Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A Full Court Press

I noticed President Biden huddled briefly with the Former Presidents Clinton, W. Bush and Obama. He also mentioned Former President Jimmy Carter. 

Former President Carter is going to be helpful in many areas both domestic and international. President Carter was well received in the Middle East and brokered the Camp David Accords. 

Jimmy Carter is the Democrats best kept secret. He commanded the Panama Canal Treaty, was involved with Afghanistan before bin Laden, developed full diplomatic relations with China and closed on SALT II. And that was only his international achievements.

He created the US Department of Education and expanded national lands as well as took up the mantle of the environment making it sustainable for some regulation reform for the trucking and airline industries. He protected Social Security and removed racial barriers for minorities and women. He created 8 million jobs and cut the deficit during his administration. It is unfortunate the politics only allows for him to be branded with a failed hostage rescue. 

Honestly, not bad work for a former Navy officer.

We saved our country to be at this moment.

Congratulations to all Americans. We have saved our democracy.

It is a great day.

We have the perfect team elected to the Executive Branch. We will prevail with the dedication I know Joe Biden and Kamala Harris brings to their leadership.

Has the COVID-19 team arrived to disinfect the White House?

I am assuming the limo has been disinfected from top to bottom, including the trunk. 

Hopefully, Camp David is pristinely clean.

Marine One now has to be disinfected. Pay attention to the hand rails. Trump was always hitting them for some reason as he entered all the vehicles.

“...if we had not been hit by the pandemic...”

Amazing. Of course Trump was helpless against the pandemic and the 400,000 dead was beyond control considering it would have been 2.2 million if Dr. Fauci didn’t stand in opposition to every aspects of the Trump regime.

The cheerleaders are there to shine him on instead of exposing him to reality.

“... in some form.” Shape shifting again? 

Trump put a $30,000 Wall Street in place while the country’s GDP plummeted. Ah, but, it was all because Trump was helpless against COVID. Amazing. Such disparity between the economic classes in the USA, just like every other country with a dictator.

Trump has endangered every American life with his destructive cabinet that erased decades of work on regulations to KEEP AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN.o

Disinfect the letter on the Resolute Desk! Seriously! Open the envelope and disinfect the letter in all its pages. Biden’s first mail delivery by the most infected package handler on the planet.

Steve Bannon?

 A pardon? Trump just exonerated the Alt Right and reinforced hate.

President Biden has to stand by his Cabinet choices.

Hawley’s objection of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas is based in hatred and racism. Hawley supports the violence of the insurrectionists and does not deserve an opinion yet alone an objection.

Secretary Mayorkas will have to serve as an “Acting” Secretary until things change. He is perfectly qualified and there should be no objection.