This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, April 01, 2017
Laura Chariton, (click here) director of the Watershed Alliance of Marin, visits Redwood Creek, where the coho didn’t spawn this year.
November 29, 2017
By Peter Fimright
The cherished coho salmon that historically wriggled their way past beachgoers up Redwood Creek into Muir Woods vanished this year and are now on the verge of extinction, prompting a last-ditch attempt by fisheries biologists to save the genetically unique species.
No salmon eggs were spotted in the shade of the world-famous redwood grove this past winter, and not a single baby coho could be found in the summer. The situation was so bad in August that 105 juvenile salmon had to be removed from the creek and brought to a hatchery....
The Coho Salmon tend to be pretty fish with all their coloring.
AB 1961, (click here) the Coho Salmon Habitat Enhancement Leading to Preservation Act (Coho HELP Act) was recently passed by the California State Assembly. According to Assemblyman Jared Huffman, this law will help provide habitat improvements to the Coho species. “AB 1961 could be a vital step towards arresting that slide. It empowers the California Department of Fish and Game to use a one-stop process for approving immediate on-the-ground habitat restoration projects proposed by governmental and non-governmental partners to aid California’s struggling Coho salmon populations” (The Coho Salmon Help Act Passes California Assembly, Aug. 2012).
November 29, 2017
By Peter Fimright
The cherished coho salmon that historically wriggled their way past beachgoers up Redwood Creek into Muir Woods vanished this year and are now on the verge of extinction, prompting a last-ditch attempt by fisheries biologists to save the genetically unique species.
No salmon eggs were spotted in the shade of the world-famous redwood grove this past winter, and not a single baby coho could be found in the summer. The situation was so bad in August that 105 juvenile salmon had to be removed from the creek and brought to a hatchery....
The Coho Salmon tend to be pretty fish with all their coloring.
AB 1961, (click here) the Coho Salmon Habitat Enhancement Leading to Preservation Act (Coho HELP Act) was recently passed by the California State Assembly. According to Assemblyman Jared Huffman, this law will help provide habitat improvements to the Coho species. “AB 1961 could be a vital step towards arresting that slide. It empowers the California Department of Fish and Game to use a one-stop process for approving immediate on-the-ground habitat restoration projects proposed by governmental and non-governmental partners to aid California’s struggling Coho salmon populations” (The Coho Salmon Help Act Passes California Assembly, Aug. 2012).
Every look at the clouds and think there is a message in them?

April 1, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
To start, this is a very turbulent troposphere. This is not April Fool's at all.
The North Atlantic just south of Greenland has a vortex in the shape of a cog wheel. There is also no ITCZ. It was somewhat attempting to reform last week, so the physics are still intact, but, it is completely obliterated today by the turbulence.

UNISYS Water Vapor GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

The same dynamic is at play on the west coast of North America. It is not as comical in appearance, but, it is the exact same mechanism.
April 1, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES West Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
The lower air mass in the GOES West satellite is coming from the equatorial region and is warm air. The large air mass at the top of the globe is cold. What happens when these air masses find each other? Turbulence and the formation of threatening weather, why mess with this?
A human body temperature is 98.6 F. No other place in the solar system has that capacity. Earth is the most unique planet and requires a balance of tropospheric gases to protect life. We have to respect THE PHYSICS.
Tornado season for 2017 started at the beginning of the year and has not relented.
It isn't as if the New York was celebrated in Times Square and the NEW tornado season began. there were tornadoes thoughout 2016 including two on Christmas Day (click here).
March 27, 2017
By Joe Kopecek
The biggest reason (click here) for the early start to the tornado season is the warmer than average temperatures across the country. One of the ingredients for severe weather is warm and humid air. We have had plenty of that for so early in the season....
This is the climate crisis and finally FOX News is reporting it accurately.
This is the second year there have been tornadoes throughout the year. This is the climate crisis and it is real. There is no reason to think the USA is helpless to stop the escalation of seriously dangerous weather. We can and we should.
March 31, 2017
The severe weather that hit the city Wednesday (click here) caused five tornadoes to touch down in Houston and surrounding areas, according to the National Weather Service.
Survey teams canvassed areas on Thursday to investigate the damage. A tornado touched down near Bellaire at an apartment complex on Bissonnet near Renwick, Dan Reilly of the National Weather Service said. The EF-1 tornado that ripped through the apartment complex Wednesday was 50 yards wide and had wind speeds between 86 mph to 110 mph.
Surveyors rate tornado damage based on the Enhanced Fujita scale. The scale is broken up into six categories, starting at EF-0 for tornadoes that cause minor damage and end with the most severe tornado, an EF-5....
There were deaths in the USA from these tornadoes. NOAA reported 20 fatalities last year.
2017 Fatalities by Circumstance:
In Home:4 In Manufactured Home:15 Outside:0 In Building:0 In Vehicle:0 Unknown:1
Note 1: Killer tornadoes that cross state boundaries with deaths in both states are listed twice but counted once.
Note 2: The SPC online watch archive exists from 2004 to the current year.
March 27, 2017
By Joe Kopecek
The biggest reason (click here) for the early start to the tornado season is the warmer than average temperatures across the country. One of the ingredients for severe weather is warm and humid air. We have had plenty of that for so early in the season....
This is the climate crisis and finally FOX News is reporting it accurately.
This is the second year there have been tornadoes throughout the year. This is the climate crisis and it is real. There is no reason to think the USA is helpless to stop the escalation of seriously dangerous weather. We can and we should.
March 31, 2017
The severe weather that hit the city Wednesday (click here) caused five tornadoes to touch down in Houston and surrounding areas, according to the National Weather Service.
Survey teams canvassed areas on Thursday to investigate the damage. A tornado touched down near Bellaire at an apartment complex on Bissonnet near Renwick, Dan Reilly of the National Weather Service said. The EF-1 tornado that ripped through the apartment complex Wednesday was 50 yards wide and had wind speeds between 86 mph to 110 mph.
Surveyors rate tornado damage based on the Enhanced Fujita scale. The scale is broken up into six categories, starting at EF-0 for tornadoes that cause minor damage and end with the most severe tornado, an EF-5....
There were deaths in the USA from these tornadoes. NOAA reported 20 fatalities last year.
2017 Fatalities by State:
MS:4 GA:16 |
In Home:4 In Manufactured Home:15 Outside:0 In Building:0 In Vehicle:0 Unknown:1
Note 1: Killer tornadoes that cross state boundaries with deaths in both states are listed twice but counted once.
Note 2: The SPC online watch archive exists from 2004 to the current year.
I am very interested in those executive orders.
March 31, 2017
Bu Salvador Hernandez
Bu Salvador Hernandez
...The two orders (click here) targeted trade deficits, a topic that Trump promised to tackle repeatedly throughout his campaign.
One was designed to identify trade deficits by country and by product, while the other aims to increase the collection of duties and imports....
Both these issues are very important and should have attention. The collection of monies to the treasury is important and identifying where American products can help other countries in a trade relationship matters.
There are significant issues surrounding the White House, I guess President Trump doesn't like being grilled over topics he cannot and will not comment on.
I understand the journalist and while it was perceived as a distasteful moment by President Trump, there is a chance he could have said something meaningful and it would have been a missed opportunity otherwise.
I have long stated the USA does not need a huge trade bill to achieve meaningful trading relationships. If the USA builds trade relationships country by country, the balance will be much better. It is my estimation, in such country by country trade negotiations there will be a growing middle class in other countries while jobs are protected at home. There is nothing wrong with that and a lot right with it.
I strongly believe country by country negotiations on trade is the correct method of conducting relationships. NAFTA and the others are simply convenience documents for Wall Street. They achieve no real balance in trade and countries build deficits that are not necessary.
In the case of China, it's communist government allowed Wall Street free access to a cheap labor force. Some say that was necessary to begin the economic growth of a country that now have rockets into space and also a nuclear arsenal. The Chinese people, in my opinion, have been used and depersonalized by their oligarchs. Dehumanization is a human rights violation. There is nothing wrong with people working for a living, everyone in the USA understands that; but; to employ people for minuscule wages is as though they are not receiving anything at all.
As a consequence for China's open door policy and the unrecognized "Greed Merchants" by the Chinese government the country has suffered unnecessarily by an over extended Wall Street. Factories were built and never used. People were expected to be hired that never were. There were no government protections for the Chinese people OR their export market. The huge manufacturing economy by Wall Street happened to fast. There were consequences for the Chinese people, their customers and the Chinese government. It was too much, too fast.
Today, the Chinese government is smarter and more motivated into sophistication. They now value human health in a way that benefits the Chinese people and their children. Their export quality matters to them. They now value environmental dangers and seek to contain them and redirect polluting habits allowed by an absent government. China has taken quality of life issues, human rights abuses seriously and it shows. THAT should have happened right from the beginning, the same with Mexico, in measured trade agreements that were a benefit and not an exploitation.
That is what I hope the executive orders begin to achieve for the USA. I hope there is a huge step back from exploitation to measured approaches for national security and a vibrant economic engine that is attractive to trade agreements, especially for local foreign and domestic governments seeking to have a broader market place.
I have long stated the USA does not need a huge trade bill to achieve meaningful trading relationships. If the USA builds trade relationships country by country, the balance will be much better. It is my estimation, in such country by country trade negotiations there will be a growing middle class in other countries while jobs are protected at home. There is nothing wrong with that and a lot right with it.
I strongly believe country by country negotiations on trade is the correct method of conducting relationships. NAFTA and the others are simply convenience documents for Wall Street. They achieve no real balance in trade and countries build deficits that are not necessary.
In the case of China, it's communist government allowed Wall Street free access to a cheap labor force. Some say that was necessary to begin the economic growth of a country that now have rockets into space and also a nuclear arsenal. The Chinese people, in my opinion, have been used and depersonalized by their oligarchs. Dehumanization is a human rights violation. There is nothing wrong with people working for a living, everyone in the USA understands that; but; to employ people for minuscule wages is as though they are not receiving anything at all.
As a consequence for China's open door policy and the unrecognized "Greed Merchants" by the Chinese government the country has suffered unnecessarily by an over extended Wall Street. Factories were built and never used. People were expected to be hired that never were. There were no government protections for the Chinese people OR their export market. The huge manufacturing economy by Wall Street happened to fast. There were consequences for the Chinese people, their customers and the Chinese government. It was too much, too fast.
Today, the Chinese government is smarter and more motivated into sophistication. They now value human health in a way that benefits the Chinese people and their children. Their export quality matters to them. They now value environmental dangers and seek to contain them and redirect polluting habits allowed by an absent government. China has taken quality of life issues, human rights abuses seriously and it shows. THAT should have happened right from the beginning, the same with Mexico, in measured trade agreements that were a benefit and not an exploitation.
That is what I hope the executive orders begin to achieve for the USA. I hope there is a huge step back from exploitation to measured approaches for national security and a vibrant economic engine that is attractive to trade agreements, especially for local foreign and domestic governments seeking to have a broader market place.
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