Industries, like coal plants will not stop emitting because of "Cap & Trade." It will be up to the state public utility authorities to regulate costs tighting to consumers. That will end up in lawsuits, eventually to the level of the Supreme Court and the businesses will win. Under Cap and Trade the consumer loses and so does Earth.
We need CO2 regulation under The Clean Air Act. It has worked wtih NOX and SOX and it will work with CO2 as well.
The only 'entity' that benefits with Cap and Trade is Wall Street, possibly the American Farmer, IF the droughts stop ! Which they won't. Then the irrigation will require farmers to purchase carbon credits for the diesel fuel used to irrigate crops. Wall Street is the ONLY winner here as far as I am concerned.

...There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources. But the answer doesn't lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive! Those who understand the issue know we can meet our energy needs and environmental challenges without destroying America's economy.... (click title to entry - thank you)