Wednesday, March 13, 2019

George Conway is getting increasingly upset with the Trump presidency.

This is March 8, 2019:

By Jessica Kwong

Lawyer George Conway, (click here) the husband of Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the president, on Friday said that if people were to be indicted based on President

Donald Trump’s wishes, the United States would be a “banana republic.”
Conway used the epithet—which can refer to both a politically unstable country with a limited economy, or to a country essentially operated as a private commercial enterprise—while speaking on a panel at Georgetown Law School.
“Now we have a president who has actually criticized this own attorney general on political grounds, because the attorney general allowed the indictment to congressmen who were supporters of the president,” Conway said. “The criticism being, ‘These guys supported me. Why did you allow that to happen?’”...
This evening Mr. Conway is even more upset, and his tweeting went on from this entry several more times.
George Conway@gtconway3d 1h
Have we ever seen this degree of brazen, (click here) pathological mendacity in American public life? One day he makes a harmless slip of the tongue, something any mentally balanced person would laugh off.
I think George Conway is right. Additionally, there is this retweet by Mr. Conway:
During White House event, (click here) Trump -- echoing Manafort's lawyer's lie -- falsely claims Judge Amy Berman Jackson exonerated him of collusion.
"That was proven today -- no collusion. There was no collusion... it was all a big hoax... Today, again, 'no collusion.'"

The original tweet is by Aaron Rupar. This parroting that Donald Trump carries out regarding the Manafort convictions and sentencing is corrupt to the core. His parroting is pardon dangling. Trump does this to impress upon Paul Manafort that he should not speak of any crimes by Trump.

This is pardon dangling by a man that has no respect for the American people or the USA Constitution. All Trump knows is power and plenty of it to make his life as comfortable as it can be at the expense of everyone else.

California Governor Gavin Newsom is correct. Besides the death penalty being a moral issue all by itself; there is no humane or safe way of carrying out.