These are the same people that caused all the fiscal trouble President Obama inherited. Now they are 'attempting' to appear as the 'aggreived' in order to influence voters that are easily 'swayed' by fear. The Independants. The ones with 'real backbone.'
These are the folks that whine and cry because they were unfairly caught up in a fiscal circumstance(s) created by government, therefore, it is up to government to bail them out. I heard it over and over and over again, about when will the government 'do something' to give them relief from exploitation of the market place they knew full well they were 'gambling with.'
These are the folks that wave the Red, White and Blue when they should be waving a flag covered in "Gold Leaf." They are the ones that 'practice' fiscal brinkmanship all the time. They 'count' on the government to act in their favor when the 'number of troubled citizens' are too large to ignore. Their numbers alone constitute the 'collective' equivalent of "The Too Big to Fail Category." Their 'habits' chronically set the economy of the USA 'at risk' and it is them that the Legislature and Executive Branch need to treat as dangerous as any 'Mega Bank.'
No wonder they carry guns.
I only have one thing to say."They need jobs !"

...Against a backdrop of tens of thousands of Americans marching on Washington to oppose health care reform, the White House dismissed the president's critics, reinforced his message while offering few specifics, and continued to back away from insistence on the public option....
The Motto for the Day is "I voted for President Bush the First and I voted for President Bush the Second !"