Africa needs special soldiers, either private or public to end the poaching. We have to find a way. There are many excellent elephant groups. They need to get permission, if in the USA, through the Kerry State Department to raise monies on source funding sites and hire the soldiers needed to protect these special animals.
If anyone understands the profound and incredible society that exists with elephants, they will want to end this massacre. The US State Department could work with the countries in Africa to end this tragedy. The effort will not attack the sovereignty of the countries, it will improve their status and their economic tourism.
File photo shows a Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) officer standing near a
burning pile of 15 tonnes of elephant ivory seized in kenya at Nairobi
National Park on March 3, 2015 (AFP Photo/Carl De Souza)
March 23, 2015
By Christophe Beaudufe
Kasane (Botswana) (AFP) - African elephants (click here) could be extinct in the wild within a few decades, experts warned at a major conservation summit in Botswana that highlighted an alarming decline in numbers due to poaching for ivory.
If anyone understands the profound and incredible society that exists with elephants, they will want to end this massacre. The US State Department could work with the countries in Africa to end this tragedy. The effort will not attack the sovereignty of the countries, it will improve their status and their economic tourism.

March 23, 2015
By Christophe Beaudufe
Kasane (Botswana) (AFP) - African elephants (click here) could be extinct in the wild within a few decades, experts warned at a major conservation summit in Botswana that highlighted an alarming decline in numbers due to poaching for ivory.
The Africa
Elephant Summit, held at a tourist resort in Kasane, gathered delegates
from about 20 countries across Europe, Africa and Asia, including China
-- which is accused of fuelling the illegal poaching trade.
species could be extinct in our lifetime, within one or two decades, if
the current trend continues," Dune Ives, senior researcher at Vulcan, a
philanthropic organisation run by US billionaire Paul Allen, said.
"In five years we may have lost the opportunity to save this magnificent and iconic animal."
conference heard latest figures from the International Union for
Conservation of Nature, which reported that the African elephant
population had dropped from 550,000 in 2006 to 470,000 in 2013....