Thursday, March 20, 2025

The USA has always had it’s wackos.

None made it to the White House before. But, Trump ranks right up there with Koresh, Hale Bop, and Jim Jones. 

Trump is a power broker now. He attracts every other American that has a bad attitude about the idea of justice American style. So, the wealthy and poor alike rally to Trump in order to change their circumstances. They are ideologically motivated in many instances, except, Musk who just wants more and more power because he has been convinced he is the answer to all problems labeled big government. His willingness ( that word is willingness) to dismantle NASA says it all. He is in violation of so many laws it is ridiculous he is still flying around in jets. Musk is not only a security risk, he is a flight risk.

At what point do human beings stop complaining about how unfair life is while living in the greatest country ever conceived?

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The U.S.A. Department of Education was established by Congress. An executive order to end it is unconstitutional.

Congress gave Trump to move money around, so he can probably do some damage for a few months. 

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Case in point.

The most extreme MAGA screamed “Deport, deport, deport.” Now. It is “…detain, detain, detain,…”

The USA government is now rejecting tourists from Poland. Why? Putin, that’s why.

It won’t stop there. Trump is closing the borders. It has nothing to do with immigration. He doesn’t want problems with other countries when he starts killing Americans.

Can purity be far away?

These people, including Musk, are wackos.

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What secrets?

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Donald John Trump is completely incapable of keeping secrets. The Trump DOJ is hunting for a legal statute somewhere that secludes judges from reviewing documents. The DOJ is covering for an out of control president. He ordered ICE to take a protected population of people from their normal lives in the USA because he hates them. Just that simple.

Trump believes his own lives. He justifies all his nasty deeds by allowing the belief there actually was a theft of the 2020 elections. Therefore, Trump satisfies his ravenous followers by using power to undo everything that proceeded legally from January 6, 2021 until January 6, 2025.

(Click here) With the military, however, he takes is further. He hates all that is not allowed in his own form of the Bible and seeks to eliminate it.

Sorry to make this analogy, but, if this is allowed to continue we are facing a Nazi like fascist regime that will stop at nothing. Americans need to realize this will become important to them only when they are faced with this reality. It must stop now. Project 2025 is real and it won’t stop there. Power is an addiction and it can kill. Trump thinks nothing of ethnic cleansing and death of others.

This regime in DC will continue to attack Americans until the regime believes it is cleansed of IMPURITIES. Then it will ignite the world until the final days. 

They did the White Evangelicals settle on the one country that is still a superpower? Because they were lambs? No, they want everyone else to be like lambs to the slaughter.

They could have taken a far more obscure place to create their perfect world. But, their ambitions go way beyond a place where their religion permeates everything. The entire world has to be cleansed in order for the final days. 

Cleansed of impurities. 

Give me a break. What mega church leader beside Joel hasn’t asked for God’s forgiveness in a mea culpa due to sexual assault? These guys are wackos. Trump is currently the chief wacko. Joel just sticks cash in walled up vaults. 

Shelter in place.

Local economies are the strongest. That is a fact. 

As to Wall Street, I wish Day-traders the best of luck. If there is in vision I can provide to
Imagine the future it is to understand communist capitalism, specifically Russia. Trump is mentored by Putin. 

There was a time, not long ago, when the DOW was reliably at 1000. When that started to move there was joy on Wall Street. The DOW is going back there as far as Trump is concerned. He sees an opportunity to regrow Wall Street to his ideology and to serve an ideological king. The guy is delusional. He loves Trump crypto and the wealth of FEES. Are tariffs not fees? 

Local economies are built on strong cultures and heritage. They are more resilient than Wall Street. In any recession including the latest Great Recession the big boards did the worse. It is a time for bonds again. Their predictions are easier. It time to pull in borders for the big boards. Speculation has to be slowed and measured.

Be smart. Survive. Find a Trump watch that works. In my opinion he doesn’t belong where he is and certainly not leading a major party. It is going to be a long few years. No one can belies word he says. He did a 180 at inauguration.

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