Most of the RNC platform is depraved. They have no respect for the individual, they value money over life and want to appear to be moral in the face of American hardship.
The agenda is all backwards. More spending on military equipment that creates more danger than it prevents. Less spending on education to American kids. Opposition to health care for all Americans. Rather than fixing what is wrong with Social Security, they allow banks to pay for chronic bailouts while offering vouchers for Medicare.
The covet a woman's uterus while cutting health care and food stamps for those unable to make ends meet.
Small government means less services, not better government.
The Republicans make no investment in the people of this country, but, for military spending and bank bailouts there is no end.
They refuse to pass laws regarding banking reform, but, want to control the definition of marriage.
The Epistle of Titus is from Paul regarding the 'character' of the 'ethical church.' Paul was the founder of the first Christian church. His writings in Titus are considered a cornerstone to the leaders.
The agenda is all backwards. More spending on military equipment that creates more danger than it prevents. Less spending on education to American kids. Opposition to health care for all Americans. Rather than fixing what is wrong with Social Security, they allow banks to pay for chronic bailouts while offering vouchers for Medicare.
The covet a woman's uterus while cutting health care and food stamps for those unable to make ends meet.
Small government means less services, not better government.
The Republicans make no investment in the people of this country, but, for military spending and bank bailouts there is no end.
They refuse to pass laws regarding banking reform, but, want to control the definition of marriage.
The Epistle of Titus is from Paul regarding the 'character' of the 'ethical church.' Paul was the founder of the first Christian church. His writings in Titus are considered a cornerstone to the leaders.
Titus 1:7 –
"For an overseer (Elder of the church), as God's steward, must be above
reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or
violent or greedy for gain."
So, when a Republican pretends to be a man of morals and principles or a man in honor of his Christian faith; challenge him on it. The words he speaks are lies.