Commonly, if people DESTROY evidence, is usually means they want to hide LIES. Why else would it be destroyed, to 'let everyone in on it?' I don't think so.

CIA destroyed 92 interview tapes (click title to entry - thank you)
The Central intelligence Agency (CIA) has destroyed 92 tapes of interviews conducted with terror suspects, a US government lawyer has admitted.
The agency had previously said that it had destroyed only two tapes.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has launched a lawsuit against the CIA to seek details of the interrogations of terror suspects.
Techniques involved are understood to have included water-boarding, which the Obama administration says is torture.
The acknowledgment of the 92 destroyed tapes came in a letter sent to the judge presiding over the ACLU lawsuit.
"The CIA can now identify the number of videotapes that were destroyed," the letter by acting US Attorney Lev Dassin, obtained by the BBC, said. "Ninety-two videotapes were destroyed."...
"Slam Dunk"
Okay, let me see if I get this right.
During the eight years Dickie Cheney was Vice President, outing CIA agents, visiting some of the most youngest members of the CIA and coaching them on 'who knows what' and demanding 'record number' of documents to be classified because 'we are a nation at war,' no one could even get the 'minutes' of his Energy Committee.
Dickie wants the CIA to spill its guts, while the Commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan are obstruting prisoner abuse pictures for the reason the troops would be facing increased danger. But, of course, because the chicken livered, draft dodging (Oh, excuse me, mulitple deferment) Cheney can't handle his own reality, the CIA is supposed to publish memos so he can supposedly CYA. But, of course, torture docments won't have any effect on the troops.
Why is it I really consider Cheney a treasonist?
CIA denies Cheney's document request (click here)
WASHINGTON, May 14 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney's request to declassify records of interrogations of suspected terrorists has been denied, an official said.CNN reported that Cheney requested the CIA declassify documents related to two pending lawsuits.
"This request was handled in accordance with normal practice by CIA professionals with long experience in information management and release. It was for them a straightforward issue," CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano said
The former vice president will appeal the ruling, an aide said....
Did the Bush/Cheney White House MISLEAD the Congress?
Did the Bush/Cheney White House MISLEAD the nation?
Are the Republicans MISLEADING the country NOW as to WHOM is reponsible for waterboarding?
Cheney Defends Waterboarding Order (click here)
By Jason Leopold December 23, 2008
Vice President Dick Cheney, in another stunning admission during his campaign to burnish the Bush administration’s legacy, said he personally authorized the “enhanced interrogations” of 33 suspected terrorist detainees and approved the waterboarding of three so-called “high-value” prisoners.
“I signed off on it; others did, as well, too,” Cheney said about the waterboarding, a practice of simulated drowning done by strapping a person to a board, covering the face with a cloth and then pouring water over it, a torture technique dating back at least to the Spanish Inquisition. The victim feels as if he is drowning.
Cheney identified the three waterboarded detainees as al-Qaeda figures Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and al Nashiri. “That's it, those three guys,” Cheney said in an interview with the right-wing Washington Times.
Other detainees at secret CIA prisons and at Guantanamo Bay were subjected to harsh treatment, including being stripped naked, forced into painful stress positions, placed in extremes of heat or cold and prevented from sleeping – actions that international human rights organizations, and previously the U.S. government, have denounced as torture and illegal abuse....
It is my guess that if Cheney ordered the waterboarding there were a lot of people that knew about it. Right? Right. I betchya Generals and all those people knew about it. And guess what?
Pssst. I can guess what the photos looks like. Right? Right.
Do I believe the Speaker of the House in 2002 could do anything about waterboarding?
Are you for real?
Could Senator Feinstein do anything about the FBI memo in 2001 stating "Al Qaeda Known to Strike the USA."
GET OVER IT !!!!!!!!