The management of the country's forests has always been excellent and that management is no excuse to ignore the USA's responsibility in mitigating the Climate Crisis. Management will only take the USA so far without proper mitigation of greenhouse gases.
This plan didn't spring up overnight either. Public comment frequently is taken before these plans are decided.

The Rogue River and Siskiyou National Forests with the majority of the forest in Oregon but a bit overlaps the border into northern California.
November 18, 2018
Medford, Oregon — The U.S. Forest Service (click here) plans to propose measures for southern Oregon aimed at reducing the size and intensity of wildfires and creating healthier forests better able to withstand the hotter, drier conditions brought by climate change.
The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest plan would include a mix of commercial logging and brush removal on 22,000 acres of Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands, the Mail Tribune reported Sunday.
It would include nearly 5,000 acres of prescribed fire and using fire to maintain up to 13,000 acres of previously burned areas.
Research shows the forest will better adapt to hotter, drier climates if the density of its tree stands is reduced and the growth of more fire-resistant trees is promoted. Growing more oak and pine trees instead of Douglas fir will also help the forests adapt.
"The objective is to make the watershed more resilient to disturbances like fire, insects and climate change," said Don Boucher, the forest's district ecologist and main architect of the plan....