If you love the USA, then understand what Edward Snowden is talking about is EXCATLY what the communists in China and Russia are using to cause hate and decension in the USA. By consenting to the use of the hate and dessension to their benefit, the Republicans are allowing the powers of Russia and Chinese communists to destroy democracy in the USA and other countries that embrace democracy as their governance.
Get over it. This is real. People are being manipulated for power and money.
To be clear, what the Republicans are engaged in is diabolical. They are consenting to allow communiists to degrade and end the democracy as guided by the USA Constitution. What is so dangerous about that party is that they willing allow their POPULOUS orientation to dictate their policies direction. Taht is not democratic, it is dangerous. The Republicans are accepting the results of polls as their guiding principle and not the Rule of Law.
The extremist agenda is now the Republican agenda and the country is not better for it. Do to Republican leadership we have a runaway virus among us and the stress in the country is astronomical and resulting in a huge jump in violence and death because of that violence. We have orphans because of COVID-19. Orphans. That isn't the USA. At least it wasn't.