If there isn't anything worse than a message of doom, it is a false prophet with no answer to the problem presented. If I thought for one minute there was no answer for the circumstances the brave of the brave confronted at Davos in regard to Human Induced Global Warming, I dearly would have been very careful regarding the subject in what 'hope' actually remains.
I have a plan to save Earth from the ravages of greedy and stupid men. I will discuss this over the next few weeks. Earth's circumstances require EVERY effort of humans to stop and REVERSE the effects of decades of negligence in the delicate balance of Earth's tropospheric gases, especially those of Greenhouse Gases. The efforts to save Earth's biotic life includes alternative energy sources at every turn without exception. City mayors need to pass ordinances that require industry and citizens/taxpayers to exhaust every effort to prevent emissions of carbon dioxide. Kindly remember, before humans burned carbon for fuel there were always other sources of these atmospheric gases, so the concept of taking conservation of emissions TOO FAR is nothing than "fiction." Humans can't be TOO conservative in their approach to stopping the emissions of Greenhouse Gases.
But, first, I have a personal focus regarding one life. Not the life of an entire planet of people just yet. I have a sister that is facing a life threatening brain tumor. I have written about her before. I face more than a tumor in an attempt to keep her alive while keeping her quality of life intact, I have a 'stupid' situation with the State of North Carolina and it's hideous laws that will allow her to die out of her own inability to grapple with her, now two tumors, that can be remedied with simple Gamma Knife Treatment at Baptist/Wake Forest Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Anyone interested in reading this won't believe it. I nearly don't believe it myself.
Government dysfunction in a Red State. That is the next topic for "It's Saturday Night." I more than likely won't be able to address it here until Sunday Morning.
Saving Earth's populous seems more simple to me than saving my sister's life. Incredible reality. One life is as important as the lives of all others. That is a philosophy not only expressed repeatedly here, but, in philosophies for millenium.
Thank you for your sincere interest in my blog here. Again a sincere thank you to the greatest of global leaders in regard to Human Induced Global Warming at Davos. The work is just beginning.