This release is the second phone call, where is the first? (click here) And where is the whistleblower complaint?
The Ukraine President Zelenskyy made a big deal out of the fact, this was the second call.
Zelenskyy never said the EU was not doing as much economically or in humanitarian aid, he stated he would like to see stronger resolve to the sanctions placed against Russia.
President Zelenskyy was anxious to begin the arrival of military munitions. Why was he so worried about THE NEXT STEP.
This is the Javelin (click here) Ukraine President stated was important to the national defense of his country.
Trump never answered Zelenskyy's question. He changed the subject.
Crowdstrike (click here)
Executive Leadership (click here)
Board of Directors (click here)
Crowdstrike was the company the DNC called after the Russian hacking.
...So far, so good. (click here) Critically, though, CrowdStrike was the firm the Democratic National Committee called in 2016 after the organization discovered that hackers had broken into its email and chat systems and stolen data. The US intelligence community later confirmed that the attackers were Russian hacking group APT 28, also known as Fancy Bear—a moniker coined by CrowdStrike. (The Russian hacking group APT 29, or Cozy Bear, also infiltrated the DNC network in 2015.) When CrowdStrike began its investigation, Fancy Bear hackers still had active access to the DNC's networks, and CrowdStrike worked to remove them.
As part of that remediation, the DNC, CrowdStrike, and government investigators had to "decommission more than 140 servers, remove and reinstall all software, including the operating systems, for more than 180 computers, and rebuild at least 11 servers," according to court documents filed by the DNC in 2018.
Trump has had a very public, long-held fascination with that process, for years referring to the DNC's "missing server." But when CrowdStrike or another firm investigates an incident, they typically don't physically remove a client's devices. Instead, they make "images" of the hard drive and memory of every relevant device so that they can preserve a sort of snapshot of the compromised systems. Over time, digital forensic evidences washes away, as people reboot their devices or add and delete files.
In other words, there is no missing server....
This is way out of line for Trump to be asking a newly elected President of Ukraine to be involved with finding a server that doesn't exist, BUT, Trump believes it does. There is no reason for a newly elected Ukraine president to be asked these questions unless there was something nefarious behind it. Trump, Guiliani and Barr could not carry out such tasks from the USA without being discovered. I doubt the Ukraine president could find out anything at CrowdStrike, either, but Trump's asking is highly unethical, illegitimate and illegal. Was he hoping Guiliani and Barr would be able to carry out some sort of secret cyber hacking to fulfill Trump's delusional dream of finding 30,000 emails? And who do these men think they are to be leaning on an American ally with a war existing within the country's borders? This is all maniacal scheming that is criminal on it's face.
This type of scheming was to carry out some sort of social media blitz to turn Trump from the worst president in USA history to the man who saved the USA from THE DEEP STATE!
Once again, the American voter is the target of a scheme by Trump only this time carried out on foreign soil.
At a time when President Zelenskyy was frantic about corruption and riding Ukraine of it, is willing to entertain Rudy Guiliani. And why? Because the President of Ukraine was frantic about his strategic position in defending against Russia now in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. What does Guiliani have to do with any of that? Nothing. He was going to be entertained by the President of Ukraine so he could mastermind an election victory by Trump when Joe Biden was going to win the presidency in 2020.
Trump, Barr and Guiliani had the President of Ukraine by the throat and they weren't going to let go until they got what they wanted. In addition, it was playing to Russia and the possibility of retaking all of Ukraine. They all have to be charged for the crimes they have already committed.
Viktor Shokin (click here) is the prosecutor Trump referred to. In doing so, Trump is doing Putin's bidding. The people of Ukraine never trusted him. He never prosecuted the right people responsible for the corruption and took issue with anyone who said differently, including the CEO of Burisma Holdings, the company Hunter Biden would eventually have a place within their leadership.
Shokin wanted to prosecute Mykola Vladislavovich Zlochevsky, the CEO of Burisma Holdings for money laundering, tax evasion and generalized corruption. The big three that most corrupt prosecutors know they can find SOMETHING that is illegal. That prosecution never happened as Ukraine cleaned up it's corruption infrastructure which included the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin.
I was just thinking that even if Hunter Biden wanted to come forward to tell his story, he couldn't because so much of it is probably classified.
At the time of the paradigm shift in Ukraine that freed it from Russia, there was a lot of pressure from Europe and the USA to end the corruption. Yanukovych's home was open for display to prove the extent corruption ruled the country. Europe and the USA was willing to put sanctions in place if Ukraine did not purge itself of the corruption. The World Bank was also stating for as much as it wanted to help Ukraine restructure debt and find a way forward, the corruption had to an end. To that reality, there were plans drawn up for the new government under the new constitution to follow to act in good faith to secure financial stability while ridding itself of corruption. There was no going back. Ukraine had to move in the direction the people demanded. There were people that died for that change and the world, in general, would not let them forget.
So, after all this time, after all the deaths of Ukraine citizens fighting for their country, Trump has the god almighty nerve to interrupt military shipments to Ukraine for the sake of investigating a KNOWN corrupt prosecutor in Shokin. I don't think so. Trump is guilty up to his eyeballs in regard to the coercion of the President of Ukraine.
The impeachment committees need to go forward. The Republicans need to stand up for the USA Constitution and not their party politics. This is disgraceful and they should not be on the wrong side of the Constitution.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
This is a good reminder of the TRUST so many around the world place in the USA.
September 25, 2019
By Lucia Navas
A delegation from the Civic Alliance began intense lobbying efforts in the United States, hoping to increase the pressure brought to bear against Daniel Ortega’s regime. Photo: taken from social media sites
Havana Times - On Monday, September 23, (click here) a delegation from the opposition group Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy began an intense lobbying campaign that includes the US House and Senate, as well as the Organization of American States (OAS). Their agenda also contemplated meetings with the Nicaraguan diaspora.
Both efforts were concentrated on increasing the pressure on Daniel Ortega’s regime to renew the dialogue and, in that way, find a solution to the socio-political crisis that has engulfed Nicaragua for nearly a year and a half.
Opposition leaders Juan Sebastian Chamorro, Mario Arana, Azahalea Solis, Medardo Mairena, and Jose Adan Aguerri, together with university students Max Jerez, Edwin Carcache, Lesther Aleman and Douglas Castro, plus Felix Maradiaga, a member of the political council of the National Blue and White Unity, all formed part of the delegation that will be reporting on how the Ortega regime continues violating Nicaraguans’ human rights by maintaining and intensifying their repression.
The opposition figures were also to participate in a demonstration that the community of Nicaraguans residing in the United States scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, in front of the Nicaraguan embassy in Washington D.C....
By Lucia Navas
A delegation from the Civic Alliance began intense lobbying efforts in the United States, hoping to increase the pressure brought to bear against Daniel Ortega’s regime. Photo: taken from social media sites
Havana Times - On Monday, September 23, (click here) a delegation from the opposition group Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy began an intense lobbying campaign that includes the US House and Senate, as well as the Organization of American States (OAS). Their agenda also contemplated meetings with the Nicaraguan diaspora.
Both efforts were concentrated on increasing the pressure on Daniel Ortega’s regime to renew the dialogue and, in that way, find a solution to the socio-political crisis that has engulfed Nicaragua for nearly a year and a half.
Opposition leaders Juan Sebastian Chamorro, Mario Arana, Azahalea Solis, Medardo Mairena, and Jose Adan Aguerri, together with university students Max Jerez, Edwin Carcache, Lesther Aleman and Douglas Castro, plus Felix Maradiaga, a member of the political council of the National Blue and White Unity, all formed part of the delegation that will be reporting on how the Ortega regime continues violating Nicaraguans’ human rights by maintaining and intensifying their repression.
The opposition figures were also to participate in a demonstration that the community of Nicaraguans residing in the United States scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, in front of the Nicaraguan embassy in Washington D.C....
Continued from previous entry.
The Report of the Special Council - Volume 1 - Page 107 and Page 115 on the PDF (click here)
The Office found no evidence that Kislyak conversed with either Trump or Sessions after the speech, or would have had the opportunity to do so. Simes, for example, did not recall seeing Kislyak at the post-speech luncheon,632 and the only witness who accounted for Sessions’s whereabouts stated that Sessions may have spoken to the press after the event but then departed for Capitol Hill.633 Saunders recalled, based in part on a food-related request he received from a Campaign staff member, that Trump left the hotel a few minutes after the speech to go to the airport.634
c. Jeff Sessions’s Post-Speech Interactions with CNI
In the wake of Sessions’s confirmation hearings as Attorney General, questions arose about whether Sessions’s campaign-period interactions with CNI apart from the Mayflower speech included any additional meetings with Ambassador Kislyak or involved Russian-related matters. With respect to Kislyak contacts, on May 23, 2016, Sessions attended CNI’s Distinguished Service Award dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, D.C.635 Sessions attended a pre-dinner reception and was seated at one of two head tables for the event.636 A seating chart prepared by Saunders indicates that Sessions was scheduled to be seated next to Kislyak, who appears to have responded to the invitation by indicating he would attend the event.637 Sessions, however, did not remember seeing, speaking with, or sitting next to Kislyak at the dinner.638 Although CNI board member Charles Boyd said he may have seen Kislyak at the dinner, 639 Simes, Saunders, and Jacob Heilbrunn—editor of the National Interest—all had no recollection of seeing Kislyak at the May 23 event.640 Kislyak also does not appear in any of the photos from the event that the Office obtained.
So, whenever Kislyak was in attendance Trump and Sessions distanced themselves from him. However, there was a decision from somewhere that put Sessions and Kislyak at the same table, but, Kislyak was a no show. Why the photos?
...He then amended (click here) his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony to note the two reported interactions he had with Kislyak. In the amended testimony, the former Alabama senator said he spoke "briefly" in July 2016 to the Russian ambassador during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. He also said that he spoke with the Russian ambassador in September 2016 in his Senate office with his staff members. He said he did not initially list those meetings because he did not think they were relevant to the questions asked during the confirmation proceedings....
In the summer of 2016, CNI organized at least two dinners in Washington, D.C. for Sessions to meet with experienced foreign policy professionals.641 The dinners included CNI affiliated individuals, such as Richard Burt and Zalmay Khalilzad, a former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq and the person who had introduced Trump before the April 27, 2016 foreign policy speech.642 Khalilzad also met with Sessions one-on-one separately from the dinners.643 At the dinners and in the meetings, the participants addressed U.S. relations with Russia, including how U.S. relations with NATO and European countries affected U.S. policy toward Russia.644 But the discussions were not exclusively focused on Russia.645 Khalilzad, for example, recalled discussing “nation-building” and violent extremism with Sessions.646 In addition, Sessions asked Saunders (of CNI) to draft two memoranda not specific to Russia: one on Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy shortcomings and another on Egypt.647
Footnote 632 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 22; Heilbrunn 2/1/18 302, at 7.
Footnote 633 Luff 1/30/18 302, at 4.
Footnote 634 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 15.
Footnote 635 Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 22; Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 17.
Footnote 636 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 17; C00004779-80 (5/23/16 Email, Cantelmo to Saunders & Hagberg (9:30:12 a.m.); C00004362 (5/23/16 Email, Bauman to Cantelmo et al. (2:02:32 a.m.).
Footnote 637 C00004362 (5/23/16 Email Bauman to Cantelmo et al. (2:02:32 a.m.).
Footnote 638 Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 22.
Footnote 639 Boyd 1/24/18 302, at 4.
Footnote 640 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 23; Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 18; Heilbrunn 2/1/18 302, at 7.
Footnote 641 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 31; Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 19; Burt 2/9/18 302, at 9-10; Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 5.
Footnote 642 Burt 2/9/18 302, at 9-10; Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 1-2, 5.
Footnote 643 Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 5-6.
Footnote 644 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 31; Burt 2/9/18 302, at 9-10; Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 5.
Footnote 645 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 20.
Footnote 646 Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 6.
Footnote 647 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 19-20.
All the footnotes seem to be within the evidence file of the Special Counsel. be continued in next entry...
The Office found no evidence that Kislyak conversed with either Trump or Sessions after the speech, or would have had the opportunity to do so. Simes, for example, did not recall seeing Kislyak at the post-speech luncheon,632 and the only witness who accounted for Sessions’s whereabouts stated that Sessions may have spoken to the press after the event but then departed for Capitol Hill.633 Saunders recalled, based in part on a food-related request he received from a Campaign staff member, that Trump left the hotel a few minutes after the speech to go to the airport.634
c. Jeff Sessions’s Post-Speech Interactions with CNI
In the wake of Sessions’s confirmation hearings as Attorney General, questions arose about whether Sessions’s campaign-period interactions with CNI apart from the Mayflower speech included any additional meetings with Ambassador Kislyak or involved Russian-related matters. With respect to Kislyak contacts, on May 23, 2016, Sessions attended CNI’s Distinguished Service Award dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, D.C.635 Sessions attended a pre-dinner reception and was seated at one of two head tables for the event.636 A seating chart prepared by Saunders indicates that Sessions was scheduled to be seated next to Kislyak, who appears to have responded to the invitation by indicating he would attend the event.637 Sessions, however, did not remember seeing, speaking with, or sitting next to Kislyak at the dinner.638 Although CNI board member Charles Boyd said he may have seen Kislyak at the dinner, 639 Simes, Saunders, and Jacob Heilbrunn—editor of the National Interest—all had no recollection of seeing Kislyak at the May 23 event.640 Kislyak also does not appear in any of the photos from the event that the Office obtained.

...He then amended (click here) his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony to note the two reported interactions he had with Kislyak. In the amended testimony, the former Alabama senator said he spoke "briefly" in July 2016 to the Russian ambassador during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. He also said that he spoke with the Russian ambassador in September 2016 in his Senate office with his staff members. He said he did not initially list those meetings because he did not think they were relevant to the questions asked during the confirmation proceedings....
In the summer of 2016, CNI organized at least two dinners in Washington, D.C. for Sessions to meet with experienced foreign policy professionals.641 The dinners included CNI affiliated individuals, such as Richard Burt and Zalmay Khalilzad, a former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq and the person who had introduced Trump before the April 27, 2016 foreign policy speech.642 Khalilzad also met with Sessions one-on-one separately from the dinners.643 At the dinners and in the meetings, the participants addressed U.S. relations with Russia, including how U.S. relations with NATO and European countries affected U.S. policy toward Russia.644 But the discussions were not exclusively focused on Russia.645 Khalilzad, for example, recalled discussing “nation-building” and violent extremism with Sessions.646 In addition, Sessions asked Saunders (of CNI) to draft two memoranda not specific to Russia: one on Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy shortcomings and another on Egypt.647
Footnote 632 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 22; Heilbrunn 2/1/18 302, at 7.
Footnote 633 Luff 1/30/18 302, at 4.
Footnote 634 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 15.
Footnote 635 Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 22; Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 17.
Footnote 636 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 17; C00004779-80 (5/23/16 Email, Cantelmo to Saunders & Hagberg (9:30:12 a.m.); C00004362 (5/23/16 Email, Bauman to Cantelmo et al. (2:02:32 a.m.).
Footnote 637 C00004362 (5/23/16 Email Bauman to Cantelmo et al. (2:02:32 a.m.).
Footnote 638 Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 22.
Footnote 639 Boyd 1/24/18 302, at 4.
Footnote 640 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 23; Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 18; Heilbrunn 2/1/18 302, at 7.
Footnote 641 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 31; Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 19; Burt 2/9/18 302, at 9-10; Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 5.
Footnote 642 Burt 2/9/18 302, at 9-10; Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 1-2, 5.
Footnote 643 Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 5-6.
Footnote 644 Simes 3/8/18 302, at 31; Burt 2/9/18 302, at 9-10; Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 5.
Footnote 645 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 20.
Footnote 646 Khalilzad 1/9/18 302, at 6.
Footnote 647 Saunders 2/15/18 302, at 19-20.
All the footnotes seem to be within the evidence file of the Special Counsel. be continued in next entry...
September 25, 2019
By Rebecca Ellis
Most of Oregon’s delegation stood behind House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (click here) Tuesday as she launched a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Pelosi’s announcement followed new allegations that the president had tried to coerce a foreign power to aid his political campaign.
Three of the state’s congressional representatives had spoken out in favor of an inquiry prior to last week’s reports that Trump had pressured the president of Ukraine to launch a corruption investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading Democratic presidential contender, and his son, Hunter.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., was the first in Congress to call for an impeachment inquiry in early May, a few weeks after Special Counsel Robert Mueller released his report. At the time, Blumenauer called the investigation “a treasure trove of information that deserves further investigation,” which he believed, ought to be spearheaded by the House through a formal impeachment investigation....
There was no reason for Trump to be pursuing criminal anything with Joe Biden or his son, that is a process the Ukraine government has to carry out. Trump inappropriately weighted the importance of any statement about Joe Biden to any government official of Ukraine, yet alone the President. We are allies and if there was a danger to the USA, Ukraine would not hesitate to report it.
The COMPLAINT by the Whistleblower has yet to be presented to Congress.
Trump needs to resign and Guliani must be charged. Trump wasn't even allowing the Ukraine government to find the outcome regarding Hunter Biden AGAIN, he was ending sending Guiliani to guarantee the outcome, because, after all what do Ukrainians know about corruption?
September 24, 2019
By Mimi Rocha
President-elect Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani shake hands following a meeting at Trump International Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., on Nov. 20, 2016.
The COMPLAINT by the Whistleblower has yet to be presented to Congress.
Trump needs to resign and Guliani must be charged. Trump wasn't even allowing the Ukraine government to find the outcome regarding Hunter Biden AGAIN, he was ending sending Guiliani to guarantee the outcome, because, after all what do Ukrainians know about corruption?
September 24, 2019
By Mimi Rocha
President-elect Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani shake hands following a meeting at Trump International Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., on Nov. 20, 2016.
UPDATE (September 24, 2019, 5:30 pm. E.T.): (click here) This piece has been updated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi's announcement that Democrats are opening a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
With respect to Ukraine, most of the focus, rightfully, rests on President Donald Trump’s conduct, but the conduct of his attorney Rudolph Giuliani also deserves serious attention. Based on the facts already in the public arena, the Department of Justice has more than enough basis to open a federal criminal investigation into the former New York mayor.
Let’s start with the basic facts as reported by multiple news organizations and as essentially confirmed by Trump in public statements: In one conversation between Trump and Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25, Trump made “about eight” demands for Zelensky to work with Giuliani to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter. On Tuesday, Trump confirmed reports that his administration froze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine, but said that move was unrelated to any requests for information from the Ukrainians....
...On Tuesday, Trump confirmed reports that his administration froze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine, but said that move was unrelated to any requests for information from the Ukrainians....
...On Tuesday, Trump confirmed reports that his administration froze nearly $400 million in aid to Ukraine, but said that move was unrelated to any requests for information from the Ukrainians....
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