Walking the walk and talking the talk.Where have we heard that? Walking the Talk.Corporate AmericaReligious leadersEven environmental awareness and activismIt's easy to talk. We learn at an early age verbal utterances have rewards. But, when talking is all a political leader can do without 'walking the walk' then it is time for a change. It is also time for more than the average politics of a nation but more political awareness of the cruelty of manipulation in the face of hopelessness and confusion. We as Americans seek 'consolation' from government. We realize the authority of our laws can control our behaviors. A good example of 'preventive' government is the laws surrounding drunk driving. Also in the case of worker safety, we expect government to react to issues that cause citizens harm in the work place and therefore we assigned such responsiblity to bureaus like OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.The list of agencies within the government is extensive. Each carries with it 'hopes' of a society seeking a status of benevolence for all it's citizens. As a result I think most of us think of government as benign in our daily lives and hopefully benevolent to those less fortunate. I won't discuss the military within those dynamics. That is an entriely differnt matter. In actuality, the military should be 'in focus' here because it's image has been used as an expression of patriot dedication. It is regularly exploited by people who never ' Walked the Talk.'In the face of an administration, majority Senate and House, mired in political scandal while facing possible impeachment a glaring oxymoron occurred on Larry King Live last night. A Non-Image of the Factual Nature of our Democracy.
"LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, exclusive, the Christian rock superstar and his near drug overdose, Michael W. Smith in his first interview on how he believes God saved him from losing his life to cocaine."Now, how can that be an oxymoron. A man found a way to make a living as a rock star. Chocks up his success to finding God. What seems so "W"rong with that?Three quarters of the program was dedicated in some way to Christian values. And then after an interlude between Cooper and King the program turned political. George H. W. Bush made an appearance to exploit the national audience of Christian Conservatives viewing the show to offer himself as a great man with the insight to find such an astounding story of redemption before the American people.From the transcript:KING: We'll be back with our remaining moments with Michael W. Smith. Don't go away.(COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)GEORGE H.W. BUSH, FMR. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The music of Michael W. Smith has had an impact on millions of people all over the world. He has been an ambassador of good news for 20 years. His signature song "Friends" is a personal favorite in our house. Thank you and God bless you Michael for your friendship to me and Barbara and to our kids too. (END VIDEO CLIP)KING: When President Bush the first turned 80 there was a gigantic birthday party in Houston at the baseball. I had the honor of being the emcee of that event. Five former world leaders were there and Michael w. Smith was one of many great entertainers. That was a memorable night. SMITH: And you were a good host. KING: That was a fun night. SMITH: That was a great night. KING: You're a friend of both Bushes, huh? SMITH: I am. KING: Are you very political? SMITH: You know what? Yes and no. You know, I always think about whether I should run one day. I think that's the craziest thing I've ever thought of in my life, because I don't think I would make a very good politician. And it's so funny because Bono the other night said, you should run. I said, what are you talking about? You should run. I said, I can't be a politician. He said don't. Just run and win and don't be a politician. KING: That's why you run. Don't be a politician.SMITH: Don't be a politician.But, yes, the Bush family have been really good to the Smiths. We really love them very much. KING: And also, Billy Graham? SMITH: Billy's a dear friend. I love him. KING: He is a friend of ours, too. Billy's watching right now. SMITH: Is he watching? KING: Oh, Billy doesn't miss it. Billy is our most loyal viewer.SMITH: Oh, he loves you know that.KING: What a story you are. You must pinch yourself a little. From the lowest depths to the top. SMITH: Well, I guess it's a miracle. That's all I can say. And I'm grateful. I'm humbled. I'm honored. You know, I just want to make sure I do the right thing for the rest of the days of my life. It's too late to miss it. KING: I wouldn't bet against it. You're a good guy man. SMITH: Thank you, Larry. KING: "The Second Chance" opens next Friday. Michael W. Smith, the three-time Grammy winner, one of the major, major stars in Christian contemporary music. Tomorrow night, we'll repeat our program on heart disease. Sunday night repeat the program with "Growing Pains." And Monday night take a look back at United Flight 93 back on 9/11, 2001. THIS COUNTRY is being manipulated and so is the career of people like Mr. Smith. He has a good deal of talent and an interesting story, but, sadly The Evangelical Christian Right has been tagged by the Republican Party as belonging to them. Mr. Smith I am sure is a good friend of Bono. We are all aware of the magnificent dedication U2 has brought to the issue of Africa and HIV/AIDS. I am confident those that 'keep company' with Bono are as admirable as he. Those people are important people not just for their gift of music, but, also for their ability to 'reach' people with a message. That message along with the fact 'Evangelical Christians' have been sequestered into a political resource should be awareness to the country including the citizens whom identify with that religion. An awareness that their 'loyalty' to their religious teachings and the manner in which they conduct their faith has been 'resourced' into obscurity for a purpose. To harness a group of people with a message of hope yet desperately out of the mainstream of society has been the venue of the Southern Republican Party to the detriment of that religion as well as the country. To victimize a segment of the USA for political harvesting is "W"rong. It secludes them into an exculsive 'box canyon' where promises to fulfill their religious mandates take political precedent. That is unconstitutional regardless of the 'harvesting of thought' misconstrued from the 'words' of the USA Consitution. Believe me when I tell you the men whom signed that document were not evangelical Christians, they were men who believed in religous freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly as well as freedom of the press. All those freedoms of self expression are safeguards to prevent tyranny. Those Constitutional Safeguards were never meant to control people, but, to liberate them including those that did not want to practice faith. They have a right to their own belief systems as well. It's long been known the human mind has a higher reception of visual cues than any other of the five senses. It is a highly developed survival mechanism for a human standing upright. Due to that quality the visual media has a very powerful effect on messages it delivers over the airwaves. To return to 'the oxymoron' keeping in mind all else written here, I might also recognize the enthusiasm to 'Believe in Elvis.' It is widely held by many people that 'Elvis Lives' and by many more that his ghost still walks the ground of "Graceland." It is a reinforcing belief for the subtstantial amount of people that believe it and the tabloid newsprint that 'plays to it.' I won't contest it. It is benign and there are just people out there that love "The King." He was a great man. He was a mover and a shaker at the same time he espoused patriotism. People loved Elvis. They still do by every measurable indicator out there. His family has kept him alive. It has benefitted them, but, it would not have been possible if there wasn't a 'popular' demand for it either."The Oxymoron" is this. How can a so called journalist, host an hour of Christian Fundamentalism and then spring a surprise appearance of a political figure with 'enlistments' into fear by referring to the September 11th attacks in the middle of February 2006. The entire country is surprised and astounded by the revelations of reality surrounding Mr. Abramoff, Lewis Libby, Dick Cheney and a host of others elected to office, to realize none of this was possible if honesty and loyality actually prevailed. Mr. Abramoff would not have been successful if the permission wasn't realized in DC and rewards for the money exploited from Native American Indian tribes weren't turned into bribes.
Valerie Plame would still be a covert CIA agent seeking information about WMDs. The REAL WMDs if Mr. Libby and Mr. Cheney didn't try to snuff out the testimoney of Joe Wilson regarding the lies made by Bush in the State of the Union address. The scandals that have been glossed over in the manner Larry King glossed them over on Friday night is typical of a desperate group of men interested in not only power but the control of vast amounts of financial interests outside of the political arena of DC. I purport that it is high time the Evangelical Christians liberate themselves from 'the grip' of corrupt government with false hopes of dominating this country's value system and come to take their chances of political activism with the rest of Americans.I apologize. I never realized how sequested they were from a society that longs for the joy of diversity. If my apology is mistakenly naive or rejected, then any rant about 'benevolent values' in alliance with this country's constitution brought forward by any religious entity is nothing but fraud for the sake of profits and potential victimization of our freedoms.Elect government that not only "Talks the Talk" but especially "Walks the talk."Let's keep our government honest.