukrainians dying at the hand of Russia. There is the issue of guns, health care and education. All the Republican policies in these important areas are doing harm. The allowance of "harm" as a political directive MUST stop.
Sorry, I didn't get to this until Saturday, but, yesterday was a troubling day. I have feelings too and it was an upsetting day. I write, but, I don't do any of this in cold blood.
I will place this at the usual Friday Night 8:30 pm spot where it belongs to anyone who cares to reference these entries.
10 December 2019
By Emily Holden and Jessica Glenza
Executives at one of the world’s largest utilities companies (click here) knew that families in Flint, Michigan, might be at risk of being poisoned by lead in their tap water months before the city publicly admitted the problem, according to internal company emails.
Email exchanges in February 2015 between executives at Veolia and a city contractor show some senior employees were aware that lead from the city’s pipes could be leaching into drinking water. They argued that city officials should be told to change
Flint’s water supply to protect residents.
But the company never made that recommendation public. At the time, Veolia was exploring other lucrative contracts with the city.
Flint began struggling with foul tasting, discolored water after switching to the Flint River as its supply in April 2014. Test results soon showed elevated levels of carcinogens. The water was corrosive, so it was releasing lead from pipes. The city found extraordinarily high lead levels in one resident’s water in February 2015, but residents were not made aware of the extent of the problem until September 2015.
Five years later, the people of Flint continue to demand accountability for the water crisis, which exposed residents to high levels of lead, a potent neurotoxin. Children and infants who consumed the water are likely to suffer lifelong learning disabilities. Flint residents are still advised to either drink bottled water or filter it from the tap....
The US EPA did on several occasions tell Flint the water needed to be buffered to prevent the chemical interaction. It is the job of the USA's EPA to do exactly that. The reason the USA EPA fell into disapproval and scandal regarding Flint is THE DEGREE of urgency needed to end the crisis. I think by the time the USA EPA became aware of the crisis it was already underway. The USA EPA should have acted more invasively to stop it and return potable water to the residents of Flint. But, those involved all along the way knew of the dangers. That is Water Quality 101.
It is a bit of a surreal understanding that a letter of warning to a Governor or others involved was simply ignored for punitive financial reasons. So, the USA EPA officer involved expected to be respected. It is the public trust that was violated in a profound way. No one expected the Governor to look the other way while people were being poisoned. When the USA EPA wrote the second and third letter it was with the understanding there would be compliance, but, there was none. The courts needed to be tapped and to some extent there was a degree of denial at the ruthlessness of Snyder's priorities.
It was a year if I remember right to make it to the public's attention. It only happened because of professionals like the Virginia Tech PhD. (click here) and his team along with a local pediatrician told the media this was real. The poisoning was happening. There was a high level of denial at the societal level because it was so unthinkable.
This dynamic of PERMISSION to do harm is what is most troubling about Republican leadership. Snyder didn't care. He not only didn't care but, figured the people of Flint brought it on themselves and deserved it for their financial troubles. We are seeing more and more of this permission to allow harm by Republicans. Look at what occurred now with Ukraine. There is the testimony that Trump didn't hold important Ukrainians dying at the hand of Russia. There is the issue of guns, health care and education. All the Republican policies in these important areas are doing harm. The allowance of "harm" as a political directive MUST stop.
Sorry, I didn't get to this until Saturday, but, yesterday was a troubling day. I have feelings too and it was an upsetting day. I write, but, I don't do any of this in cold blood.
I will place this at the usual Friday Night 8:30 pm spot where it belongs to anyone who cares to reference these entries.
10 December 2019
By Emily Holden and Jessica Glenza
Executives at one of the world’s largest utilities companies (click here) knew that families in Flint, Michigan, might be at risk of being poisoned by lead in their tap water months before the city publicly admitted the problem, according to internal company emails.
Email exchanges in February 2015 between executives at Veolia and a city contractor show some senior employees were aware that lead from the city’s pipes could be leaching into drinking water. They argued that city officials should be told to change
Flint’s water supply to protect residents.
But the company never made that recommendation public. At the time, Veolia was exploring other lucrative contracts with the city.
Flint began struggling with foul tasting, discolored water after switching to the Flint River as its supply in April 2014. Test results soon showed elevated levels of carcinogens. The water was corrosive, so it was releasing lead from pipes. The city found extraordinarily high lead levels in one resident’s water in February 2015, but residents were not made aware of the extent of the problem until September 2015.
Five years later, the people of Flint continue to demand accountability for the water crisis, which exposed residents to high levels of lead, a potent neurotoxin. Children and infants who consumed the water are likely to suffer lifelong learning disabilities. Flint residents are still advised to either drink bottled water or filter it from the tap....
Congressman Justin Amash will not vote his conscience.
There is every indication he is in good standing in his district.
May 19, 2019
Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan (click here) became the first Republican lawmaker to say President Trump had "engaged in impeachable conduct." In a series of tweets on Saturday, Amash wrote he had read the full report by special counsel Robert Mueller and had concluded the president's conduct met the "threshold for impeachment."...
...After Mueller concluded his report in mid-March, Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary, which Amash said "deliberately misrepresented" the full 448-page report. "Barr's misrepresentations are significant but often subtle, frequently taking the form of sleight-of-hand qualifications or logical fallacies, which he hopes people will not notice," he wrote.
Amash wrote that, contrary to Barr's initial assessment of Mueller's report, Mr. Trump had "engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment.
Congress, too, was not spared from criticism by Amash. He called out the partisanship of many lawmakers, saying they shift their perceptions "180 degrees" when discussing former President Bill Clinton and Mr. Trump.
"Few members of Congress even read Mueller's report; their minds were made up based on partisan affiliation — and it showed, with representatives and senators from both parties issuing definitive statements on the 448-page report's conclusions within just hours of its release," Amash wrote....
He held a town hall after calling for Trump's impeachment and he was supported by his constituency.
May 19, 2019
Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan (click here) became the first Republican lawmaker to say President Trump had "engaged in impeachable conduct." In a series of tweets on Saturday, Amash wrote he had read the full report by special counsel Robert Mueller and had concluded the president's conduct met the "threshold for impeachment."...
...After Mueller concluded his report in mid-March, Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary, which Amash said "deliberately misrepresented" the full 448-page report. "Barr's misrepresentations are significant but often subtle, frequently taking the form of sleight-of-hand qualifications or logical fallacies, which he hopes people will not notice," he wrote.
Amash wrote that, contrary to Barr's initial assessment of Mueller's report, Mr. Trump had "engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment.
Congress, too, was not spared from criticism by Amash. He called out the partisanship of many lawmakers, saying they shift their perceptions "180 degrees" when discussing former President Bill Clinton and Mr. Trump.
"Few members of Congress even read Mueller's report; their minds were made up based on partisan affiliation — and it showed, with representatives and senators from both parties issuing definitive statements on the 448-page report's conclusions within just hours of its release," Amash wrote....
He held a town hall after calling for Trump's impeachment and he was supported by his constituency.
I have never witnessed such an appropriate use of the USA Constitution.
Donald John Trump is impeached on the abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Other impeachments in USA history pale in comparison to the crimes of Donald John Trump.
He needs to be removed from office. He will only continue his abuses. That is obvious. He already and eagerly repeated the solicitation of foreign countries to win office.
Jonathan Turley may get another chance at seeing the process again.
I think Donald John Trump is more than an impeached president, he is a toxic element within our democracy. He uses political intimidation and threat to garner obedience among the seated Republicans. That is unethical, but, it may very well be illegal. This is the first time The West has witnessed the clear agenda from Russia.
I think we have a threat from within and need to continue to address it. Russia placed a good amount of it's intelliigence assets to work with Trump, that can't be ignored. Trump never refused that INTENT by Russia either.
Presidential Approval Poll - Trump doesn't live with the truth. The poll extends back to January 23, 2017. It took less than two weeks for Trump to lose his approval rating into disapproval. On February 2, 2017 the approval and disapproval rating was tied at 44.8%. Something was happening with the country during his initial 100 days. February 4, 2017 was the day it switched from approval to disapproval and it was nearly a 3 percent jump. The approval rating on that day was 44.2 and the disapproval rating was 47% Trump's disapproval rating has remained in the high and above 50 percent since March 17, 2017. Donald John Trump has not received approval of the country during the majority of his presidency. The people know he is unfit for office.
Gallup has interesting analysis and it is Republicans that support him (click here). Those are the people continuing this horror in the USA.
Link: click here
"Real Clear Politics" (click here) is a rolling average of other polls. It indicates "Five Thirty Eight" is on track with the majority of findings of other polls.
Other impeachments in USA history pale in comparison to the crimes of Donald John Trump.
He needs to be removed from office. He will only continue his abuses. That is obvious. He already and eagerly repeated the solicitation of foreign countries to win office.
Jonathan Turley may get another chance at seeing the process again.
I think Donald John Trump is more than an impeached president, he is a toxic element within our democracy. He uses political intimidation and threat to garner obedience among the seated Republicans. That is unethical, but, it may very well be illegal. This is the first time The West has witnessed the clear agenda from Russia.
I think we have a threat from within and need to continue to address it. Russia placed a good amount of it's intelliigence assets to work with Trump, that can't be ignored. Trump never refused that INTENT by Russia either.
Presidential Approval Poll - Trump doesn't live with the truth. The poll extends back to January 23, 2017. It took less than two weeks for Trump to lose his approval rating into disapproval. On February 2, 2017 the approval and disapproval rating was tied at 44.8%. Something was happening with the country during his initial 100 days. February 4, 2017 was the day it switched from approval to disapproval and it was nearly a 3 percent jump. The approval rating on that day was 44.2 and the disapproval rating was 47% Trump's disapproval rating has remained in the high and above 50 percent since March 17, 2017. Donald John Trump has not received approval of the country during the majority of his presidency. The people know he is unfit for office.
Gallup has interesting analysis and it is Republicans that support him (click here). Those are the people continuing this horror in the USA.

"Real Clear Politics" (click here) is a rolling average of other polls. It indicates "Five Thirty Eight" is on track with the majority of findings of other polls.
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