Friday, May 01, 2009

Michelle Obama emulates 'The Career Woman.' She 'has time' for all venues of her identity as well as taking care of herself thru 'Fun with Fashion'

The Obama's are also very affectionate people.  

This is just my point of view, but, it is my interpretation that when Michelle visited Great Britain, she was received as a lady that could project a role model to their minorities, hence, the open affection between her and the Queen.  I thought it was pure genius on the part of Queen Elizabeth to show case Michelle.  

I also believe Michelle is very sensitive to people's perceptions of their own lives and limitations.  
I believe the tears we witnessed in attending a school in Great Britain related to the fact there is still socio-economic lines in Great Britain the Royal Family is unable to influence.  She was probably touched by the fact their is still segregation that needs to have walls removed.  I could be wrong, but, I think Michelle is very sensitive to separation of people and their social influence when it is based by race or gender.

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama (2nd-L) chats with actress Fran Dresche (L) and R&B singer-songwriter Alicia Keys (3rd-L) as she greets women leaders in the Diplomatic Room of the White House, prior to her visit to Anacostia High School, March 19, 2009 in Washington, DC. The first lady met with women at the top of their fields before dispatching them to speak to students at local schools on dreams achieving and career goals to mark the Women's History Month. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Michelle Obama;Alicia Keys;Fran Dresche
(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images North America)
Katie knows what it is to be a wife, mother and career girl.  She knows it has to strike a fine balance.  The difference between Katie Couric and Michelle Obama is the visibility of The First Lady and her influence in venues that directly effective the lives of Americans and their allies.

I think she is great.  We have longed for a 'modern and vital' First Lady AND her First Daughters.  They are a refreshing moment in everyone's day.

I am sure Washington, DC is finding the gap between beinging the 'seat' of the nation's capital and the home to residents filled with the overt presence of the newest of residents, The Obamas.  
With the President, First Lady, the girls and Bo out and about in SAFE venues of involvment and exposure, the city of DC will be exposing its needs to a federal watchfulness it hasn't received before.  Barak Obama is an experienced community organizer with instinctful watchfulness to community dynamics.  I have no doubt when he and the family venture out to the public sphere of their lives, they have a watchful eye on how well the 'city' of DC is doing.  Perhaps, the lack of influence lost by 'the city of DC' at the federal level will finally find a helping hand from its latest residents in filling in 'the power' void.

Okay, so AIG and Bush/Paulson Bailouts get vast amounts of money. Iraq is given gobbs of US$, but, the battle in Pakistan is insignificant. Really?

The Obama Administration needs to review the practice of administering funds to 'war areas' when funds can be misused if administered through the State Department.

In the case of Pakstan, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Department of Defense should be receiving the funds needed to conduct the military's campaigns.  It makes no sense for a State Department to be impeding or dictating the spending of the Department of Defense.  The State Department should not be left out of the loop in applying 'military remedies,' but, it should not be allowed to impede funds that will facilitate DOD strategies that directly translate into soldiers' safety.

There is also no way the USA Department of Defense should be dictated to by foreign nations.  In the case of Pakistan, there needs to be agreement by the government there, to allow assistance from NATO in Afghanistan to concentrate efforts in a way that limits the movement of the Taliban to secure the sovereignty of the current governing authority.  To allow monies intended for defeating the Taliban and hence al Qaeda to be monopolized by Pakistani authorities would inhibit agreement, hence inhibit the resolve of defeating The Taliban and al Qaeda.

Monies controlled by other agencies, including foreign agencies, allows no guarantees for the best use of those funds or the protection of our military soldiers.  It is hideous to allow such 'gaps in authority' to exist when our soldiers' lives are on the line.

There are legislative venuses, such as The Paperwork Reduction Act, that would dictate the shortest path between authority of funds and the ultimate use of those funds.  The State Department and Department of Defense should be working hand in hand for the best result of any peoples, however, when diplomacy fails and the military is the only resolve, that pivotal decision should always aire on the authority and best use of funds to the Department of Defense to facilitate the well being of our soldiers.  

The USA is not interested in an unbalanced relationship between war and peace.  Peace is always a first venue, but, when a people's human rights are at risk or have already fallen into adverse consequences we should resolve that issue as soon as possible to allow peace to exist uninhibited by hate or violence.

I wish Secretaries Clinton and Gates the best of outcomes for an attainable peace for Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and the fearful and belligerent Iran.

I might add, Iraq's Shi'ites are still under attack and that only adds to the frustration of Iran and any venue to peace with The West.

Pentagon seeks funds to fight Taliban (click title of entry - thank you)
WASHINGTON, May 1 (UPI) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has asked Congress to approve more than $1 billion in additional funds for Pakistan's war against the Taliban.

Gates wants lawmakers to appropriate $400 million this year for a new Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund and an additional $700 million for 2010, The Washington Post reported Friday.

The fund would be controlled by the Pentagon's Central Command and would be targeted for counterinsurgency training and equipment such as night-vision goggles, helicopters and intelligence capabilities.

Gates told the Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday that the Pentagon wants authority to deal with a challenge that "simultaneously requires wartime and peacetime capabilities."

Lawmakers in both the House and Senate have voiced concerns about creating a new Pakistan military funding stream through the Pentagon. Traditionally, such aid flows through the State Department...

The "Almighty Dollar" wins the day !

It would seem to me Joe Biden honestly verbalized his opinion.  I am confident he is not alone and no one is saying he is an expert on air quality in airplanes, however, he brings up a viable subject the airline industry needs to address in a professional dynamic rather than 'crying about a fairness issue.'

If I were CEO of American Airlines and had absolutely no documentation regarding the air quality as related to infectious disease, I would be investing in masks for consumers to use to allay fears rather than allowing fear to exist among their clientelle.  

It would show sensitivity to the needs of passengers.  No one would have to recommend the use of the mask, but, allowing the fear to exist in the face of lack of evidence otherwise; it is the passenger's integrity regarding rational concerns that is more important.

Where is that High Speed Magnetic Rail anyway?